Hi all,
In the Download XWiki page at
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download there is a link to the
Maven repository. Once there, the "XWiki Enterprise files" entry links
to a directory where I can see .pom, .md5 and .sha1 files, but now .war
files is in there.
I can find .war files in the directory linked to "XWiki Platform
Standard WAR". For instance, the last one is now, I think,
It is clear that I don't understand how Maven repository works! Is there
a .war for the last XWiki Enterprise build (if that exist)? Is this
xwiki-web-standard file the one I must download and install to test some
new feature or fixed bug?
Must I build it here?
Thanks for your help!
Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Thanks to John Casey from the Maven dev team, our build is now working
fine with the latest SNAPSHOT of Maven 2.1 (I've built it on the 30th
of Jan 2008, at 9:45 GMT+1).
I'll continue to do some testing with it for a while and if all is
fine I'll propose a switch to it since it allows us to rejoin the
maven dev path and fixes a few of our build issues (custom repos not
checked when maven is resolving parent poms, checkstyle plugin not
working, etc).
we're struggling with our users inserting simple french names as
URLs... the result gives:
- title values which expand from été to ?t? (well... with double
question mark for each)
- and pages that you can't even go back to
We have changed the encoding overall to be UTF-8 .
What is happening wrong?
Is there a tentative in XWiki to:
- solve the problem that the encoding of parameters in a GET request
is undetermined (is hinted to be utf-8 in the new URI rfc but is
generally the charset the browser had the page with)
- make IRIs work in general? (kind of nice I believe, though might be
- anyone successful with such names?
I think Tomcat is not guilty there either.
thanks in advance
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Go grab it at http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
This is a bug fix release. The highlight of this release is that it
fixes a bug when creating Users or Groups.
Changes from 1.2:
Bug fixed:
* XWIKI-1880 - Exception in the console when editing groups using
the new UI
* XWIKI-2027 - Lucene plugin filter some pages in the search
result list
* XWIKI-2028 - Can't delete document using Document.delete if
user does not have programming rights
* XWIKI-2029 - When loading a revision of a document the creation
date is incorrectly set as the last modification date
* XWIKI-2034 - Parse error (encountered EOF) while migrating the
* XWIKI-2037 - Two versions of commons-logging are put in WEB-INF/
* XWIKI-2036 - Display the date in the logs
* XWIKI-2044 - Modify the database migrator that aligns RCS Diffs
data so that it can be executed even after the migrator that removes
RCS data from the document table has executed
New Features:
* XWIKI-1672 - Add API to delete a given wiki in a multi-wiki setup
For more information see the Release notes at:
-The XWiki dev team
Due to some problems with the server where the XWiki maven repository is
stored, we have lost all the past releases stored there, and we didn't
have any backup.
This means that:
- the OW2 forge is the only place where you can get the XWiki releases
from, until we fix the repository;
- you might get some build errors when building parts of XWiki, and to
get past them you must manually build the missing modules.
Since it is late in Europe, where most of the developers are located, we
will postpone the repository fix until tomorrow.
XWiki Platform and XWiki Enterprise 1.2.1 were scheduled for release
tonight, and this problem will delay the release a few hours, since some
dependencies must be redeployed first.
On behalf of the XWiki team,
Hi all,
In the page
Since XWiki 1.2 it's possible to export several pages as PDF or RTF, using
> the currently undocumented includechilds=1, includelinks=1 and
> pagebreaks=1 request parameters. See XWIKI-1289 to follow the status on
> this.
I see in the menuview.vm the code
#submenuitem($doc.getURL("export", "format=pdf&$docvariant") $msg.get("
> core.menu.export.pdf"))
to compile the request URL and I find the variable $docvariant set in
> ## Check revision option
> #if ($request.rev)
Can someone help me to find where to put includechilds=1 to make it icluded
in the link?
