The question arise whether we want to ignore first and last NL in
macros in order to have the following be the same:
For ex, most users will probably not expect that the following will
generate 1 empty line:
Hi Asiri,
On Feb 27, 2009, at 12:32 PM, asiri (SVN) wrote:
> Author: asiri
> Date: 2009-02-27 12:32:21 +0100 (Fri, 27 Feb 2009)
> New Revision: 17078
> Added:
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-officeimporter/src/test/java/org/xwiki/
> officeimporter/internal/cleaner/AbstractHTMLCleaningTest.java
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-officeimporter/src/test/java/org/xwiki/
> officeimporter/internal/cleaner/
> EmptyLineParagraphOpenOfficeCleaningTest.java
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-officeimporter/src/test/java/org/xwiki/
> officeimporter/internal/cleaner/ImageOpenOfficeCleaningTest.java
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-officeimporter/src/test/java/org/xwiki/
> officeimporter/internal/cleaner/InvalidTagOpenOfficeCleaningTest.java
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-officeimporter/src/test/java/org/xwiki/
> officeimporter/internal/cleaner/LineBreakOpenOfficeCleaningTest.java
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-officeimporter/src/test/java/org/xwiki/
> officeimporter/internal/cleaner/LinkOpenOfficeCleaningTest.java
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-officeimporter/src/test/java/org/xwiki/
> officeimporter/internal/cleaner/ListOpenOfficeCleaningTest.java
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-officeimporter/src/test/java/org/xwiki/
> officeimporter/internal/cleaner/MiscWysiwygCleaningTest.java
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-officeimporter/src/test/java/org/xwiki/
> officeimporter/internal/cleaner/
> RedundantTagOpenOfficeCleaningTest.java
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-officeimporter/src/test/java/org/xwiki/
> officeimporter/internal/cleaner/TableOpenOfficeCleaningTest.java
> Removed:
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-officeimporter/src/test/java/org/xwiki/
> officeimporter/internal/cleaner/AbstractHTMLCleanerTest.java
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-officeimporter/src/test/java/org/xwiki/
> officeimporter/internal/cleaner/OpenOfficeHTMLCleanerTest.java
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-officeimporter/src/test/java/org/xwiki/
> officeimporter/internal/cleaner/WysiwygHTMLCleanerTest.java
> Modified:
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-officeimporter/src/main/java/org/xwiki/
> officeimporter/filter/LineBreakFilter.java
> Log:
> XWIKI-3265: Restructure officeimporter test cases + write more tests
> * Completed.
> +public class InvalidTagOpenOfficeCleaningTest extends
> AbstractHTMLCleaningTest
> +{
> + /**
> + * {@code <style>} tags should be stripped from html content.
> + */
> + public void testStyleTagRemoving()
> + {
> + String html =
> + "<html><head><title>Title</title>" + "<style type=
> \"text/css\">h1 {color:red} p {color:blue} </style>"
> + + "</head><body>" + footer;
> + Document doc = openOfficeHTMLCleaner.clean(new
> StringReader(html));
> + NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("style");
> + assertEquals(0, nodes.getLength());
> + }
> +
> + /**
> + * {@code <style>} tags should be stripped from html content.
copy paste, should be <script>.
> + */
> + public void testScriptTagRemoving()
> + {
> + String html = header + "<script type=\"text/javascript
> \">document.write(\"Hello World!\")</script>" + footer;
> + Document doc = openOfficeHTMLCleaner.clean(new
> StringReader(html));
> + NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("script");
> + assertEquals(0, nodes.getLength());
> + }
> +}
> + /**
> + * {@code <br/>} elements placed next to paragraph elements
> should be converted to {@code<div
> + * class="wikikmodel-emptyline"/>} elements.
> + */
> + public void testLineBreaksNextToParagraphElements()
> + {
> + checkLineBreakReplacements("<br/><br/><p>para</p>", 0, 2);
> + checkLineBreakReplacements("<p>para</p><br/><br/>", 0, 2);
> + checkLineBreakReplacements("<p>para</p><br/><br/><p>para</
> p>", 0, 2);
> + }
Shouldn't this be done by the default HTML Cleaner?
