we've started using XWiki in our company. For evaluation we've used XWiki on Tomcat with a MYSQL DB and everything worked fine. But after we've set up our future environment also on Tomcat but using MS SQL Server as DB we've getting the following error messages in the blog space:
Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page Blog.WebHome
Wrapped Exception: Failed to evaluate content with id Web Home<http://adewki00.de.festo.net/xwiki/bin/view/Blog/>
com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page Blog.WebHome
Doing further examinations we've found that the embedded SQL is causing the exception. In the conditional part there test to inequality (<>) is replaced by entities (<>). The exception is thrown in Xwiki 1.9.3 as also in Xwiki 2.0 and can't be reproduced on local installation so that our assumption is that the issue has something to do with the usage of MS SQL Server.
For this case our questions are:
1.) Is there anybody using also MS SQL Server with Xwiki? If yes are there the same exceptions thrown?
2.) Is there a possibility to fix the error by ourselves in modifying the respective template? Where or how do we find the template?
Thanks in advance and best regards
Festo AG & Co. KG
Lars Hermes
Abteilung IS-PB
Manager BSP Development + User Services
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Dr. Ekkehard Gericke
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Dr. Ulrich Walker
Dr. Wilfried Stoll
Hi XWikiers,
XWiki has been selected among a set of other candidates to create a video
describing what the product does. Winners get a chance to present on stage
at the Enterprise 2.0 Conference in San Francisco next November. Please vote
for the video at:
*http://launchpad.e2conf.com/vote-now/* (XWiki is the last video, at the
bottom of the list)
and help give XWiki a chance to present on stage at the Enterprise 2.0
Conference !
RT appreciated ;-)
Many thanks in advance,
Guillaume Lerouge
Product Manager - XWiki SAS
Skype: wikibc
Twitter: glerouge
Dear all (Bonjour à tous),
We would like to migrate our JSPWiki installation to Xwiki 2.0. The deployment of the war file, the configuration with our Oracle database and the uploading of the content XAR file went smoothly.
For this migration to succeed, we need to migrate our JSPwiki content to xwiki. The best information I found on that was that page:
Unfortunately after following all the instructions, this piece of code failed in the following sections:
1) Invoking the 2 argument constructor below was throwing an exception
this.xwiki = new com.xpn.xwiki.XWiki(config, this.context);
2) After changing this to invoke the default constructor, the code threw an exception when setting up WikiEngine.
Is this still the way to migrate JSWiki content to Xwiki? If yes could someone help us to investigate the errors?
Best regards, Adelino
Information and Communications Technology
Office: G098
Tel: 0207 523 7187
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Dear list,
I have seen on the site that it'd be possible to get a free hosting or
I am doing an e-learning program in a French University and having a wiki
for project sharing within the school groups i'll be working with would be
I unfortunately don't know of any specific hosting for xwiki other than this
one (or any wiki for that matter, and I have to say, I have been seduced by
the richness of xwiki). Moreover, I don't think I would be able to run a
computer permanently to have the wiki running days & nights - my computer
performance would not allow it.
I have found affordable java hosting, but then I have no clue on how to
install xwiki on an ftp or even if that's possible at all.
Please let me know if my request is realistic enough to be eligible for free
xwiki hosting.
Thanks in advance,
I'd like to use this macro. I imported the xar but couldn't find any other
instructions for installation or use.
Is this macro ready for use in 2.0?
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Doc-Viewer-Macro-tp3753919p3753919.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi all,
Local wikis doesn't allow macros; therefore they have to be placed in the main wiki. However how do I call such macros?
I am still trying to get the xwiki task manager application up and running. It might be necessary to move the query below to the main wiki, isn't it?
#set($sql = "select max(prop.value)+1 from BaseObject as obj, IntegerProperty as prop where obj.className='ITSClasses.IssueClass' and obj.id=prop.id.id and prop.id.name='id'")
see the discussion on
[xwiki-users] FW: xwiki 2.0, task manager application, Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page TasksCode.NewTask
I am out of the office until 10/13/2009.
I will not have access to email. For wiki assistance, please contact Kim
Note: This is an automated response to your message "users Digest, Vol 27,
Issue 25" sent on 10/10/09 6:00:07.
This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.
Hello list,
I'm using a XWiki 2.0 instance where users are authenticated against an Active
Directory through LDAP.
But I want to use AD only for authentication and want to administer my group
memberships within XWiki.
