I will like to know how can i redirect a page if i press the cancel button on the new document.
Instead of the default behavior of showing "The requested document cannot be found.", i will like to redirect to the document space webhome page.
Secondly, i will like to make the users radio button in the document rights editor to be hidden, and thus showing the group radio button only.
What are the changes needed?
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I usually have found that the garbage collector is the hardest-working thing
in a java-web app (unfortunately) so when I noticed this new GC option in *Java
HotSpot 14*, I figured it might help (potentially a lot w/ high-volume
sites, which are the real GC churners).
Has anybody tried the "Garbage-First garbage collector (G1)" with Xwiki?
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Performances suggests
> CATALINA_OPTS="-server -Xms128m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=100"
> However these instructions don't work, as-is, since UseParallelGC is the default nowadays:
https://jdk6.dev.java.net/6uNea.html says:
The parallel collector is still the default GC and is the most efficient GC
> for common household usage. G1 is meant to be an alternative for the
> concurrent collector. It is designed to be more predictable and enable fast
> allocation with memory regions design.
Having actually worked on a variety of strange garbage collectors (for Lisp)
where all of java's problems had already been solved decades ago ...this
feels like a 1985-1990 flashback. :-)
Here's more info
Java SE 6 Update 14 Milestone Schedule b01 (1st available build) 02/11/09 FCS
> Q2, 2009 *Feature List:*
> - *Service Tag creation for Windows JRE (CR 6676849<http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6676840>
> )*: For more information about Service Tag, check out this technical
> article
> <http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/productregistration/>.
> - *Java HotSpot 14*: including the new garbage collector, G1, Big
> Decimal enhancements, TreeMap and HashMap enhancements, optimized compressed
> OOP code generation.
> The Garbage-First garbage collector (G1) is currently in beta. It is not
> enabled by default. The parallel collector is still the default GC and is
> the most efficient GC for common household usage. G1 is meant to be an
> alternative for the concurrent collector. It is designed to be more
> predictable and enable fast allocation with memory regions design.
> To use it: -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC
> For more information about GC & G1, please see:
> - G1 Technical Session in JavaOne 2008<http://developers.sun.com/learning/javaoneonline/j1sessn.jsp?sessn=TS-5419&…>
> - Java SE 6 GC tunning<http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/hotspot/gc/gc_tuning_6.html>
> - Analysis of the Garbage-First Garbage Collection<http://research.sun.com/jtech/pubs/04-g1-paper-ismm.pdf>
PS: and will a different GC prevent sequences like this from happening?? see
PPS: some things that cause big-growth, like importing and exporting, might
not grow as large with a "generation scavenging" style GC as provided by
"Garbage-First Collection." Sometimes, just GCing a large structure being
iterated-over uses a lot more memory than it needs to; because the gc is
letting objects that should get collected early, like the incremental
results of an iteration, "build up" and increase overall memory size while
decreasing locality and cache-hits. This seems to cause a nearly exponential
performance dropoff when very little memory churn might occur if only things
got collected "at the right time."
http://research.sun.com/jtech/pubs/04-g1-paper-ismm.pdf suggests this new GC
will help:
2.4 Generational GarbageFirst
> Generational garbage collection [34, 26] has several advantages, which a
> collection strategy ignores at its peril. Newly allocated objects are
> usually more likely to become garbage than older objects, and newly
> allocated objects are also more likely to be the target of pointer
> modications, if only because of initialization. We can take advantage of
> both of these properties in Garbage-First in a flexible way. We can
> heuristically designate a region as young when it is chosen as a mutator
> allocation region. This commits the region to be a member of the next
> collection set. In return for this loss of heuristic flexibility, we gain an
> important benefit: remembered set processing is not required to consider
> modifications in young regions. Reachable young objects will be scanned
> after they are evacuated as a normal part of the next evacuation pause.
> Note that a collection set can contain a mix of young and non-young
> regions. Other than the special treatment for remembered sets described
> above, both kinds of regions are treated uniformly.
> ...
> 2.5 Concurrent Marking
> Concurrent marking is an important component of the system. It provides
> collector completeness without imposing any order on region choice for
> collection sets (as, for example, the Train algorithm of Hudson and Moss
> [22] does). Further, it provides the live data information that allows
> regions to be collected in \garbage-first" order. This section describes our
> concurrent marking algorithm.
Hi devs,
Now that XE 1.8 RC1 has been released the 1.8 version of XE has its
own branches (for core, web and enterprise).
Trunk is now holding XE 1.9 version.
To everyone: we _must_ commit in both trunk and 1.8 branches for
everything except post XE 2.0 features (note that there's no such
feature planned for the moment).
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise 1.8 Release Candidate 1.
Go grab it at http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
First release candidate of the XWiki Enterprise 1.8 version.
Main changes:
* WYSIWYG improvements: macro support implemented, default browser
list support overridden.
* Various improvements on XWiki REST service.
* Various bugs fixed in XWiki 2.0 syntax rendering.
