On Dec 19, 2007, at 1:09 PM, Víctor A. Rodríguez wrote:
Vincent Massol wrote:
I'm curious to know. Do others have this
issue finding documentation
My main problem is that some links have been moved and need to be
located the first time I try to reach them, e.g.
yes but I would say that's normal.
IMHO, the real problem is that now the wiki is more
product oriented,
instead of features oriented.
Well that's not fully true. You can't compare with before since before
we were only documenting one product and now we're documenting the
platform and all the products...
I remember the previous one were the first
you found were all the features that XWiki has. This is what you
want to
look at when you arrive to a site in search for a product, a quick
of features to stay with the product or to move on to the next one.
Again, IMHO, not a good move. :-(
You mean the new
xwiki.org is not a good move?
Past users of
xwiki.org should go to the
since the previous version was only documenting that. Then you should
be able to find all you had before.
Back to your feature-oriented documentation idea. Do you have any
example of web site in mind that do this? (I mean websites with more
than one product). Or any idea how to implement this?
OTOH all the sites I know that have more than one product do it the
way we do it on
- etc
We could show all the platform features on the main page since all
products share these but I don't think that would be a good idea since
we would then not be able to present the different products (not
enough space).
I guess what I'm trying to understand right now is why is it difficult
to pick the product for which to read documentation about. Would you
have any insight into this?
BTW, thanks Vincent for asking and search for problems
to solve.
> Hi,
> You can find documentation by product using the "XWiki Ecosystem"
> panel.
> For example if you search XWiki Enterprise documentation you click
> on
> "XWiki Enterprise" that go to
http://enterprise.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/ where you find a
> "Quick Links" panel containing documentation.for XE.
> 2007/12/19, Esbach, Brandon <Esbachb(a)tycoelectronics.com>om>:
>> Hi all,
>> Probably missing the link somewhere, but I can't seem to find any
>> links for
>> the documentation on the
xwiki.org site?
Víctor A. Rodríguez (
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