On Tue, 2010-03-16 at 12:13 +0200, Florin Ciubotaru wrote:
On 3/16/2010 11:34 AM, Jeroen Baten wrote:
You mean searching all pages containing attachments or a certain
attachment? You could try the search method, though I'm not sure it
supports all hql queries. The xml result will be quite big on a large wiki.
If not, there's always the force brute way: getSpaces -> getPages ->
any thoughts
on why getPageHistory exists in java class but doesn't work
in python? Or is xwiki intelligent enough to prevent calls to yet
undocumented classes? :-)
Not sure why the call fails. We need more details on this.
see: XE-618 in jira for the details:
kind regards,
Kind regards,
ONVZ Healthinsurance
Jeroen Baten
IT Staff dept.
De Molen 66
Postbus 392
3990 GD Houten
Tel: +31 30 639 65 08
Fax: +31 30 639 63 25
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