On 10/12/2009 03:48 PM, tmortagne (SVN) wrote:
> Author: tmortagne
> Date: 2009-10-12 15:48:22 +0200 (Mon, 12 Oct 2009)
> New Revision: 24360
> Modified:
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-cache/xwiki-cache-jbosscache/src/main/java/org/xwiki/cache/jbosscache/internal/JBossCacheCacheConfiguration.java
> Log:
> XWIKI-4452: Upgrade to last JbossCache 3.x version
> * fix maximum time to live new handling in LRU (used to be 0 for infinite, it's now -1)
Isn't there a constant that can be used instead of a direct number?
Sergiu Dumitriu
Following our roadmap definition (now on http://enterprise.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Roadmap)
here are some date proposals for XE 2.1:
* 2.1 M1: 26 Oct (that's 4 weeks after the 2.0 release)
* 2.1 M2: 16 Nov
* 2.1 RC1: 30 Nov
* 2.1 Final: 7 Dec
Here's my +1 to commit to this schedule.
Note that I propose a not too long release (2 months and 2 weeks)
since 2.1 is meant to be a stabilization release with not many new
things. The new things should be for 2.2 in 2010.
Hi Devs,
I've been refactoring OfficeImporter code base to make it more modular and
maintainable. With these refactorings I believe we can improve the main
OfficeImporter API. Currently OfficeImporter component interface exposes
following two methods:
void importStream(InputStream documentStream, String documentFormat, String
targetWikiDocument, Map<String, String> params) throws
String importAttachment(String documentName, String attachmentName,
Map<String, String> params) throws OfficeImporterException;
Problems with these two methods are;
* Loosely typed (params)
* Both of them perform almost the same task.
There is also a problem with how customizations to the normal import process
is implemented.
So, I propose we deprecate these two methods and introduce following
XHTMLOfficeDocument officeToXHTML(byte[] officeFileData, String
referenceDocument, boolean filterStyles) throws OfficeImporterException;
XDOMOfficeDocument xhtmlToXDOM(XHTMLOfficeDocument xhtmlOfficeDocument)
throws OfficeImporterException;
XDOMOfficeDocument officeToXDOM(byte[] officeFileData, String
referenceDocument, boolean filterStyles) throws OfficeImporterException;
XDOMOfficeDocument buildPresentation(byte[] officeFileData) throws
Map<TargetPageDescriptor, XDOMOfficeDocument> splitXDOM(XDOMOfficeDocument
xdomOfficeDocument, int[] headingLevelsToSplit, String namingCriterionHint,
String baseDocumentName) throws OfficeImporterException;
As you can see, these methods are more granular and the responsibilities are
well defined. Customizing the import process can be done from the client
code. For an example:
1. Make the initial import from office to XHTMLOfficeDocument.
2. Perform customizations on the XHTMLOfficeDocument (w3c DOM).
3. Import the XHTMLOfficeDocument into XDOMOfficeDocument.
4. Perform customizations on the XDOMOfficeDocument (XDOM).
5. Split the XDOMOfficeDocument into multiple XDOMOfficeDocument instances.
6. Perform customizations on these child XDOMOfficeDocument instances.
7. Render the XDOMOfficeDocument instances & save them into wiki pages.
(saving can be done in client code)
I think this interface will make it easy to extend & maintain officeimporter
functionality in the future. For an example, a preview function can be
implemented with above methods (which is not possible with the previous
Here's my +1.
- Asiri
I've played a bit with Yourkit and a default XE to see the memory
requirements. Here are some preliminary results (more tests needed):
* After home page loaded: 38MB non-heap, 6377 classes
* After code macro execution: 38 --> 52MB non heap, 8629 classes <---
a lot
* After groovy macro execution: 52 --> 56MB, 9920 classes
* After treeview + opened top level nodes: 56MB --> 63MB, 10960
classes <-- a lot
* After Import: 63MB --> 65MB, 13036 classes
* After Export: no change
* After navigating a bit everywhere at random: heap memory needed:
155MB (used: 132MB), non heap: 65MB, classes: 13078
* After adding attachment of 1.1MB: almost no change
* After deletion of 1.1MB attachment: used memory from 98MB to
132MB !! But still within the 155MB allocated heap memory
Conclusion so far:
* We need around < 80MB non heap memory and < 200MB heap memory for
the default XE pages and if the user manipulates attachments less than
* The default permgen size is 64MB so we're just above it (65MB).
