I will be from Nov2-Nov6 in San Francisco and in the Bay Area.
I will also be Nov 8-Nov 10 in Boston.
If there are any people that would like to meet at these times, let me know.
We could organize a meetup or I could come present XWiki in your company.
I would be a great time to exchange about how XWiki is used and what is
being done by other XWiki users.
Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
I've rolled-back the spam.
On Oct 21, 2009, at 12:00 AM, notifications(a)xwiki.org wrote:
> Hello Developers,
> This message is sent by XWiki. Here are the documents in your
> watchlist that have been modified since the last notification:
> <wiki.gif> xwiki
> <space.gif> Main
> <document.gif> Status Report-Tuesday,13 Oct 2009 Main.Status Report-
> Tuesday,13 Oct 2009
> Between 2009/10/20 11:56 and 2009/10/20 11:57, the document has been
> modified 2 times, by 1 user(s): Ma teresa
> (((======(((= Status Report from Tuesday, 6Report-Tuesday,13 Oct to
> Monday, 12 Oct ======)))2009 =
> ==== **Wednesday, 7====== Status Report from Tuesday, 6 Oct 2009
> (time-in-lieu)** ====to Monday, 12 Oct ======)))
> ==== **//Wednesday, 7 Oct 2009 (time-in-lieu)//** ====
> ==== **Thursday,**//Thursday, 8 Oct 2009 (time-in-lieu)**(time-in-
> lieu)//** ====
> On 2009/10/20 11:54, the document has been created by Ma teresa
> <document.gif> Weekly Status Report by llim Main.Status Reports
> Between 2009/10/20 11:38 and 2009/10/20 11:50, the document has been
> modified 4 times, by 1 user(s): Ma teresa
> (((Weekly(((**Weekly Status Report beginning every Tuesday till
> Monday the following week)))week**)))
> (((=== 2009-10-06[[image:Edit.png||style="vertical-align:
> middle;"]]2009-10-06 ===
> (((==== [[Status Report - Tuesday, 13 Oct 2009>>http://focus.bne.redhat.com/MainPortal/Members/llim/weekly-status-report/ar…
> ]] ====(((====== ======
> Status Report from Tuesday, 6[[Status Report-Tuesday,13 Oct to
> Monday, 12 Oct2009>>Status Report-Tuesday,13 Oct 2009||title="Status
> Report-Tuesday,13 Oct 2009"]]
> Status Report from Tuesday, 6 Oct to Monday, 12 Oct))))))
> ))))))
> (((=== 2009-09-29 ===
> (((==== [[Status Report - Tuesday, 6 Oct 2009>>http://focus.bne.redhat.com/MainPortal/Members/llim/weekly-status-report/ar…
> ]] ====(((=== [[image:Edit.png||style="vertical-align:
> middle;"]]2009-09-29 ===
> (((====== [[Status Report - Tuesday, 6 Oct 2009>>http://focus.bne.redhat.com/MainPortal/Members/llim/weekly-status-report/ar…
> ]] ======
> <attach.gif>Edit.png: null > 1.1
> On 2009/10/20 11:38, the document has been created by Ma teresa
> <document.gif> Weekly Status Report Template Main.Status Reports
> Template
> Between 2009/10/20 10:18 and 2009/10/20 11:58, the document has been
> modified 6 times, by 1 user(s): Ma teresa
> = Weekly Status Report =(% class="documentFirstHeading" %)
> = Status Report - Tuesday, [DATE] 2009 =
> **Weekly Status(((Status Report beginning every Tuesday till Monday
> the following week**from Tuesday, [DATE] to Monday, [DATE])))
> (((((((% class="weblog-day-title" %)(((==== **//Monday, [DATE] 2009//
> ** ====
> == 2009-10-06 ==
> ((((% class="weblog-heading" %)* task one
> == [[Status Report - Tuesday, 13 Oct 2009>>http://focus.bne.redhat.com/MainPortal/Members/llim/weekly-status-report/ar…
> ]] ==* task two
> * task three
> ((()))==== **//Tuesday, [DATE] 2009//** ====
> (((Status Report from Tuesday, 6 Oct to Monday, 12 Oct)))))))))*
> task one
> * task two
> * task three
> ((((% class="weblog-day-title" %)==== **//Wednesday, [DATE] 2009//**
> ====
> == 2009-09-29 ==
> ((((% class="weblog-heading" %)* task one
> == [[Status Report - Tuesday, 6 Oct 2009>>http://focus.bne.redhat.com/MainPortal/Members/llim/weekly-status-report/ar…
> ]] ==* task two
> * task three
> ((()))==== **//Thursday, [DATE] 2009//** ====
> (((Status Report from Tuesday, 29 Sep to Monday, 5 Oct)))))))))*
> task one
> * task two
> * task three
> ==== **//Friday, [DATE] 2009//** ====
> * task one
> * task two
> * task three)))
> == ==)))==
> On 2009/10/20 10:17, the document has been created by Ma teresa
> <document.gif> Support Main.Support
> On 2009/10/20 12:06, the document has been modified by Silvia Rusu
> Once you have found the answer, please consider adding an entry in
> the [FAQ>FAQ.WebHome] or updating an existing document on this wiki
> so thatwiki. This way others will later benefit from that knowledge
> aslike you’re benefiting from other’sother people’s knowledge while
> browsing this site.
