Hi fellow XWikiers,
We teased you with a few exclusive t-shirt pictures 2 weeks ago... The time
has now come to offer our community the opportunity to enjoy them too !
We have setup a cafepress account for XWiki, available at
http://www.cafepress.com/xwiki . You'll be able to find there t-shirts,
mugs, caps and many more goodies to play with !
We have put a small profit margin on most products. The money received
through the sale of those goodies will go straight back into the XWiki
Open-Source Community development effort, under a format yet to define (but
the idea will be to reward the most active XWiki committers & contributors
from outside of XWiki SAS - the company).
One address : http://www.cafepress.com/xwiki - enjoy !
I've also added the XWiki logos & other fun images on this page for the
community to enjoy : http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Goodies
We hope to see you all wearing XWiki apparel soon ;-)
On behalf of the XWiki Development Team,
PS : Ricardo, we'd be glad to see the XWiki logo on your sports teams shirts
:-) You'll find all the images you'll need on the Goodies page mentioned
above. Don't forget to send us the pictures when you wear them - and win !
I wonder if I'm the first few outside people to try XWS milestone 1. :-)
Well, I'm evaluating the XWiki series of products for my Java User Group in
Hong Kong. XWS "looks" better than XE to me and it seems XWS allows every
user to create his/her own space of blog, wiki, photo and files, that
perfectly fit my needs. I wonder:
- could XWS provide public registration, and anonymous
(/non-logged-in) user access mode?
- could XE actually do all XWS can do and I should use XE for public
service? In fact, I feel XE has steeper learning curve than XWS. It seems XE
does not provide individual blog, photo and file spaces
- any pointer if I want to limit one user to create only one space?
- could anyone point me to where I may be able to customize the space
name and url? basically, the use of "Space_" as prefix look quite odd to me
and i would like to remove it. And if it is possible i would want to make
the url shorter. Currently, it's something like: "
http://mydomain.com/xwiki/bin/view/Space_username/", i am able to
remove the context "xwiki", and i suppose it shouldn't be difficult to turn
Space_username to username. It's most desirable to turn bin/view to nothing
or make it a single "folder", e.g. remove "/bin" (i suppose the action
cannot be removed.)
regarding URL, i wonder if the developers like to go to the REST-ful
direction. Some people think in REST-ful URL only resource but not action
should be put as the path. (certainly, i understand in using Struts, some
options may not be available)
Thank you very much.
I tried to use the Watchlist feature of XWiki 1.3 and finally I receive
the emails created by it but they just contain the scripting code, so the
code seems not to be excecuted. I already deleted the date fomatting in
the code as it stops the creation of the mail at all.
Any ideas?
Hello Jan-Sebastian, This message is sent by XWiki. Here are the documents
in your watchlist that have been created or updated since the last
notification :
Page Informations
| $udoc.getDisplayTitle() modified by , comment : |
| ${udoc.fullName} $udoc.getComment() |
|---------------------------------- |
| Modifications on page objects or class|
| |
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It's working fine now thanks :)
There is no way to get it like that one instead of the table?
Original Message:
<br />
<br />I googled for it and yes exactly like this one but I get 'The requested
<br />> document could not be found' on my wiki. Any idea why it's not supported in
<br />> my xwiki.
<br />
<br />
<br />Did you import the default XAR available for download at :
<br />http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download#HXWikiEnterprise ?
<br />
<br />To retrieve the page, download the XAR, go to administration > import, add
<br />the file to the page, click on its name, uncheck all boxes but the one
<br />marked Main.AllDocs and import it. This will recreate the doc in your wiki.
<br />
<br />Guillaume
<br />
Hello Guillaume,
I googled for it and yes exactly like this one but I get 'The requested document could not be found' on my wiki. Any idea why it's not supported in my xwiki.
Many thanks
Original Message:
<br />
<br />Is it possible to build a site map for xwiki and not graphical one like the
<br />> freemind as the wiki get bigger its really annyoing using freemind.
<br />>
<br />> I want something like the navigation panel but in a page not in a panel
<br />
<br />
<br />Like, http:///xwiki/bin/view/Main/AllDocs ?
<br />Guillaume
<br />
Hello all,
Is it possible to build a site map for xwiki and not graphical one like the freemind as the wiki get bigger its really annyoing using freemind.