* Upgrade to groovy 1.6 RC3.
Important bug fixes:
* XWIKI-3208: getSpaceDocsName does not work with postgresql Fixed.
Patch submitted by Dave Burklund.
For more information see the Release notes at:
Note that general goals for XWiki Enterprise 1.8 are:
* Office Importer
* New Blog
* Finish new rendering/syntax
* Finish new WYSIWYG
* French XE
* MediaWiki import
- The XWiki dev team
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise Manager 1.5.1.
This release is based on XWiki Enterprise 1.7.2.
Go grab it at http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Main changes since XWiki Enterprise Manager 1.5:
* XEM now support virtual wikis using path urls and not host urls
* XEM is now using XWiki Enterprise 1.7.2
For more information see the Release notes at:
-The XWiki dev team
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise 1.7.2.
This is a bugfix release following XE 1.7.1.
Go grab it at http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Important bugs fixed
* XWIKI-3119: URLFactory does not work properly with an invalid
request in the context
* XWIKI-3208: getSpaceDocsName does not work with postgresql
Syntax and WYSIWYG 2.0 Bugs fixed
* XWIKI-3114: Backspace is ignored at the beginning of a list item if
the previous list item is on a lower level
* XWIKI-2734: Cannot edit the outer list item
* XWIKI-3112: Cannot indent a list item after undo step
* XWIKI-3089: Cannot move cursor after table
* XWIKI-3090: Cannot move cursor before table
* XWIKI-3110: Cannot unbold a bold word selected with double-click
* XWIKI-3170: Custom parameter ending syntax characters are not
escaped inside xwiki/2.0 custom parameter values
* XWIKI-3104: Erroneous rendering of links to page anchors
* XWIKI-3109: Headers generated from wiki syntax look and behave differently
* XWIKI-3071: Hitting enter at the end of the paragraph moves the
cursor at the beginning of the next unit in IE
* XWIKI-3098: If a macro throw a NullPointerException it breaks the
whole rendering process
* XWIKI-3122: If macro contains format block the macro is printed in
XWiki syntax with empty custom parameters before it
* XWIKI-2993: Insert horizontal line on a selection of unordered list.
* XWIKI-3113: New list item is on the same line after undo step
* XWIKI-3096: NullPointerException when using toc macro without any section
* XWIKI-3061: Overwrite the default list support
* XWIKI-3115: Pressing Tab in the last table cell should generate a
new table row
* XWIKI-3143: Quotes are not escaped inside xwiki/2.0 custom parameter values
* XWIKI-3072: Special characters in tables are not escaped by XWIKI renderer
* XWIKI-3105: Use the same Range implementation for all browsers
* XWIKI-3159: WYSIWYG 2.0 Editor Stylesheet Problem
* XWIKI-3138: WYSIWYG 2.0 Preview Error
* XWIKI-3053: When a HR is inserted at the beginning of a paragraph
an extra empty paragraph is generated before that HR
* XWIKI-3103: XHTML parser does not support macro with parameters but
without content
* XWIKI-3195: underscores in links not recognized in new wysiwyg editor
For more information see the Release notes at:
-The XWiki dev team
I'm starting a webapp project in Clojure (http://clojure.org), and I'm
looking for a wiki engine to embed. I want to control the look and feel of
my application, and use the wiki engine as a backend only. i.e. on wiki
pages I will have my own menus and other content around the wiki text.
Is XWiki a good candidate for this?
>From reading the source code, I think I can figure out how to start an
embedded XWiki inside my app. Is this a good idea? The dev documentation was
not very helpful in this area, which makes me ask: is this a "supported
Hi devs,
1.8RC1 is planned for today and I'd like to suggest the following:
- release XE 1.7.2.
- release XE 1.8RC1.
- create 1.8 branch and make trunk 1.9.
- delete the 1.7 branch since our rule is to maintain only 2 branches
at the same time.
I'll try to do it as quickly as my failing laptop will allow.
Here's my +1.
There's currently an API for:
public String getURL(String fullname, String action, XWikiContext
it's passing null to the underlying call to the URL factory for query
string and anchor.
I'm thus proposing to add the following API in XWiki.java:
public String getURL(String fullname, String action, String
queryString, String anchor, XWikiContext context)
In the future we'll need to rationalize all this of course. I need
this because I'd like to remove the throws XWikiException in
DocumentAccessBridge.getURL() since getting a URL for a document
should never raise an exception.
Hi devs,
I introduced these events initially in order to be able to have inline
error reporting in a generic manner. However there are some problems:
* it currently works only for macros, if you wrap other blocks with an
error block you'll get to see the output of what is wrapped.
* there's no block other than the MacroBlock that can raise an error
so there's no need to have a generic way of reporting an inline error
Thus I propose the following (suggested by Marius):
1) We remove the begin/endError events
2) When macros fail to execute we output the exact same content as is
currently output by the begin/endError events but generated as the
macro content. Since we have macro marker block around it, it'll work
just fine.
Here's my +1