Same for the other tests in this category.
> + /**
> + * The html generated by open office server includes anchors of
> the form {@code<a name="table1"><h1>Sheet 2:
> + * <em>Hello</em></h1></a>} and the default html cleaner
> converts them to {@code <a name="table1"/><h1><a
> + * name="table1">Sheet 1: <em>Hello</em></a></h1>} this is
> because of the close-before-copy-inside
> + * behaviour of default html cleaner. Thus the additional (copy-
> inside) anchor needs to be ripped off.
This looks like a bug in the default HTML cleaner no?
> + /**
> + * If there are leading spaces within the content of a list
> item ({@code<li/>}) they should be trimmed.
> + */
> + public void testListItemContentLeadingSpaceTrimming()
> + {
> + String html = header + "<ol><li> Test</li></ol>" + footer;
> + Document doc = openOfficeHTMLCleaner.clean(new
> StringReader(html));
> + NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("li");
> + Node listContent = nodes.item(0).getFirstChild();
> + assertEquals(Node.TEXT_NODE, listContent.getNodeType());
> + assertEquals("Test", listContent.getNodeValue());
> + }
Shouldn't this be done in the default HTML cleaner? Actually I think
this is already done in the XHTML parser by the whitespace XML filter.
If not then it's a bug of the whitespace filter.
For all bugs please refer to the jira issue in the javadoc and explain
that the code will be removed once the bug is fixed.
> +
> + /**
> + * If there is a leading paragraph inside a list item, it
> should be replaced with it's content.
> + */
> + public void testListItemContentIsolatedParagraphCleaning()
> + {
> + String html = header + "<ol><li><p>Test</p></li></ol>" +
> footer;
> + Document doc = openOfficeHTMLCleaner.clean(new
> StringReader(html));
> + NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("li");
> + Node listContent = nodes.item(0).getFirstChild();
> + assertEquals(Node.TEXT_NODE, listContent.getNodeType());
> + assertEquals("Test", listContent.getNodeValue());
> + }
> +}
This should be handled by a combination of both XHTML parser and Wiki
Syntax Renderer and/or by the default HTML cleaner.
> + /**
> + * Test cleaning of html paragraphs brearing namespaces.
> + */
> + public void testParagraphsWithNamespaces()
> + {
> + String html = header + "<w:p>paragraph</w:p>" + footer;
> + Document doc =
> + wysiwygHTMLCleaner.clean(new StringReader(html),
> Collections.singletonMap(HTMLCleaner.NAMESPACES_AWARE,
> + "false"));
> + NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("p");
> + assertEquals(1, nodes.getLength());
> + }
hmmm... I think this needs to be reviewed and we need to check if the
wikimodel XHTML parser supports namespaces.
> +
> + /**
> + * The source of the images in copy pasted html content should
> be replaces with 'Missing.png' since they can't be
> + * uploaded automatically.
> + */
> + public void testImageFiltering()
> + {
> + String html = header + "<img src=\"file://path/to/local/image.png
> \"/>" + footer;
> + Document doc = wysiwygHTMLCleaner.clean(new
> StringReader(html));
> + NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("img");
> + assertEquals(1, nodes.getLength());
> + Element image = (Element) nodes.item(0);
> + Node startComment = image.getPreviousSibling();
> + Node stopComment = image.getNextSibling();
> + assertEquals(Node.COMMENT_NODE, startComment.getNodeType());
> +
> assertTrue
> (startComment.getNodeValue().equals("startimage:Missing.png"));
It should be lowercase "missing.png". So this means a missing.png
image need to be present in all skins?
Has this been discussed and is everyone aware of this?
> + /**
> + * Test filtering of those tags which doesn't have any
> attributes set.
