Hi all,
I would like to set a given panel with a different background. Let's
say, white, instead of the default #384554 in Albatross skin.
I read in macros.vm panels' entries...
## Note: We pass the Panel name as an HTML class attribute so that it's
possible to style
## the Panels selectively using CSS.
Does this means that it is possible to change the background on a per
panel basis by using CSS?
In any case, I've tried to create a new macro assigning a different
background color. This way...
#macro(panelhiddenheaderwhitebackg $title)
#set ($specialClassAttribute = "")
#if ($paneldoc && $paneldoc != "")
#set ($specialClassAttribute =
<div class="panel expanded $specialClassAttribute">
<h5 class="xwikipaneltitle hidden"
<div class="xwikipanelcontentswhitebackg">
Class for the div holding the content is set to
xwikipanelcontentswhitebackg. I've created this class in
colorsblack.css, imported by style.css, but there is no background shown
for this panel. Using Firefox/Inspector, I can not see colorsblack.css
referenced when inspecting this element.
Please, is it possible to do this? Where am I wrong?
Thank you so much,
Ricardo RodrÃguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team
We'd like to see:
* An improved WYSIWYG editor with the following features:
- cut and paste from Word and web pages easily i.e. without having to go
back and adjust the formatting of what's been pasted onto an XWiki page
- cut and paste images without attaching first (i.e. when you cut and paste
images are automatically attached the page)
- can the appearance of table be made better and used to layout the page so
text can be grouped in columns and boxes more easily?
- don't think being able to flip between WYSIWYG and the wiki editor makes
sense - when flipping from WYSIWYG editor and the wiki editor the markup
isn't very readable or editable and a lot of errors seem to get introduced.
I guess the wiki markup editor allows you to enter code easily so a wiki
editor is still useful, but maybe the WYSIWYG editor could allow editing of
text WYSIWYG style BUT also allow wiki editing of sections of the page, so
that way you hide the awful WYSIWYG markup layout but allow wiki markups and
code in defined sections of a page. These wiki/code sections in the WYSIWYG
editor could then be marked by boxes containing the wiki markup and code -
do you know what I mean? So you get rid of the wiki editor and have one
editor the WYSIWYG editor that allows you to use wiki markup and code in
user defined areas of a page.
- if some wiki markup or code on a page could muckup the layout of the menu
bars, etc can XWiki catch it and prevent it from doing that?
I think how useful and useable the WYSIWYG editor is effects the users
experience and whether they'like and want to use XWiki.
* A way of sending emails to XWiki so they can be stored, archived and
referenced from a wiki page.
Hope that helps.
-----Original Message-----
From: users-bounces(a)xwiki.org [mailto:users-bounces@xwiki.org]On Behalf
Of Vincent Massol
Sent: 10 March 2008 14:10
To: XWiki Developers; XWiki Users
Subject: [xwiki-users] Roadmap for XE 1.4
Hi everyone,
I'd like everyone's input for defining the XE 1.4 roadmap both on the
general objectives and specific features/bugs to implement/fix.
Here's my first take below. Please comment on it and add other stuff.
This is a brainstorming session. Then we can start assigning
committers/contributors to goals/issues.
General Goals:
* Bug fixes
** Go from 240 in JIRA for Core down to 180 on XE 1.4 release date
* Better performance
** Run XE with a profiler and find bottlenecks
** Reduce number of database calls
** Improved page loading (JV)
** Make Stats usable on xwiki.org (ThomasM)
* More automated tests
** More selenium tests
** Add tests on Tomcat 6.x as part of the CI build
** Add tests on Windows and with IE6 and IE7 as part of the CI build
* No new features in general
Of course there are some goals that are always valid irrelevant on any
release and that we should keep in mind:
* More tests
* Better javadoc
* More documentation on xwiki.org
* Code cleanup/refactoring
* Extract more plugins from core into plugins proper
Specific issues to implement/fix
* Add support for removing class properties
* (optional - depending on availability) - New rendering rewrite
* (optional - depending on availability) - Interface extensions
* Add any other critical issue here
users mailing list
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in error, please inform us immediately on +44 (0) 1749 672081 and delete it
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Esbach, Brandon wrote:
>>>With a little work, you could probably intercept the upload via
> groovy, place it on a network drive, replace the attachment with a link
> to that network file..
> <shrug>
> Would think that this would be your next step? Granted, I've never
> tested the idea; but it should do what you're looking for.
So I take it nothing like this is in the works? :)
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Xwiki-file-and-attachment-storage-tf4214945.html#a123…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
users mailing list
I'm afraid I can't access the firewall - its centrally managed. I only have
admin rights to this particular server. I'll have a look at the log files.
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 12:12:27 +0100
> From: "[Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team" <
> webmaster(a)environmentalchange.net>
> Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] installation problems
> To: XWiki Users <users(a)xwiki.org>
> Hi,
> Yishay Mor wrote:
> > Thanks Ricardo,
> >
> > My server's 8080 is behind a firewall, but I can see it and have no
> > problem running other JSP / servlets.
> If you can manage your network, could you try by stopping the firewall?
> I am guessing it could be easy for you if xwiki and MySQL are running on
> the same server and you have an administrative account there. It is
> weird that you don't get errors if you had not hibernate.cfg.xml
> configured and a MySQL drivers in place.
> Could you also take a look to your catalina.out and/or the console of
> your server? There must be useful information there.
> >
> > thanks for reminding me about hibernate.cfg.xml
> > I also realized that I hadn't installed a MySql driver in WB-INF.
> > However, even though I fixed these two issues, I'm still getting a
> > blank page.
