I have xwiki running within an existing frames-based system. Love them or hate them, I am unable to change the frames system. My problem is when editing with xwiki. When the edit button is selected the edit page opens in the parent window. Is the any way I can amend this? This issue only seems to occur when editing.
Hi again...
I am asking this after a thorough search on the Internet for a solution. I
got many answers but I couldn't understand how to do it. I know it is a very
basic problem but I want help...
I tested the Personal RSS by subscribing to a page but the link says 'Live
bookmark feed failed to load' and the error says the 'URL is not valid and
cannot be loaded'. I tried repeatedly to reach it in the bookmark manager
but I don't know how to do it...
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Live-bookmark...-tf4709923.html#a13462290
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi all,
Please, could you help me to find the right syntax to check if an user
belongs to a given group?
I've been playing with the isUserInGroup method without success.
Thank you so much,
Ricardo RodrÃguez
Your XEN ICT Team
> Fair question. The reason it's not been applied yet IMO is because none
of the current committers are using LDAP and thus noboydy has taken the
time to learn how to set up a LDAP environment and test the patch.
As a side note, the JBoss Portal has a testing infrastructure for their
ldap integration using OpenDS. If someone wants to get serious about
integrating ldap into XWiki, that might be a good starting point.
> So what would help would be if you could apply the patch on a XWiki SVN
trunk version and verify it works fine and doesn't break anything
existing. Reporting that in the jira issue will help a lot and then one
of the committer could more easily apply the patch.
Basically, things work. I have checked authentication and mapping of ldap
groups to XWiki groups and will start to use this in production in a week
or two.
However, the comments that 'simple user' made in jira are all very valid.
There are edge cases where the code isn't correct, and it definitively
needs a review by someone experienced with XWiki internals. The author of
the patch, Gunter Leeb, already statet this, as he had to made a lot of
assumptions in the code.
>From looking at the code, there's a lot of "if xwiki.internal.isTrue(),
then everything should work" without else cases. For example I remember
something like xwikicontext.isVirtual(), where nothing is done if the
context is not virtual.
So, basically, I couldn't tell you anything more than others already did.
I will make a comment in jira once I had the patch running for a few
I had imported the PersonalRSSFeed.xar for RSS on every page. Is it
necessary to add the name of the plug-in in the xwiki.plugins in the
xwiki.cfg file ? Is it
com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.PersonalRSSFeed.PersonalRSSFeedPlugin ?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Personal-RSS-plug-in-tf4709766.html#a13461950
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I am in the latest stable release of XWIKI and am having issues porting
documents from windows docs (.xls, .doc, etc.) into the XWIKI front end.
Ideally I would be able to just cut and paste, however, XWIKI doesn't like
this very much. So I tried to turn the .doc's into html and paste that into
the WIKI editor. This works to an extent, that being the document shows up
as it should. However, I can't edit it in the WYSIWYG without destroying
the formatting of the doc. Some of the docs will be posted as attachments,
however, I would like to not have to do this for each doc. Is there an easy
way to port the MS Office documents into the XWIKI and be able to edit it
with the WYSIWYG? Also, is this issue fixed in the new beta? Finally, if
this is not possible, could somebody suggest other WIKI platforms to use?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Windows-Docs-Porting-Issues-tf4697527.html#a13427820
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi all,
I'm using the albatross skin: I've noticed that in the printed pages the
logo that appear on the top of the pages is the original XWiki logo,
even if I had already changed it (as explained on xwiki.org).
I've done a modification in the print.vm file, now the correct logo is
displayed. This is the section that sets the logo in my print.vm:
<div id="companylogo">
<a href="$xwiki.getURL("Main.WebHome", "view")" title="Home">
#set($logoname = $xwiki.getSkinPreference("logo", "logo.png"))
#set($logo = $!prefdoc.getAttachment($logoname))
#set($logourl = $xwiki.getSkinFile($logoname))
<img src="$!logourl" alt="XWiki" width="200" height="70"/>
#set($logourl = $prefdoc.getAttachmentURL($logo.filename,
<img src="$!logourl" alt="XWiki"/>
Hope this coudl be useful for everyone!