I once had an older version of XWiki running with embedded Derby under
Tomcat 5 on Windows XP. I blew that away to start fresh with XWiki 1.0
beta 4 (still with embedded Derby under Tomcat 5 on Windows XP);
however, I've run into a variety of difficulties.
In my last run with XWiki, someone had converted the script to create
the DB into a Derby-compatible syntax which I ran through SQuirreL SQL
Client to prime the DB. With the latest version of XWiki, though, it
seems there is no need to explicitly create the schema ahead of time.
My understanding is that Hibernate will do this automatically when
directed to do so through the XWiki configuration:
Thus, I have Tomcat 5 set up with a datasource for the XWiki context:
<Context docBase="C:/Program Files/XWiki/xwiki-1.0"
reloadable="true" >
description="XWiki DataSource"
url="jdbc:derby:C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My
maxIdle="4" />
<!-- Link to the user database we will get roles from -->
<ResourceLink name="users" global="UserDatabase"
In the hibernate.cfg.xml file, I've commented out the direct connections
in favor of using a datasource:
<!-- DataSource Connection -->
Trying this, though, I get problems when I hit my XWiki saying the
schema XWIKI is not found. I connected again using SQuirreL SQL Client
and indeed, there was no XWIKI schema (but the default, APP, was
there). So I created one using SQL:
Now the schema exists, so I start Tomcat with XWiki and try to access
it. Now it doesn't complain about the schema not existing. Instead it
says it can't find the tables it wants:
ERROR 42X05: Table 'XWIKI.XWIKIDOC' does not exist.
I cannot understand what it takes to have the schema created. Any ideas?
> Try using domain1.domain1.com and domain2.domain2.com, and see if this
Hi Sergiu,
I get redirected to the page for not having a wiki configured at that
Thanks for helping though!
Hi all,
I just downloaded XWiki to evaluate it. From the list of features, it looks
like it might be the best out there. But, I can't figure out how to get
multiple wikis to work.
I pointed two domains at my XWiki server. I created an XWikiServerClass. I
created XWiki.XWikiServerDomain1 and XWiki.XWikiServerDomain2 and set their
servers to be www.domain1.com and www.domain2.com, respectively with owner
XWiki.admin. I set xwiki.virtual=1 and restarted tomcat.
It looks like they're both still working out of the "xwiki" database in
MySql rather than creating their own database. If I make a change on the
wiki in domain1, the same change appears in domain2. They aren't two
separate wikis.
If I get rid of the www. at the beginning of one of the "server" fields, it
redirects to the "This wiki does not exist" page.
So, I can't seem to get virtual wikis working. Any ideas?
I'd really like to choose XWiki for this (hopefully big) project.
Thanks so much!
When I run xwiki
I get lots of errors when browsing, e.g.
11:53:12,807 ERROR P1-19 http://localhost:8301/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome
SimpleLog4JLogSystem:logVelocityMessage:143 - Left side
($objuser.getProperty("usertype").value) of '==' operation has null value. If
a reference, it may not be in the context. Operation not possible. [line 10,
column 66]
5 ERROR P1-12
SimpleLog4JLogSystem:logVelocityMessage:143 - RHS of #set statement is null.
Context will not be modified. [line 9, column 1]
Is this normal?
Dr. David Holden.
See: <http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html>
regarding Word or PowerPoint. GPG key available on request.
I m new user of XWiki, and i want to help the xwiki "community" translating the documentation (ie. in french). I was starting doing it on xwiki.com on the "Admin guide" some days before but without any permission. So today, i asked you here how must we process ?
I got a mail from Vincent Massol and so, some questions are :
- how can't we be sure that the french version of the documentation will be an updated version ?
- how prevent new information(s) on the french version that wouldn't appear on the english one ?
- what will be the interact(s) between a french and an english version ?
This is my opinion, but of course we must discuss about this :
If we see the wikipedia contribution process, then there is one wiki instance for each language. The only interact is an interlang link between article(s).
Differents versions could be, and (often) are different !
I think we must do the same for xwiki documentation.
Got a dirty version of the documentation is better than nothing!
Vincent was talking to me about starting a french instance of xwiki website. I think : maybe not, this is a good idea !
For me, french and english community of xwiki can progress on 2 distinct ways without any problem. Sure, there will be some people to make bridge..
What are you thinking about this ? please give us your opinion.
Best regards
NB: Vincent Massol, please correct me if i do some mistake :)
Hi, I've downloaded xWiki 1.0beta 5 and tried to use the panel wizard to
have both columns. After clicking on "save the new layout" a popup tells me
that it's ok ("the layout has been saved properly"). But after, when I go to
any other page, the right columns disapears (like if the layout wasn't taken
into account). I know that this worked on b4. Was there any changes or is
that a bug ?