> >
> > Also, I wasn't sure with settings to use in hibernate:
> Use always the uncommented lines from your current release as the base
> for your configuration. Documentation is mostly manually updated, so
> there could be changes not reflected there. This is a wiki, so our
> contribution will be welcome... when we know what we are doing :-)
> Thanks!
> Ricardo
> --
> Ricardo Rodr?guez
> Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Yishay Mor, Researcher, London Knowledge Lab
+44-20-78378888 x5737
Good day.
I just download xwiki, and see, that it is not possible to set name of default
database scheme other than 'xwiki'. (Becouse xwiki.tableName is hardcoded in
SQL statements)
Unfortunately. this means that it is hard to use xwiki as platform for web
application, because usually we have situation 'one application/one database
scheme' and want to use few applications (or few version of same application)
Question: if I change this and wull create path for configurable database
scheme name of main xwiki instance, would this patches be accepted (?) or such
using is out of scope of interest for xwiki community ?
Ruslan Shevchenko
GradSoft. http://www.gradsoft.ua
I've installed xwiki from the standalone installation and have chosen to use
mysql instead of hsqldb. I run the server and everything looks great. I
can get into mysql and see that the tables are populated, and I see the web
pages in firefox.
But, when I then try to log in using Admin/admin, I receive a "wrong user
name" response that prevents me from going any further. I've tried
variations on the log in (caps, no caps, etc.) but nothing seems to work.
If I attempt to add a user (not logged in), there are no errors but upon
pressing save, the user list does not update for the new user. In addition,
I looked at the database table xwikipreferences (I assume this is where the
user names and passwords are stored) and the username is not there.
Here are my specs:
xwiki 1.3
windows vista
mysql 5.0.14
JDK 1.5.0
I've searched through Nabble, xwiki.org, and google but haven't found
anything that has helped. I'm emailing the list to see if anyone knows
anything about this or whether this may be a compatibility issue.
I've also tried this with the graphical windows native installer and
encounter the same issue. As a side note, with the graphical windows native
installer, I notice that the css and js files do not load but images and
text do.
Any help would be very appreciated,
Hi everyone,
I'd like everyone's input for defining the XE 1.4 roadmap both on the
general objectives and specific features/bugs to implement/fix.
Here's my first take below. Please comment on it and add other stuff.
This is a brainstorming session. Then we can start assigning
committers/contributors to goals/issues.
General Goals:
* Bug fixes
** Go from 240 in JIRA for Core down to 180 on XE 1.4 release date
* Better performance
** Run XE with a profiler and find bottlenecks
** Reduce number of database calls
** Improved page loading (JV)
** Make Stats usable on xwiki.org (ThomasM)
* More automated tests
** More selenium tests
** Add tests on Tomcat 6.x as part of the CI build
** Add tests on Windows and with IE6 and IE7 as part of the CI build
* No new features in general
Of course there are some goals that are always valid irrelevant on any
release and that we should keep in mind:
* More tests
* Better javadoc
* More documentation on xwiki.org
* Code cleanup/refactoring
* Extract more plugins from core into plugins proper
Specific issues to implement/fix
* Add support for removing class properties (http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-99
* (optional - depending on availability) - New rendering rewrite (http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-654
* (optional - depending on availability) - Interface extensions (http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Design/InterfaceExtensions
* Add any other critical issue here
hopefully this question is not too stupid.
i planned to install xwiki enterprise manager 1.1 on tomcat 5.5 (java
1.5). i copied the war file and set up the database / hibernate.cfg. the
db connection seems to work (same config used for another xwiki test).
when i open the url in the browser i get redirected to:
(which makes no sense, tomcat runs on 8080 on the server)
i found this is configured in WEB-INF but i am not sure what would be
the correct value.
also the xwiki.log file is not found / does not exist. so i either
forgot to add the log configs or they are missing?
i found some links on nabble.com like
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/Debugging#Logging but all
of them point to nowhere. the documentation link on xwiki.org opens
xwiki.org in a new window.
so i am a little stuck here. am i doing something wrong completely?
(xwki-enterprise-manager comes with xwiki? it does not need it?)
any help, hints or doc links would be great!
thanks a lot
I submitted the following as a bug about two weeks ago, but perhaps that
wasn't the right way to ask for help about this problem, so I'm trying the
list --
I tried both 1.3 M2 and 1.2.2, and I had the following problem (both using
the standalone zip version on Windows) :
If you create a table on a page using WYSIWYG, it all works great. If you
highlight a the first table cell of a row or a whole row and use the palette
button to change the color of those cells, it works. If you save the page,
it looks good. If you edit it again with the WYSIWYG, however, it doesn't
render it right, and the cell/row that you changed color of gets appended to
the line above it in the WYSIWYG editor. Using the WIKI editor (as long as
you don't save the broken page back down from the WYSIWYG editor),
everything still works good. So it's how the editor is choosing to render
out the page that seems to be causing the problem.
Bolding a cell/row doesn't seem to cause this problem, only changing the
text color.
Below is an example of some code that won't show up correctly in the WYSIWYG
editor (even though it was the WYSIWYG editor that created it)
table info |test table
test test test |test test test
The last row shows up tacked on to the end of the 2nd to last row, instead
of appearing as its own row. This is only the case in the WYSIWYG editor.
This code displays fine when just viewing the page.
Is this actually a bug or am I doing something screwy?
-BJ Quinn
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/WYSIWYG-editor-won%27t-read-tables-with-colored-text-…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi, I want to export some documents to xar. I go to Administration\Export,
enter package name,.. and click "Export", then all of my documents are
exported. Is there any way allowed me to export only documents that I want?