> <metadata.gif>author: XWiki.VincentMassol > XWiki.SilviaRusu
> <document.gif> status reports of s1 Main.aaa
> Between 2009/10/20 10:05 and 2009/10/20 11:24, the document has been
> modified 6 times, by 1 user(s): Ma teresa
> (% class="documentFirstHeading" %)
> = Status Reports =
> adsfadsfadsf[[[[image:Untitled.png||style="vertical-align:
> middle;"]]Weekly Status Report Template>>Status Reports Template||
> rel="__blank" title="Weekly Status Report Template"]]
> [[[[image:Untitled.png||style="vertical-align: middle;"]]Status
> Reports>>Status Reports||title="Status Reports by llim"]] by llim
> <attach.gif>Untitled.png: null > 1.1
> <metadata.gif>author: XWiki.VictorChen > XWiki.MaTeresa
> On 2009/10/20 09:47, the document has been created by victor chen
> <document.gif> aadfadsf Main.aadfadsf
> On 2009/10/20 09:51, the document has been created by victor chen
> <space.gif> XWiki
> <document.gif> MaTeresa XWiki.MaTeresa
> On 2009/10/20 09:58, the document has been modified by Ma teresa
> <object.gif>XWiki.WatchListClass
> On 2009/10/20 09:57, the document has been created by XWikiGuest
> <document.gif> VictorChen XWiki.VictorChen
> On 2009/10/20 09:46, the document has been modified by victor chen
> <object.gif>XWiki.WatchListClass
> On 2009/10/20 09:45, the document has been created by XWikiGuest
> <document.gif> donovaly XWiki.donovaly
> On 2009/10/20 14:42, the document has been modified by Uwe Stöhr
> <object.gif>XWiki.WatchListClass
> On 2009/10/20 14:42, the document has been created by XWikiGuest
> <document.gif> ppfootstar XWiki.ppfootstar
> On 2009/10/20 17:38, the document has been created by XWikiGuest
> <document.gif> silvergate XWiki.silvergate
> On 2009/10/20 00:10, the document has been modified by Mark
> Kellenbergh
> <object.gif>XWiki.WatchListClass
> _______________________________________________
> notifications mailing list
> notifications(a)xwiki.org
> http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications
Here's an idea: Have tabs in the xwiki UI so that when you navigate to
a new page you can keep tabs opened and thus switch back and forth
between opened pages quickly. Same as in an IDEA (or in the Nexus UI).
Just an idea... (haven't even thought about how to implement it).
> ---
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-webdav/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/plugin/webdav/XWikiDavServlet.java
> 2009-10-20 11:50:17 UTC (rev 24575)
> +++
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-webdav/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/plugin/webdav/XWikiDavServlet.java
> 2009-10-20 11:51:34 UTC (rev 24576)
> @@ -74,17 +74,17 @@
> /**
> * Locator factory. {@link DavLocatorFactory}
> */
> - private DavLocatorFactory locatorFactory;
> + private transient DavLocatorFactory locatorFactory;
> /**
> * Resource factory. {@link DavResourceFactory}
> */
> - private DavResourceFactory resourceFactory;
> + private transient DavResourceFactory resourceFactory;
> /**
> * Session provider. {@link DavSessionProvider}
> */
> - private DavSessionProvider sessionProvider;
> + private transient DavSessionProvider sessionProvider;
This might be a bad way to fix the findbugs errors. I just used it to see if
it works and committed without second thoughts. Any ideas on how to fix the
"mutable servlet field" error in a better way?
- Asiri
Hello devs,
The current state of the annotation feature in the sandbox can be described by
the follwing:
* there is a single type of annotation which can be added, using a specific
javascript client backed by a rest service. Such an annotation contains an
annotation text, the annotated content and its position and this type is highly
coupled in the plugin implementation
* the backing annotation storage is based on components, currently with an XWiki
objects implementation but a different service can be easily created (there is
one implemented for Scribo annotations stored in RDF)
* for the moment, only xwiki documents and feed entries fetched by the
feedreader plugin can be used as targets for annotations (the annotated
documents), with the restriction that the content of the document is *not*
generated using scripting. A component can be implemented for a new type of
document but the current UI (the javascript client) is *specific to xwiki documents*
* the javascript client (UI) is only in the state of a prototype: while proving
that it works, it is not robust enough and the user experience is poor
* annotation creation algorithm seems to perform well in practice, but we should
put it to more real-world test (by releasing).