> + */
> + public void testFilterIfZeroAttributes()
> + {
> + String htmlTemplate = header + "<p>Test%sRedundant
> %sFiltering</p>" + footer;
> + String[] filterIfZeroAttributesTags = new String[] {"span",
> "div"};
> + for (String tag : filterIfZeroAttributesTags) {
> + String startTag = "<" + tag + ">";
> + String endTag = "</" + tag + ">";
> + String html = String.format(htmlTemplate, startTag,
> endTag);
> + Document doc = openOfficeHTMLCleaner.clean(new
> StringReader(html));
> + NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName(tag);
> + assertEquals(0, nodes.getLength());
> + }
> + }
Shouldn't this be done in the default HTML cleaner?
> +
> + /**
> + * Test filtering of those tags which doesn't have any textual
> content in them.
> + */
> + public void testFilterIfNoContent()
> + {
> + String htmlTemplate = header + "<p>Test%sRedundant%s%s
> %sFiltering</p>" + footer;
> + String[] filterIfNoContentTags =
> + new String[] {"em", "strong", "dfn", "code", "samp",
> "kbd", "var", "cite", "abbr", "acronym", "address",
> + "blockquote", "q", "pre", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5",
> "h6"};
> + for (String tag : filterIfNoContentTags) {
> + String startTag = "<" + tag + ">";
> + String endTag = "</" + tag + ">";
> + String html = String.format(htmlTemplate, startTag,
> endTag, startTag, endTag);
> + Document doc = openOfficeHTMLCleaner.clean(new
> StringReader(html));
> + NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName(tag);
> + assertEquals(1, nodes.getLength());
> + }
> + }
> +}
Shouldn't this be done in the default HTML cleaner?
> + /**
> + * An isolated paragraph inside a table cell item should be
> replaced with paragraph's content.
> + */
> + public void testTableCellItemIsolatedParagraphCleaning()
> + {
> + String html = header + "<table><tr><td><p>Test</p></td></
> tr></table>" + footer;
> + Document doc = openOfficeHTMLCleaner.clean(new
> StringReader(html));
> + NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("td");
> + Node cellContent = nodes.item(0).getFirstChild();
> + assertEquals(Node.TEXT_NODE, cellContent.getNodeType());
> + assertEquals("Test", cellContent.getNodeValue());
> + }
Isn't this already tested above?
In any case shouldn't this be moved out of the importer?
Same for other tests in the same category.
> + /**
> + * If multiple paragraphs are found inside a table cell item,
> they should be wrapped in an embedded document.
> + */
> + public void testTableCellItemMultipleParagraphWrapping()
> + {
> + assertEquals(true,
> checkEmbeddedDocumentGeneration("<table><tr><td><p>Test</p><p>Test</
> p></td></tr></table>",
> + "td"));
> + }
This looks like a bug in the XHTML parser.
Same for other tests in the same category.
> +
> + /**
> + * Empty rows should be removed.
> + */
> + public void testEmptyRowRemoving()
> + {
> + String html = header + "<table><tbody><tr><td>cell</td></
> tr><tr></tr></tbody></table>" + footer;
> + Document doc = openOfficeHTMLCleaner.clean(new
> StringReader(html));
> + NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("tr");
> + assertEquals(1, nodes.getLength());
> + }
Shouldn't this be done in the default HTML cleaner?
On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 17:57, SVN vmassol
<platform-notifications(a)xwiki.org> wrote:
> Author: vmassol
> Date: 2009-02-28 17:57:59 +0100 (Sat, 28 Feb 2009)
> New Revision: 17100
> Modified:
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-rendering/xwiki-rendering-parsers/xwiki-rendering-parser-wikimodel/pom.xml
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-rendering/xwiki-rendering-parsers/xwiki-rendering-parser-wikimodel/src/main/java/org/xwiki/rendering/internal/parser/wikimodel/AbstractWikiModelParser.java
> Log:
> * Started adding setter for setter injection and to allow using the bean without a component manager that does the injection automatically.
