Hi everyone,
I was trying to set up the registration through mail, and I found out
that there is a bug (http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI%2D950) not
fixed yet, so there is now way to use mail right now.
I would like to know if someone is planning to fix this. I've started to
have a look at that code anyway, and I think that I found one error...
Vitantonio Messa
+358 46 889 48 49 - vitantonio.messa(a)coss.fi
COSS - The Finnish Centre for Open Source Solutions
@ Technology Centre Hermia Ltd.
Hermiankatu 1, FIN-33720 Tampere, FINLAND
Hi all,
I would like to have the possibility to print only one section of a
page. I've seen that it is possible to edit one section (passing the
parameter section=<sectionNumber> in the URL).
I tried to do the same with the printing (editing the top menu bar), but
it seems to me that the print is not recognizing the "section" parameter.
Is it possible to print just a section or not?
Vitantonio Messa
+358 46 889 48 49 - vitantonio.messa(a)coss.fi
COSS - The Finnish Centre for Open Source Solutions
@ Technology Centre Hermia Ltd.
Hermiankatu 1, FIN-33720 Tampere, FINLAND
It is seen that Panel items can be hidden from users other than the Admins
using this statement -> #if ($xwiki.hasAdminRights()), right ?
Is it possible to be able to display certain Panel items to certain user
groups ? If so, how ?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Displaying-Panel-items-tf4749669.html#a13581426
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Is there a simple way to turn the panels off for a particular page?
I know this is possible, by creating the page in a new space and
configuring the new space not to show the panels. Is there another way?
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Anyone having problems adding attachments to an existing page on XWiki?
I have a page that has 3 files attached. When I try to add a new
attachment (the 4th one), it does not return any errors and appears to
work, however, when after the page refreshes, it still only shows that
it has 3 attachments. According to the doc's it supports an unlimited
number of attachments. On other pages, I was able to attach more than
3 without any problems.
I'm running XWiki 1.1.1 using Jetty and MySQL 5.45.
We're investingating a few wiki options and were trying to use Xwiki with
Tomcat 6 and Oracle 10g using the war installation process. We've modified
all of the config files per the instructions on the site but are getting the
following errors when trying to access the default page:
17:25:31,106 [http-] ERROR store.XWikiHibernateBaseStore
- Failed updating schema: 2
17:25:31,213 [http-] ERROR store.XWikiHibernateBaseStore
- While executing query: update xwikidoc set xwd_translation=0 where
xwd_translati on is null
17:25:31,213 [http-] ERROR store.XWikiHibernateBaseStore
- Failed updating schema: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
followed by a lot more errors. This is a brand new install so no tables
exist yet. The user account we have for the DB has access to
create/modify/remove tables so we're at a bit of a loss as to what the
problem is. Does anyone out there have any suggestions as to what the
problem could be? Do we need to create the tables a head of time? Is there a
script to do so? Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Hi all,
while testing the translation feature with the new xwiki-
release I bumped into the following problem: Xwiki saves the translation
of a page in the default language, regardless of the language I have
selected to translate to in edit mode.
As a consequence the default translation has been overwritten and no
additional translation has been shown in the top-right info panel. For the
test environment I've imported the xwiki-enterpise-1.1.1.xar into a naked
standalone xwiki installation an configured it with three languages (de,
en, fr) and de as default language on the global preferences page. I use
the firefox2 as browser.
Her are the detailed steps to reproduce ths problem:
(1) Create new page
(2) Edit this page in the default laguage and save&view it
(3) press "Edit"again an select a different langauage in the translation
panel => The panel shows that the translation of the selected language is
now beeing edited
(4) Translate the page and save&view it => no additional translation shows
up and the default translation has been overwritten.
Am I missing here something or is this a bug?
Thanks a lot for helping me out on this.
After attaching XWiki to ldap, I'd like to completely wipe out my old
users and groups. There are not many of them, so I can do that manually.
The question is: Is it enough to go to each user page and delete the page,
then go to each group page (except allusers and admins, I have those
mapped to ldap groups), and delete the page?
I am shifting my wiki into another computer. I wish to retain the same
state of the wiki as it is now - the same registered users, document pages,
preferences etc. Could I just copy-paste the wiki files ? :)
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Shifting-to-a-new-computer-tf4676458.html#a13361084
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I'm desperately trying to figure out how I can render the edit form
for an class instance B inside page A. The file editinline.vm must
have to be called with some parameters that I'm uncertain about
(particularly the "cdoc" variable must have been set somewhere).
I've tried a lot of things:
- Calling getRenderedContent will render the instance in the view
mode, not in the edit mode
- When trying to call #template("editinline.vm"), XWiki server hangs
itself up using a lot of processor resources.
It seems there is absolutely no documentation around.
I'm running 1.2-milestone-1.5235.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,