Hello everybody.
Here I'am again =).
Vicent explained to me what jira and mailing-lists are used for some time
ago. So, I moved the discussion over there =). (hope I'm posting in the
right place now).
So, let me answer what Marius asked on
First, let me explain better what I said on Jira:
plain text = unstructured information
dynamic label = properties
dynamic object = structured information
The situation:
I have a Space called Product. In this place I store all the products my
company makes(around 50-70 itens). Because of this variety, I've decided to
make a livetable to filter and show the results. I`ve set some parameters
like Product name, Category, Applies to... to be able to easily identify
the Product.
Here is the problem:
Using App Within Minutes I can only insert structured data(Product name,
Category, Applies to, Price). I`am not able to insert plain
text(unstructured) like photos, opinions, competitors, etc.
When I try to insert this type of data(unstructured), it does saves the
content, but it doesn't show what I had writen.
Some time ago I read somewhere in Xwiki`s mailing list that there was no
reason to place this type of information(unstructured) in the same place as
structured information and that AWM wasn`t meant to store this type of
data(I`m trying to find the link, but so far I had no luck).
What I would like to do is insert some tags, labels or properties(whatever
is the right name =)) to be able to identify and sort the itens(by using
livetable). I can do it by using AWM, but it is not enough. I need
unstructured + structured data in the same place.
Let me paint you a picture with the example below:
Product name: AGX
Category: Music Stand
Applies to: Acoustic and Eletric Guitar.
Price: 30
= Description: =
| Photo | AGX is a state-of-the-art music stand. It has the best value
for money you will ever find.,,,
= Strenghts and Weaknesses =
That is what I'm trying to do. If I have not been clear enough, please let
me know.
Thank you very much.
Att. Leonardo.