I've installed xwiki 1.0 beta4 and imported the xar file, but got errors:
It showed that XWiki.Pereference and Rights can not be installed correctly.
I could not delete the xar file either. Anyone can help? Many thanks.
Best regards,
The issue is XWIKI-928
-----Original Message-----
From: Sergiu Dumitriu [mailto:sergiu.dumitriu@gmail.com]
Sent: Fri 3/2/2007 11:30 PM
To: xwiki-users(a)objectweb.org
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Beta 4 issue - Bullets in table columns not displyed correctly
I can confirm this. Could you make a jira issue on http://jira.xwiki.org/ ?
On 3/2/07, Martin Barrs <martin.barrs(a)visilent.com> wrote:
> FYI:
> Wanting to display a number of bulleted items in a single table column,
> the bullets are not displayed as bullets, but as asterisks. WYSIWYG editing
> displays the table with the bullets, as intended.
> The code is:
> {table}
> Criteria | Scope | Taxonomy | Value
> TechnologyLock-In | Per Framework |\\
> * Is it Standards based?\\
> * # of Alternatives\\
> * Ease of transition to alternatives\\
> * Available support for the framework|
> VendorLock-In | Per Framework |\\
> * Is it Standards based?\\
> * # of Alternatives\\
> * Ease of transition to alternatives\\
> * Available support for the framework |
> {table}
> This is on V1 Beta 4.
> Thanks
> Martin
Wanting to display a number of bulleted items in a single table column,
the bullets are not displayed as bullets, but as asterisks. WYSIWYG
editing displays the table with the bullets, as intended.
The code is:
Criteria | Scope | Taxonomy | Value
TechnologyLock-In | Per Framework |\\
* Is it Standards based?\\
* # of Alternatives\\
* Ease of transition to alternatives\\
* Available support for the framework|
VendorLock-In | Per Framework |\\
* Is it Standards based?\\
* # of Alternatives\\
* Ease of transition to alternatives\\
* Available support for the framework |
This is on V1 Beta 4.
Hmm, probably more directed at the xwiki dev team; and anyone out there
who's using LDAP for authentication.
I was looking over a few of my listed user requests this morning, and it
struck me just how often folks are having problems with user passwords.
To combat that, LDAP is most likely going to be our priority
implementation (don't think there will be many problems with that, it's
quite nicely documented).
This got me to thinking about the single sign-on (SSO) which is
practically a given for users that are on any sort of directory service
when considering major applications - for example, Outlook, Google's
office suite, etc.
I was wondering if anyone had given some thought to how this may work
with Xwiki? Granted, it's not a critical issue, but surely there is
some benefit to users having an automatic logon based on their
already-authenticated network authentication?
Brandon Esbach
Software Engineer
Tyco Electronics
LoughMahon Technology Park,
Skehard Road,
Cork, Ireland
Tel +353 21 4808305
Hi, Oskar,
Completely new to xWiki I'm afraid I can't be of much help. But I think there is a clear thing: "documents" are in the database.
Ricardo RodrÃguez
Your XEN ICT Team
>>> Oskar E. Skeide<oskaremil(a)gmail.com> 1/3/2007 15:49 >>>
OK, I guess I just have to edit the document then, to ensure a proper formatting. But when I choose the "Edit" option it seems like it's only the content DIV I can edit. I guess I have to find the document in my filesystem and edit it from there. Problem is, I can't find that document. Where are the WXiki documents stored ? I cannot find them anywhere in [TOMCAT_HOME]/webapps/xwiki/
I am trying to get xwiki to run under ColdFusion MX7 server running with IIS 5. I added the classpath to root/xwiki in ColdFusion, but we can't get xwiki to run. Are we overlooking something? Can xwiki run under ColdFusion MX7 server and IIS?
I imported the default pages from the XWiki homepage, everything looks fine
except for the frontpage. It seems like a CSS problem. I've tried to view
the page in Firefox 2.0 and IE6. In IE6 the panel menu ( which is supposed
to be located right) appears in the top-left corner. In Firefox it appears
bottom-left. Sometimes it displays correctly, but not as often as it
displays incorrect.
When I click another link the menu displays where it should ( top-right)
You can take a look at it here:
throw new NullCoffeeException();
For those using a custom XWiki configuration with a custom web.xml,
we have changed yesterday the way to configure xwiki. Namely we have
changed the way XWiki is initialized.
So if you're using a custom web.xml and you wish to upgrade to the
trunk version (or to 1.0 beta 5 when it's out) you'll need to read
the following:
Hey there,
I was looking at skins for xwiki, as I am not that fond of the
default xwiki10b1 and I found xwiki10.
This skin looks good, but unfortunately the registration link is
broken (linking to a page that does not exist).
Can someone point me to a way to fix this or indeed if there is a
nice clean (more compact) skin
available for general use?
Having XWiki 1.0B3, I ran into 3 issues around LDAP (we use Novell
Before, I would like to say that XWiki runs fine against eDirectory
through the LDAP interface! (It was a little bit tricky to set up and it
would be great if someone could write up some more detailed
documentation on it.)
Here are the configuration parameter that I used:
1. In our LDAP structure (about 2000 employees) the users that should
have access to XWiki are in multiple department nodes in the LDAP
structure. Thus, I cannot specify a single pattern of the kind
cn={0},department=USER,department=INFORMATIK,department=1230,o=MP for
How could I specify users from different departments to have access to
XWiki? (E.g. can I specify multiple xwiki.authentication.ldap.bind_DN
2. We cannot allow ALL users in the LDAP structure to have access to
XWiki. We would like to specify an LDAP group for all users that have
access to XWiki. How could we configure this? Our eDirectory allows
annonymous browsing.
(It is not the probably harder issue that we would want to use a LDAP
groups for page access rights. I am talking about the simpler issues of
just controlling the list of users that have access to XWiki from an
identity system behind LDAP.)
3. Current behavior is, that
1. I can login with a user/pwd authenticated against
LDAP/eDirectory. If the user does not already exist in XWiki, the user
appears to be created.
2. A user, created in XWiki CANNOT Login anymore, if he/she is not
an LDAP user. (Why is that?)
3. The old passwords do not work anymore for users with a matching
entry in XWiki and LDAP. (ok)
Why can't I add user per hand if I use LDAP? This would at least allow
some Workaround for some departments.
Can I hope for XWiki 1.0 to include the handling of an LDAP group for
I have read a blog mentioning LDAP group support being planned for 1.0.
Is this still the case?
G Leeb
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