Hi all,
with the new XWiki version on the road I just resume my migration
assignment. Just to make a little review when trying to import the xar
file to v1.2 (take a look at
it fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException
As I could see it brokes at
com.xpn.xwiki.web.ImportAction.render(ImportAction.java:42), but
couldn't see why.
I plan to fill a bug report and try to fix it (humbly I'm not sure of a
success …
[View More]history here, but I'll try ...), so my questions are :
* I need to add a new bug report or just add more info to the one
already opened (http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-1809). In
my case is a null pointer exception when tries to open the file,
but in the reported one its caused when tries to parse the xml file
* I guess that this threads need to be redirected to the developer
list. I mean, IMHO, that this is not the proper place to ask
questions regarding to the fixing process, log handlers and so
Anyone is having the same problem and have fixed it ??
Víctor A. Rodríguez (http://www.bit-man.com.ar)
El bit Fantasma (Bit-Man) - Algorithm junkie
Perl Mongers Capital Federal (http://cafe.pm.org/)
GNU/Linux User Group - FCEyN - UBA (http://glugcen.dc.uba.ar/
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Hi all. I want to say that xWiki looks great!
I'm pretty sure i have it installed correctly and integrated with my postgresdB... There is one weird thing happening though.
There is no "Register" button on my site. But in the admin HOWTO, it says to go to global rights and edit the xwikiguest account.
But there are no accounts to edit and no button to add accounts :-)
Sorry for the noob questions!!!!
-Rob Shelby
> Is there any specific permission needed to make the lucene plugin work?
> I did a lot of changes to the default permissions. Now, some time later, I
> enabled the lucene plugin, but it only works correctly for admin users.
> For all other users, the correct number of search results is indicated,
> but the results themselves are not shown, even though I am searching for
> stuff that exists in spaces the users have access to.
It's related to the LuceneSearch page. …
[View More]If I use the snipped from the
Code/LucenePlugin page, it works.
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Is there any specific permission needed to make the lucene plugin work?
I did a lot of changes to the default permissions. Now, some time later, I
enabled the lucene plugin, but it only works correctly for admin users.
For all other users, the correct number of search results is indicated,
but the results themselves are not shown, even though I am searching for
stuff that exists in spaces the users have access to.
I am getting my users from ldap and I couldn't figure out how to deny
access to the user profile pages.
How can I restrict write access so that no user can change his profile
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise 1.1.2.
This is a bug fix release following the release of XWiki Platform
1.1.2. This release also introduce experimental new rights management
system (not active by default).
Bugs fixed in 1.1.2:
* Impossible to translate page in 1.1.1.
* Error while importing a XAR containing XWiki.XWikiServerClass
object(s) in a non-virtual wiki.
* Issue in EditAction which allows to create a bad translation …
[View More]state.
* EditTranslations panel does not handle empty default language properly.
For more information see the Release notes at:
-The XWiki dev team
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> The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
> Enterprise 1.1.2.
Great news!
In the light of the changes in the user/group administration, would it be
possible to provide a list (for this and then for all subsequent releases)
of wiki pages that changed from the last release?
That would make it very easy to upgrade by importing a new .xar.
Is there a function similar to this ("would it make sense to generate a
function similar to this")
com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki.getURL(java.lang.String fullname,
java.lang.String action)
that instead of generating a link gets the rendered content for the
specified content for the given action:
getRenderedContent(String fullName, String action)
I'm trying to render a class instance in the "inline" action context,
in order to display its edit form. I do understand that there is a
function com.…
[View More]xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext.setAction(String action), but I'm
unclear of how I can request a particular Page in the context that I
can set this way. The provided
com.xpn.xwiki.api.Document.getRenderedContent() function does not
allow to specify an action parameter.
I've been trying to find a solution for 10 hours now... maybe I'm just blind :-)
Thanks in advance,
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