On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 04:19:52PM +0800, xin wu wrote:
Thanks for the quick replies. I just test xwiki on my laptop. Here
are enviroments:
1. Windows XP
2. PostgreSQL
3. Glassfish
4. XWiki 1.0-BETA-4.2131 build
After I installed the xwiki, I just import the xar file and then I
found that 2 files failed(preference and rights). I try to delete the
xar file and found I could not delete it use Admin user. The page
showed me I am not allowed to do this action.
It seemed that there was a user of "XWikiGuest" locked the page.
Maybe there is a hint from my PostgreSQL log, I found two errors:
1."value too long for type character varing(20000)
2."current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of
transaction block"
This is almost certainly related to the report I mailed in on Feb 19.
I just installed a fresh copy on Postgres 8.1.4 and got the folowing
error when importing XWiki.XWikiPreferences from the supplied XAR:
JDBCExceptionReporter:logExceptions:72 - ERROR: value too long for type
character varying(20000)
This was fixed with
ALTER TABLE xwikidoc ALTER COLUMN xwd_class_xml TYPE varchar(200000);
After you do this, log in as superadmin and re-import everything. Then
you'll be fine.
End dual-measurement, let's finish going metric!