The problem is, that I only have XWikiAdminGroup and XWikiAllGroup. I want to
have a third group EditGroup where I put users who are allowed to edit pages. On
the XWikiPreferences page I try to add a group and a modal dialog pops up. But
after giving the group name and pushing the Create-button, nothing happens. The
dialog does not close and it seems that actually no HTTP Request is sent to the
server. Pushing the cancel button closes the dialog but - of course - no group
is created.
Hope somebody can give me any hints.
Thanks in advance
Hi anyone!
Here is my transcript of trying to find out something about XWikis quaility.
1. I started at the home page.
Hey looks quite good. Not too much info, main "Products" presented well,
good navigation.
Looks promising.
2. So take a look at the Products presented so prominent.
Well done. Good overview about the products.
3. So what problems do people have with XWiki, lets take a look at the FAQ.
What the ****?
We want to use Wiki for structuring Information and XWiki itself does
not get a simple FAQ right?
(Compare thet to http://ant.apache.org/faq.html)
Hmm... maybe they got overwhelmed lately?
No, latest changes date back to March of 2009.
1. The "F" in FAQ stands for "frequently", so a split betwenn FAQ and
QA may be useful.
2. 204 Questions without any structuring? (compare to e.g. the ant
link above)
3. 73 unanwered FAQs?
OK, so the XWiki don't care much for questions and usability?
Hmmm can't believe that, lets try more.
3. So what does it feel to use xwiki? Any sandbox or demo available?
Hey great, main navigation contains a "Playground", lets give it a try.
Reading ... "second generation" (sounds promising) and "how to start"
(they guide me, good!).
So lets start.
"Configuring your wiki by clicking on the 'Administration' link at the
top right."
Hmm, no "Administration link", only "Log-In" and "Register".
Any info on the Log-In-Page? No.
Does "demo"/"demo" work? No.
Any info on the Playground-Startpage? No.
Hey there is a "sandbox"-Space, lets dig. Hmm, no way to edit, just
Menus "Show" and "Print".
Maybe problems due to a brand new update? Hmm.
Need to register? Lets try.
"This will allow you to edit pages, once the admin gives you appropriate
rights." OK, lets try nevertheless.
4. While waiting for the mail, lets explore the playground via "Quick
Index - Hmmm, velocity errors and endless "Loading" ...
What's New - RSS Included and my Registration is in, too. Looks good.
Hmm Adminstrator changed XWikiPreferences, maybe the cause of my problems?
Taking a look at the page.
"To edit preferences, please use the Administration page. " - If I only
could ...
Blog - Lets add an Article - OK, needs Log-in. No Registration-EMail yet :-/
Calendar - just some velocity code on the page, no calendar. :-(
Photo-Album - Yeah someone managed to upload a photo.
Tags - "To tag a document, edit it and enter the tags". OK, later. (No
Registration-EMail yet)
2 of 6 give errors right awy, hmmm gets disappointing.
5. While waiting for the mail, lets explore the playground via "What's New".
Mail - Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page
XWiki.Mail Wrapped Exception: Failed to evaluate content with id Mail
JavaScriptExtension - Hmmm looks pretty empty the page, can't figure out
what it is good for.
StyleSheetExtension - Same here. Maybe thats part of the extensability,
but where would I find Information about the Extension and how to use it?
(The Information-Tab on he page does not help me.)
AllDocs - Hmms same as "Index", yeah it's the same page, so does not work.
TreeView - even more empty than the Extension-Pages
TableView - some endless loading, got bored after 2 minutes waiting for
"loading" to complete.
Hmmm, not much Information for a "wiki".
My question to the xwiki users mailing list and the xwiki team.
Does that represent typical xwiki experience?
Does that represent the quality of care of the xwiki developers?
Is it worth downloading xwiki and spending more time digging into it?
Somewhat disappointed but not totally scared (yet :-),
Carsten Heyl
my name ist Lutz Griesbach and i'd like to participate in the myxwiki
Farm project.
I'm an IT-consultant implementing several wiki installations at
customers (confluence, mediawiki, dokuwiki and even Tiddly...) and
would like to evaluate xwiki, and see, if it can extend my portfolio.
At first sight, it looks promising, but i'd like to get in touch
without having to initially install it myself.
The admin user should named 'elgonzo' as well as the the URL prefix,
if that is possible.
Thank you very much!
Lutz Griesbach