> * Fixed checkstyle errors
> Modified: platform/core/trunk/xwiki-rendering/xwiki-rendering-parsers/xwiki-rendering-parser-wikimodel/pom.xml
> ===================================================================
> --- platform/core/trunk/xwiki-rendering/xwiki-rendering-parsers/xwiki-rendering-parser-wikimodel/pom.xml 2009-02-27 22:57:31 UTC (rev 17099)
> +++ platform/core/trunk/xwiki-rendering/xwiki-rendering-parsers/xwiki-rendering-parser-wikimodel/pom.xml 2009-02-28 16:57:59 UTC (rev 17100)
> @@ -43,4 +43,25 @@
> <version>${pom.version}</version>
> </dependency>
> </dependencies>
> + <build>
> + <plugins>
> + <plugin>
> + <!-- Apply the Checkstyle configurations defined in the top level pom.xml file -->
> + <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
> + <artifactId>maven-checkstyle-plugin</artifactId>
> + <dependencies>
> + <dependency>
> + <groupId>com.xpn.xwiki.platform.tools</groupId>
> + <artifactId>xwiki-verification-resources</artifactId>
> + <version>${platform.tool.verification.version}</version>
> + </dependency>
> + </dependencies>
I think the <dependencies> part is not needed here since it's already
defined in XWiki root pom.xml
> + <configuration>
> + <includes>
> + **/AbstractWikiModelParser.java
> + </includes>
> + </configuration>
> + </plugin>
> + </plugins>
> + </build>
> </project>
> Modified: platform/core/trunk/xwiki-rendering/xwiki-rendering-parsers/xwiki-rendering-parser-wikimodel/src/main/java/org/xwiki/rendering/internal/parser/wikimodel/AbstractWikiModelParser.java
> ===================================================================
> --- platform/core/trunk/xwiki-rendering/xwiki-rendering-parsers/xwiki-rendering-parser-wikimodel/src/main/java/org/xwiki/rendering/internal/parser/wikimodel/AbstractWikiModelParser.java 2009-02-27 22:57:31 UTC (rev 17099)
> +++ platform/core/trunk/xwiki-rendering/xwiki-rendering-parsers/xwiki-rendering-parser-wikimodel/src/main/java/org/xwiki/rendering/internal/parser/wikimodel/AbstractWikiModelParser.java 2009-02-28 16:57:59 UTC (rev 17100)
> @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
> import org.xwiki.component.logging.AbstractLogEnabled;
> import org.xwiki.rendering.block.XDOM;
> -import org.xwiki.rendering.internal.parser.wikimodel.XDOMGeneratorListener;
> import org.xwiki.rendering.parser.ImageParser;
> import org.xwiki.rendering.parser.Parser;
> import org.xwiki.rendering.parser.LinkParser;
> @@ -31,30 +30,47 @@
> import java.io.Reader;
> /**
> + * Common code for all WikiModel-based parsers.
> + *
> * @version $Id$
> * @since 1.5M2
> */
> public abstract class AbstractWikiModelParser extends AbstractLogEnabled implements Parser
> {
> + /**
> + * @see #setLinkParser(LinkParser)
> + */
> protected LinkParser linkParser;
> + /**
> + * @see #setImageParser(ImageParser)
> + */
> protected ImageParser imageParser;
> -
> +
> + /**
> + * @return the WikiModel parser instance to use to parse input content.
> + * @throws ParseException when there's a problem creating an instance of the parser to use
> + */
> public abstract IWikiParser createWikiModelParser() throws ParseException;
> /**
> - * @return the parser to use for the link labels, since wikimodel does not support wiki syntax in links and they
> - * need to be handled in the XDOMGeneratorListener. By default, the link label parser is the same one as the
> - * source parser (this), but you should overwrite this method if you need to use a special parser.
> + * @return the syntax parser to use for parsing link labels, since wikimodel does not support wiki syntax
> + * in links and they need to be handled in the XDOMGeneratorListener. By default, the link label
> + * parser is the same one as the source parser (this), but you should overwrite this method if you
> + * need to use a special parser.
> * @see XDOMGeneratorListener#XDOMGeneratorListener(Parser, LinkParser, ImageParser)
> * @see http://code.google.com/p/wikimodel/issues/detail?id=87
> * TODO: Remove this method when the parser will not need to be passed to the XDOMGeneratorListener anymore.