I'd like to release XE 1.3M1 tomorrow. It has the following changes
compared to 1.2.1:
Release Notes - XWiki Platform - Version 1.3 M1
** Bug
* [XWIKI-1645] - build time/test jars should not be packaged with
xwiki + possible bloat
* [XWIKI-1921] - Packager import from directory does not support
files with any name
* [XWIKI-1930] - XWiki.searchDocuments(String, boolean, int, int)
does not use "distinctbylanguage" parameter
* [XWIKI-1947] - At plugin initialization, the context does not
contain an URLFactory
* [XWIKI-1958] - XWiki.getVirtualWikisDatabaseNames does not
search in main wiki
* [XWIKI-1964] - getMatchedUsers doesn't work as expected when
using more than one filters
* [XWIKI-1971] - Deleting or putting "false" in the validation
cookie bypasses cookie validation
* [XWIKI-1992] - XWiki cannot start when xwiki.cfg is missing
* [XWIKI-2000] - Exception updating the database when starting
XWiki in mysql
* [XWIKI-2001] - XWiki.isMySQL always returns false due to a
deprecated check
* [XWIKI-2009] - Error occurs during Oracle database initialization
* [XWIKI-2013] - Named HQL queries only support String values
* [XWIKI-2023] - Class differences are shown in the opposite
direction (from new version to old version)
* [XWIKI-2026] - The API version of xwiki.clearName() does not
return a valid (for URL) page name
* [XWIKI-2040] - api.User#isUserInGroup should not throw exceptions
* [XWIKI-2042] - Wiki markup in the footnotes break the HTML
** Improvement
* [XWIKI-1961] - Use the new XWiki.getVirtualWikisDatabaseNames
in Lucene plugin
* [XWIKI-1991] - Replace usage of sun.misc.BASE64Encoder with
* [XWIKI-2032] - Remove Finch and Dodo skin from the default
** New Feature
* [XWIKI-564] - Export pages in HTML, in a zip file
* [XWIKI-1672] - Allow to delete wiki
* [XWIKI-1931] - XAR Export for a page
* [XWIKI-1978] - Create a new module for the patchservice
** Task
* [XWIKI-1968] - Auto-create the Advanced/Basic usertype property
if it does not exist
* [XWIKI-1973] - Upgrade to xml-apis 1.3.04
* [XWIKI-2005] - Upgrade Commons HttpClient to 3.1, ical4j to
0.9.20 and Picocontainer to 1.2
* [XWIKI-2031] - Move skins in their own build modules
Release Notes - XWiki Enterprise - Version 1.3 M1
** Bug
* [XE-161] - XWiki.Result page has multiwiki problems
* [XE-170] - Malformed HTML in CalendarData class
* [XE-181] - Remove empty Blog.Categories objects in the
Blog.Categories page
** Improvement
* [XE-157] - Add links to Blog post titles when displayed in a
blog list
* [XE-158] - Add title and introduction to the Dashboard page
* [XE-171] - Display scaled images in the photo album application
Here's my +1
Hi all,
I'm facing here some troubles while setting up virtual wikis by hand and
would like to understand how this feature work.
In XWikiServerClass we add two properties: server and owner. The role
and functioning of server is far clear. I also understand owner as a
neat need: "the owner user of the Virtual XWiki; for example
XWiki.Admin" as stated in
or "the user that should automatically have admin rights on your new
virtual wiki (example XWiki.admin)" as in
But I've configured a number of virtual wikis here and I am not able to
find their owners anywhere. Neither in the controller database, nor in
their own databases.
Please, where these owner users are created? Thanks!
Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Thomas would like to release XE 1.2.1 tomorrow (Monday). Here are the
current changes done 1.2 final:
** Bug
* [XWIKI-2027] - Lucene plugin filter some pages in the search
result list
* [XWIKI-2028] - Can't delete document using Document.delete if
user does not have programming rights
* [XWIKI-2029] - When loading a revision of a document the
creation date is incorrectly set as the last modification date
* [XWIKI-2034] - Parse error (encountered EOF) while migrating
the database
** Improvement
* [XWIKI-2036] - Display the date in the logs
We'll also include the following 2 issues in the release:
* [XWIKI-1880] - Exception in the console when editing groups
using the new UI
* [XWIKI-2037] - Two versions of commons-logging are put in WEB-
Last, I'll try to include this one too but for the moment I'm having a
hard time reproducing it:
* [XWIKI-2035] - "Exception while patching" error
Here's my +1
Anything else that's absolutely required for 1.2.1?
Note that once 1.2.1 is released I'll call a vote for the release of
Hi all,
I try to develop a plugin with two methods:
- public String echo(String echoString)
- public boolean movePageAndChildren(XWikiContext context,
XWikiDocument doc,String space)
I'm trying to use it witk this code:
#set($targetspace = $request.targetspace)
#set($targetdoc = $request.targetdoc)
#if($targetdoc and $targetspace)
<form action="">
<tr><td>Target Document:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="targetdoc" value="$!request.targetdoc"
<tr><td>Target Space:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="targetspace" value="$!request.targetspace"
size="60" /></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="submit" value="Copy" />
but when I execute it it seems that the movePageAndChildren method is not
executed because I get this output:
prova space2
with this input
- Target Document=space1.prova
- Target Space=space2