Thanks for the complement.
I just updated it and fixed issue #1. Thanks for reporting it.
Somehow showing who else is editing, showing where they are editing in the document
and allowing the user to spawn a chat window with other editors on the page are all
interesting possibilities. Right now I think the thing to do is decide where there
is the most bang for your buck in terms of feature value and get an idea of what's
most natural for the user.
On 10/19/2012 07:59 AM, Ryszard Łach wrote:
Great work!
It looks like good starting point to give xwiki the main (at least for
me) feature, that makes googledoc sometimes more suitable for
collaborative editing. It would be really great, if your editor would
show somehow, where the other editor (person) is now, where is his
cursor. Maybe a highlight (the whole line) showing the other's cursor
Do you plan to work on such improvements?
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