> */
> - public Parser getLinkLabelParser()
> + protected Parser getLinkLabelParser()
> {
> return this;
> }
> + /**
> + * {@inheritDoc}
> + * @see Parser#parse(Reader)
> + */
> public XDOM parse(Reader source) throws ParseException
> {
> IWikiParser parser = createWikiModelParser();
> @@ -70,4 +86,26 @@
> }
> return listener.getXDOM();
> }
> +
> + /**
> + * Sets the parser to use when parsing links. We need to parse links to transform a link reference passed as a raw
> + * string by WikiModel into a {@link org.xwiki.rendering.listener.Link} object.
> + *
> + * @param linkParser the link parser to use
> + */
> + public void setLinkParser(LinkParser linkParser)
> + {
> + this.linkParser = linkParser;
> + }
> +
> + /**
> + * Sets the parser to use when parsing image references (eg "Space.Doc(a)image.png" in XWiki Syntax 2.0).
> + * We transform a raw image reference into a {@link org.xwiki.rendering.listener.Image} object.
> + *
> + * @param imageParser the image parser to use
> + */
> + public void setImageParser(ImageParser imageParser)
> + {
> + this.imageParser = imageParser;
> + }
> }
> _______________________________________________
> notifications mailing list
> notifications(a)xwiki.org
> http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications
Thomas Mortagne
In order to implement http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/
XTSHAREDTESTS-12 I need to solve a cyclic dependency it creates:
org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-core-url -->
com.xpn.xwiki.platform.tools:xwiki-shared-tests -->
org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-core-container-api -->
I don't see a good solution other than spliting xwiki-core-url into 2
modules (in order to solve the cyclic dep)
- we need Container in shared tests as otherwise it's going to be a
pain for all tests
- using reflection in shared tests would mean making sure to have deps
on container api in all tests modules
- modifying url module to not use shared tests is a bit of a pain and
not right IMO
- moving XWikiURL to Container API doens't seem right either-
- removing Request.getURL() is not right either and it's used in xwiki-
action anyway
It could be a good idea anyway to separate all modules into 2: api +
implementation. However for practical reasons I don't think we'll do
that, it's too much of a pain and will result in too many jars.
So it's a bit strange to do it for xwiki-url and not for others but
again I don't see solutions right now....
If nobody shouts I'd like to commit the url module split quickly
(since I have it done and it's blocking me on some other issue).
I'd like to clarify the strategy I'd like to propose that we use for
JIRA fix for values since we haven't been very consistent about this
in the past.
Proposed rules:
* We put all "fix for" for all places the commits have been done. If
the commit has been done on 3 locations then we need 3 fix for values.
For ex right now if you commit on trunk + in 1.8 branch you need fix
for for *both* 1.8RC2 and 1.9M1.
* In the release notes on xwiki.org we only put issues that haven't
been already released in past versions. So when 1.9 M1 release notes
are written you should exclude 1.8RC2 issues since they would have
been released already (1.8RC2 is planned before 1.9M1).
If we agree can everyone check his jira issues and correct the fix for
Good suggestions Ecaterina. Thanks.
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 13:23:43 +0200
From: Ecaterina Valica <valicac(a)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [xwiki-devs] [Proposal] Adding a feedback survey on
To: XWiki Developers <devs(a)xwiki.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
hi. I have some suggestions:
1. You need numbering - you don't have a clear separation between
questions. (1, 2, ... )
2. 5 - "exceptional" - the word is a bit to much. Also the word
3. You need to decide if you want to write everywhere in the survey "Web
site" or "website" - I'd recommend website (
4. "Are you satisfied with the quantity/quality of *information*?" - what
information? Is too general. you could specify -> "the information on our
site regarding ... "
5. I'd suggest replacing "*the* website" with "*our *website" to show
that is not an ordinary website, that you care :) for the website
Emilie - great work - I really want to see the results for the survey
Thanks Vincent.
