Hello all,
a few months ago, there was a brief discussion of a similar issue:
now i am facing a different problem, which might be related to that.
when you add a new space, xwiki asks you to enter a title (the title of the introductory space page) and a text that describes that space. save and view works fine, it automatically appears in the right side panel.
now, if you set appropriate rights to that space, acces to pages belonging to that space is secured via the xwiki built-in authorisation.
the space itself, however, is still visible in the right hand panel. and if unauthorized user click on it, they see an unresolved velocity fragment in the panel.
how can i influence that behaviour? i think, user should not see spaces, that they cannot access in the end, as it blows up the navigation panel on the right hand.
Thomas Kr�mer
I tried to follow the Groovy Tutorial given in the developer guide. But I couldn't make it run.
Instantiating groovy class from velocity threw the foll error :
Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page Main.HelloWorldFromVelocity Wrapped Exception: Invocation of method 'parseGroovyFromPage' in class com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki threw exception com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 14001 in 14: Failed compiling groovy script Wrapped Exception: startup failed, script1177398554781.groovy: 5: unexpected token: xwiki @ line 5, column 5.
Instantiating groovy from groovy resulted in the foll error :
Error number 4002 in 4: Error while parsing groovy page Groovy.HelloWorldClassTest
Wrapped Exception: startup failed, Script1.groovy: 3: unexpected token: groovyObject @ line 3, column 68.
(While creating the class I have assigned programming rights to the user who made the class.) What am I doing wrong.
Thanks and Regards
I need to have a private space on my wiki. A space where all pages would be
completly hidden from everybody else except Admins. I did it easily with
Space Rights (XWikiGuest and XWikiAllGroup / view /deny). But the pages can
still be searched. How can I hide their content from the search ?
I'm not sure if this is a bug in RC1 but I don't remember this behaviour in
1b6 (I have to reinstall it and try). Create a new user "Test", log on as
"Test" and edit his profil. You will only see his name and firstname
attribute but no Blog, Blog Feed, Company, City or Country. I've switched to
advance mode but it's still the same. Am I missing something ?
In xwiki documents are created based on a template. I have a slightly different requirement. I have a form (template) and after submitting, the resultant document should show a slightly different content than the template used. For example, if the form had a field "Name" followed by a text field, then on submit, the resultant document should say "Hello, Some name". Is this possible using xwiki?
Second doubt : While creating a document, if I want to track some of the user actions, say I want to store in a database whether the current user has selected a particular checkbox. How can I do this, if it is possible. I am not getting which part of the code, I have to modify.
hi all,
i created a XAR archive from my existing xwiki db with around 8.5MB in
When i try to import this archive i get a "java heap space out of memory
is there a way to import xar archives this size? or is there a way to
the pages that have to be exported?
i'm using xwiki-1.0-rc1
Kristian Marinkovic
Porsche Informatik GmbH
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UID-Nr.: ATU 36773309
Hi -
I'm new here and I just subscribed to the list. I've investigated several of
the Java Wiki packages and I'm focusing on XWiki as the best.
However, the default theme is going to be too heavy for use and I want to
use dodo because the header structure is more like MoinMoin in additiion to
a few other reasons. However, when I use dodo, it seems kind of hard to get
around and seems like some admin portions are even missing - for instance I
can't even figure out how to get back to the default template.
Can you give me any advice? What is the version of XWiki before albatross
where perhaps dod was beetter maintained integrated? Are there other skins
or third-party skins that I should be looking at?
Philip Weaver