Some *requirements* in terms of functionality, in order to make this an
extensible and flexible feature, would be to:
* be able to have different types of annotations (one to be able to easily
specify fields for the annotations to add), with storage as xwiki objects. This
needs to be flexible at all levels: UI and storage backend, preferably using
xwiki scripting (no jars on the server side, or java coding) so that it can be
easily customized. Also, the annotation UI should be thought of as easy to
customize and create whatever forms and actions in a light manner.
* be able to annotate any type of document (object inside such a document),
namely all or any number of text fields in such an object. Preferably this
should also be doable only using xwiki scripting or configuration.
I would like to propose the following road to perfect this feature:
*Version 1.0* (somewhere in the timeframe of XE 2.1 RCs)
The aim would be to take feature out of sandbox preserving its current features:
allowing to add a specific type of annotation saved as XWiki object on a
regular, non scripted XWiki Document. We should:
- format, improve comments, generally clean up the current code sandbox to match
XWiki coding styles
- refactor packages and components to remove some dependencies issues and
increase flexibility
- simplify flow, stripping out all code which is not strictly needed by the
targeted functionality (such as the Feed entry handling code), and make it
easily implementable by a component in a distinct jar (so that the Scribo
requirements currently implemented can be preserved)
- finish the javascript client: robust user interaction, intuitive interface,
cleaned up integration with XE
- ensure quality assurance process by a well setup battery of tests, unit and
At this point I propose to have the annotation feature as an installable plugin
but not included by default in XE, unless after a few bugfixing cycles.
*Version 1.1* (somwhere in the timeframe of XE 2.2, at the beginning of next year)
* first iteration on the 2 desired features. At this point one should be able to
configure the type of annotation to add, UI should be accomodate this type,
backing XWiki storage should be easy to integrate with any annotation storage
service (for Scribo requirements), and one should easily set a field in a
structured document which would support annotations. (Note that this might
require heavy rewrite / refactor of the 1.0 version. We could decide to skip it
and go straight to this version, but it would take longer.)
* integration of Scribo requirements can be met at this point by setting the
configurations according to the Scribo annotation type and target requirements.
At this point, if we find appropriate, we could make the decision of including
the annotation feature in XE by default
*Version 1.2* (future)
* finish the 2 requirements, integration with Scribo would be done in the same
manner, by specific configuration and storage backend specific implementation.
What do you think?
For the moment I will focus on version 1's tasks while finding a good
architecture to achieve the desired requirements, converting, where necessary,
the direction of the development towards that goal.
Thanks (for reading this very long mail),
Hi devs,
Following http://stuffthathappens.com/blog/2009/09/14/guice-with-gwt/
I've made a simple servlet that dispatches GWT requests to corresponding
components. Here's the code:
public class XWikiRemoteServiceServlet extends RemoteServiceServlet
public String processCall(String payload) throws SerializationException
try {
RPCRequest req = RPC.decodeRequest(payload, null, this);
RemoteService service = (RemoteService)
return RPC.invokeAndEncodeResponse(service,
req.getMethod(), req.getParameters(), req
} catch (IncompatibleRemoteServiceException ex) {
log("IncompatibleRemoteServiceException in the
processCall(String) method.", ex);
return RPC.encodeResponseForFailure(null, ex);
I tested it with the new MacroService component (to be committed in
WYSIWYG code) and it works great. I'm wondering where to place this
servlet since it's generic and should be used by all GWT applications
that use services. I'm hesitating to place it in web/gwt because I think
this is "new" code, component oriented while the gwt module depends on
the old xwiki-core.
Another question is if it's OK to use Utils.getComponent(Class) or
should we find a way to inject the component manager. They use a
GuiceFilter to do this in the tutorial I pointed out.
We now have the second run of sonar on xwiki at
As you can see it's not going in the right direction and the technical
debt is increasing. Even though I have been fixing several findbugs
errors so it means even more were added...
Can we make an effort to put it back on track and ensure it's going to
be decreasing for the next run on next Monday?
Hi devs,
The diff package from the WYSIWYG editor source is used only by the sync
(real time) plugin and it's suppose to be generic. I propose to move
this package outside of the WYSIWYG editor in a separate module:
The package will become:
You can see the sources here
Here's my +1. WDYT?