Here is the new link:
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 13:19:48 +0100
> From: Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>
> Subject: Re: [xwiki-devs] [Proposal] Adding a feedback survey on XWiki
> products
> To: XWiki Developers <devs(a)xwiki.org>
> Message-ID: <026485EA-AFD9-49E5-90F3-98475D5E1A05(a)massol.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes
> On Feb 27, 2009, at 12:33 PM, Emilie Ogez wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have started to list questions that could be part of the
>> satisfaction
>> survey about the XWiki products :
>> http://intranet.xpertnet.biz/xwiki/bin/view/XWikiOrgWebsite/XWikiOrgWebsite
> People don't have access to that web site...
> You can use the draft space on dev.xwiki.org
> http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Drafts/
>> I propose to get first feedback about XWiki Enterprise and XWiki
>> Enterprise Manager. So, I have made two different forms. But:
>> 1) maybe, one form can be sufficient.
>> 2) the questions in each form can be different.
>> Again, I'd like your feedback about it/them.
>> Thanks in advance for your help and your time.
>> Emilie
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> http://xwiki.com
> http://xwiki.org
> http://massol.net
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 13:35:52 +0100
> From: Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>
> Subject: [xwiki-devs] [VOTE] New XE 1.8 Release dates
> To: XWiki Developers <devs(a)xwiki.org>
> Message-ID: <AE34089C-A97B-47A3-A8E4-91909B33DED4(a)massol.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes
> Hi,
> New proposed dates that take into account the lag in the WYSIWYG dev
> for the 1.8 final release.
> * 1.8 RC2 - Stays on 2nd of March
> * 1.8 RC3 - 12th of March
> * 1.8 final - 16th March
> It would be time boxed, ie we release on the 12th whatever we have
> finished on the 11th night. This should allow us to finish most of the
> new WYSIWYG stuff. Let us know on the wysiwyg side if anything is at
> risk as you progress.
> Here's my +1
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> http://xwiki.com
> http://xwiki.org
> http://massol.net
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 14:59:09 +0200
> From: Marius Dumitru Florea <mariusdumitru.florea(a)xwiki.com>
> Subject: Re: [xwiki-devs] [VOTE] New XE 1.8 Release dates
> To: XWiki Developers <devs(a)xwiki.org>
> Message-ID: <49A7E39D.2010702(a)xwiki.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> +1. I'm almost done with macro editing. Macro insertion (browsing
> available macros mainly) is next. I'm confident we'll have macro support
> ready by 11th March. I might even have time to fix some bugs (there are
> 10 assigned to me right now).
> Thanks,
> Marius
> Vincent Massol wrote:
>> Hi,
>> New proposed dates that take into account the lag in the WYSIWYG dev
>> for the 1.8 final release.
>> * 1.8 RC2 - Stays on 2nd of March
>> * 1.8 RC3 - 12th of March
>> * 1.8 final - 16th March
>> It would be time boxed, ie we release on the 12th whatever we have
>> finished on the 11th night. This should allow us to finish most of the
>> new WYSIWYG stuff. Let us know on the wysiwyg side if anything is at
>> risk as you progress.
>> Here's my +1
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>> http://xwiki.com
>> http://xwiki.org
>> http://massol.net
New proposed dates that take into account the lag in the WYSIWYG dev
for the 1.8 final release.
* 1.8 RC2 - Stays on 2nd of March
* 1.8 RC3 - 12th of March
* 1.8 final - 16th March
It would be time boxed, ie we release on the 12th whatever we have
finished on the 11th night. This should allow us to finish most of the
new WYSIWYG stuff. Let us know on the wysiwyg side if anything is at
risk as you progress.
Here's my +1
I have started to list questions that could be part of the satisfaction
survey about the XWiki products :
I propose to get first feedback about XWiki Enterprise and XWiki
Enterprise Manager. So, I have made two different forms. But:
1) maybe, one form can be sufficient.
2) the questions in each form can be different.
Again, I'd like your feedback about it/them.
Thanks in advance for your help and your time.