I already have a test version, which is modified the same way - and
all is ok.
Maybe you could tell conditions when this message is displayed, and
where to look for its code (what *.vm).
Quoting Vincent Massol :
On Jan 11, 2008, at 5:02 PM, Mihails Agafonovs wrote:
But even if give view/edit rights to this group on all spaces and in
global rights too, I receive the same message. Only admin right allows
a simple user to read blog entry.
I'd suggest you try with a non-modified version of XE and see if you
get the same problem.
I've just tested with a clean version and it works fine
Quoting Vincent Massol : On Jan 11, 2008, at 4:47 PM, Mihails
Agafonovs wrote:
Some strange things with access rights: to read a blog entry, user
must have an admin rights.
This is not correct.
Otherwise XWiki displays a message "Topic XWiki.ArticleClassSheet
does not exist". I know I did something wrong, but don't know
what :). Maybe any ideas?
My take is that you've forbidden standard users from reading
in the XWiki space...
Ar cieņu, Mihails
[1] mailto:vincent@massol.net