I want something like the navigation panel but in a page not in a panel
Thanks in advance
I have installed an XWiki 1.2.2 through a "XWiki Enterprise ZIP", and
now want to upgrade to 1.3.
>From the documentation, it seems that easy upgrades of the wiki
require the WAR installation, which I have not done. Do I have to
export my current wiki into a WAR (if so, how can I do it?), or is it
done through a different method?
Best regards,
Hi Guillaume,
In the ancient days before xwiki we used to checkout a project from version control (Telelogic Synergy) into the file system.
To access it from Web we put the base directory under apache htdocs using directory navigation feature provided by apache server.
The major drawback was/is
- no access control (ok htaccess - not realy maintainable in our case)
- no possibility to add meta data like version, author e.a. from version control
- no special filters on file types (e.g. only show office documents for project a (separate directory structure), all documents for project b (separate directory structure)
My first idea is to provide a plugin to access filesystem starting from a root-directory and generate a tree like structure.
On top of this I can provide a filter mechanism and adding meta data to the display.
It should look something like this:
(Page content)
This page contains detailed data from project myspecialProject~jgellien from Synergy repository myrepo:
| |- myDescription.doc (version: 1.0, last changed: jgellien)
| |- more docs to come (version: 1.1, last changed: jgellien)
| |-subdir
|- projectplan.xls (version: 1.1, last modified: jgellien)
The documentation is directly maintained inside version control with a predefined directory structure.
This structure should be preserved in the presentation layer.
Updating the documentation could be done with a chron job.
Perhaps this goes into the direction of WebDav and ViewVC but I am no expert on this field.
Do you have any advise how to proceed?
Any help is highly appreciated.
Best regards
Jörg Gellien
Otto Group
Systementwickler · Software Qualitätsmanagement und Synergy Administration · IL-BI-ZA
Otto (GmbH & Co KG) · Wandsbeker Straße 3-7 · 22172 Hamburg
Telefon +49 (0) 40 64 61 5691 · Fax +49 (0) 40 64 64 5691
joerg.gellien(a)ottogroup.com · www.ottogroup.com
AG Hamburg, HRA 62024, Persönlich haftend: Verwaltungsgesellschaft
Otto mbH, Hamburg, AG Hamburg, HRB 13762
vertreten durch: Hans-Otto Schrader (Vorsitzender) · Dr. Rainer Hillebrand (Stellvertretender Vorsitzender) · Alexander Birken ·
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Aufsichtsrat: Prof. Dr. h.c. Werner Otto (Ehrenvorsitzender) · Dr. Michael Otto (Vorsitzender)
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 14:59:04 +0100
From: "Guillaume Lerouge" <guillaume(a)xwiki.com>
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Display directory tree under xwiki
enterprose 1.3
To: "XWiki Users" <users(a)xwiki.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Hi Jorg,
> first of all thanks for this new great release of XWiki Enterprise
> 1.3. I am on the list for about 6 weeks now and it is a real pleasure
> to see the flow of work done here.
Thanks :-)
> Now to my topic for today.
> To setup a departmental wiki I have the requirement to display a
> directory structure with download option from within a wiki page. We
> use version control system to archive documentation for specific
> projects. In most cases these are office documents (doc, xls,ppt) but
> might be other formats as well.
> Does anyone allready has a solution for this requirement?
> For me it is no option to link these documents manually as
> attachments. Furthermore I like to use the rights system to restrict
> access to the tree.
> Hope I made myself clear.
Not quite. I didn't understand this :
- Where will your files be stored -> in an external system or as
attachments to a wiki page ?
- If your files are stored in an external system and you want to
provide access to them from the wiki, you need to tell us what system this
is (there is some work going on with WebDav or SVN integration for instance)
- If your files are stored in your wiki -> then it is quite easy
to generate a list of all the files attached to a given wiki page on that
page itself. It will save you the time of having to edit the page to add a
link towards new files every time you upload one.
hi. i have attached a photo to my page...(the photo clarity is very high) and when seen in xwiki...it looks very unclear. does anybody knows why this happends? it's very strange. i made a image map for it but i have to add that i did nothing to the photo clarity, pixel etc..just upload it for an image map and when attached to xwiki...it;s unclear.
Take care ,
Gabriela Radu :)
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