That's why some users have reported permgen issues I believe. Jython
is eating a lot of it (14MB)
* After adding a 7.3MB attachment: heap memory max from 155 to 261
* After removing it, need 297MB heap (even more)
Second conclusion:
* Apart from attachments the memory needs seem reasonable IMO (< 255MB).
* I'd still need to make sure I test all features of the wiki to be sure
What more should I test? What should we do to reduce our permgen
needs? Should we reduce it?
Hi XWikiers,
XWiki has been selected among a set of other candidates to create a video
describing what the product does. Winners get a chance to present on stage
at the Enterprise 2.0 Conference in San Francisco next November. Please vote
for the video at:
*http://launchpad.e2conf.com/vote-now/* (XWiki is the last video, at the
bottom of the list)
and help give XWiki a chance to present on stage at the Enterprise 2.0
Conference !
RT appreciated ;-)
Many thanks in advance,
Guillaume Lerouge
Product Manager - XWiki SAS
Skype: wikibc
Twitter: glerouge
Hi Everyone, Hi Marius,
Sorry, last message I have not finished and I pressed the space key
mistakenly and it have been sent.
Here is the code that I embeded in the Xwiki page, I just only include
just once:
$xwiki.jsfx.use("js/xwiki/mail/mail.nocache.js", true)
<div id="DR_TreeView"></div>
$xwiki.jsfx.use("js/xwiki/mail/mail.nocache.js", true)
<div id="DR_TreeView"></div>
This will result at the top of the page that have the clickable Mail example
functioning well, at the bottom it follows two unclickable Mail example,
just like html displayed. And follows 6 xwe.onInjectionDone('xwe') sep . It
seems although I used $xwiki.jsfx.use, the JavaScript code still parsed as
wiki syntax and display as text. So what should I do?
Marius, you said "to include the JavaScript code so that it ends up in your
HTML page's head not body". Could you explain a little what do you mean by
page's body and head?" by head do you mean on the top of the page.
Thank you for your help!
Hi Everyone, Hi Marius,
Maybe the last three of unclickable mail html is generated before and saved
in the page. I will farther look into this. Thank you.
Here is the last email that I sent:
Here is the code that I embeded in the Xwiki page, I just only include
just once:
$xwiki.jsfx.use("js/xwiki/mail/mail.nocache.js", true)
<div id="DR_TreeView"></div>
$xwiki.jsfx.use("js/xwiki/mail/mail.nocache.js", true)
<div id="DR_TreeView"></div>
This will result at the top of the page that have the clickable Mail example
functioning well, at the bottom it follows two unclickable Mail example,
just like html displayed. And follows 6 xwe.onInjectionDone('xwe') sep . It
seems although I used $xwiki.jsfx.use, the JavaScript code still parsed as
wiki syntax and display as text. So what should I do?
Marius, you said "to include the JavaScript code so that it ends up in your
HTML page's head not body". Could you explain a little what do you mean by
page's body and head?" by head do you mean on the top of the page.
Thank you.
http://code.google.com/p/gruple/ <-- seems potentially useful for use w/
xwiki; distributed/replicated wikis, realtime-collaboration wikis and other
future work... This will become more useful once "future release" allows
coordinating across processes, not just threads:
> A concurrent programming library written in Groovy, providing simple
> programming models for complex multi-threaded tasks.
At its core, Gruple provides an in-process tuplespace abstraction to enable
a JavaSpaces-style programming model for communication and coordination
among threads. (A remote implementation allowing coordination among
processes is planned for a future release.)
Getting Started
The current release implements an in-memory tuplespace, with basic
operations (put, get, and take.) See the
Overview<http://code.google.com/p/gruple/wiki/Overview> page
for an introduction to the project, and the
for documentation. Also be sure to try the
See the Project Roadmap <http://code.google.com/p/gruple/wiki/Roadmap> for
other planned features.