Vincent Massol wrote:
I'm curious to know. Do others have this issue
finding documentation
My main problem is that some links have been moved and need to be
located the first time I try to reach them, e.g., (and all the
UseGuide related links).
IMHO, the real problem is that now the wiki is more product oriented,
instead of features oriented. I remember the previous one were the first
you found were all the features that XWiki has. This is what you want to
look at when you arrive to a site in search for a product, a quick view
of features to stay with the product or to move on to the next one.
Again, IMHO, not a good move. :-(
BTW, thanks Vincent for asking and search for problems to solve.
> Hi,
> You can find documentation by product using the "XWiki Ecosystem"
> panel.
> For example if you search XWiki Enterprise documentation you click on
> "XWiki Enterprise" that go to
> where you find a
> "Quick Links" panel containing documentation.for XE.
> 2007/12/19, Esbach, Brandon <Esbachb(a)>om>:
>> Hi all,
>> Probably missing the link somewhere, but I can't seem to find any
>> links for
>> the documentation on the site?
Víctor A. Rodríguez (
El bit Fantasma (Bit-Man) - Algorithm junkie
Perl Mongers Capital Federal (
GNU/Linux User Group - FCEyN - UBA (