Hello devs,
I would like a repository on xwiki-contrib for a "Zone Edit" macro.
Name: macro-zone-edit
Description: The zone macro lets you insert an editable section, that
stores the content into another document. The section displays a little
pencil (both in view and inline mode) in the top right corner for the users
that have edit rights, which if clicked redirects you to the inline mode of
the document storing the content and lets you modify the title, content and
a "Read more" link.
State: It has not yet been released on e.x.o. but will be done asap.
Tools needed: Github repository and Jira project.
Username: ppantiru
Paul Pantiru
Hi guys,
We have been working with XWiki for some time now and have developed a solution for managing processes for Dutch government organizations. Now it is time to start returning to the XWiki community some of the work we have done. We have - for example - implemented a small Slack integration module available for use in Velocity or directly from java modules but there will be more that we would like to put back once they are ready.
The one, we would like to start with is a simple slack module aiming at sending messages to Slack using the Slack-webhooks. The project uses a simple class to pre-define the various web hooks for configuration. Access is available from velocity or from java.
Since it is our first contribution, I could use some guidance in what is needed to contribute to XWiki. The Slack component is a simple but very useful contribution but I’m not sure what is - commonly - used for such a project (except obviously github). I’m fairly sure, I would not need a Sonar Project report but I rely on your experience for what is useful. My github account is phuisman.
I invite you to take a look at an example of our environment that we have setup to demonstrate our capabilities : http://demo.360overheid.wiki <http://demo.360overheid.wiki/> (which unfortunately is Dutch)
If you have further questions of remarks, I would be happy to answer or comply with any of them.
Thanks for all the work you have done and support you have given us. I am waiting for you reply.
With kind regards,
Peter Huisman
When someone has the time, pleas validate my extension on nexus, so I can
get it on e.x.o.
extension id: zoneedit-macro
version: 1.0
Paul P.
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki
8.0 Milestone 2.
This milestone improves some performance and caching issues of the LESS
module and continues improving and fixing usability aspects of Nested Pages.
You can download it here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
The following people have contributed code to this release (sorted
Alex Cotiuga
Denis Gervalle
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)
Eduard Moraru
Guillaume Delhumeau
Manuel Smeria
Sergiu Dumitriu
Thomas Mortagne
Vincent Massol
Thanks for your support
-The XWiki dev team
Hi devs,
Yesterday Google has announced the beginning of the Mentoring Organizations
Application period for GSoC 2016 [1].
I want to do a quick poll in asking our committers if there are people
amongst us interested in participating to GSoC this year, who are willing
to propose some projects and to possibly mentor a student during this
I`ve already reset XWiki`s GSoC 2016 page [2] where we would be adding or
reviving project proposals, but I need to know if there are mentors
So please let me know ASAP, since the deadline for the org application is
in 10 days (19th of February) and we would need to move quickly.
P.S.: Below you have the original announcement mail.
[1] https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/how-it-works/
[2] http://gsoc.xwiki.org
Hello everyone,
> We are now accepting applications from open source projects interested in
> participating as mentor organizations for Google Summer of Code 2016.
> Visit our new website to apply as an organization today. For helpful tips
> on what is expected as a mentor organization and as a mentor or org admin
> for GSoC 2016 read the Mentor Manual.
> One person from your Org must act as an Organization Administrator and
> submit the application for your organization. The organization application
> process consists of 3 parts:
> Application -- answering straightforward questions about why your org
> would like to mentor students in GSoC
> Organization Profile -- details about your organization that will be used
> to attract students to your organization (short and long descriptions of
> your org, contact methods, etc.)
> There must be at least 2 Organization Administrators per org. The Org
> Admin who creates the application will need to invite another person to be
> the 2nd Org Admin and that person will need to accept the invitation in
> order for this requirement to be met.
> Once these 3 sections are completed your application is done (you can see
> your progression on the site with the % complete visual). You can continue
> to edit your application until the deadline.
> Deadline to submit your Organization Application: Friday, February 19 at
> 19:00 UTC. Be sure to look at the timeline for more important dates for the
> program.
> We will not accept late applications under any circumstances.
> Good luck to all org applicants!
> Best,
> Stephanie Taylor
Hi devs,
We’re loosing once more on the bug count and we need to get back to doing regular BFDs every Thursday.
Here’s the current status on (bugs closed - bugs created):
* Overall: -526 bugs
* Last 1600 days: -24 bugs
* Last 365 days: -117 bugs
So I propose to restart the BFD at least till we get to 0 for both the 1600 and 365 day periods.
Hi devs,
Now that we’ve voted on the "XWiki Core” concept and that we’ve agreed that the xwiki organization on github should focused on offering core extensions only (and the rest should be moved to contrib) we need to ensure that we use the same terminology everywhere.
I’d like to start updating xwiki.org accordingly but first I want to be sure we agree on the terminology:
* The "XWiki Runtime”: the XWiki WAR that you get from the various distributions that you can find on xwiki.org. It’s a minimalistic runtime on top of which you can install Extensions. Documentation for it will be available at http://platform.xwiki.org.
* “XWiki Core”: Represents the set of XWiki APIs/sources making up the "XWiki Platform”. The sources are available in github in the xwiki-commons, xwiki-rendering and xwiki-platform repositories. More globally can be meant to represent all the sources found in the xwiki github organization.
* “XWiki Contrib”: Extensions to the "XWiki Runtime”. Located under the xwiki-contrib organization in github.
* The "XWiki Core Development Team” or “XWiki Core Team” (previously called "XWiki Development Team"): the list of committers of the “xwiki" github organization.
* “XWiki Platform”: synonymous for “XWiki Core”. Since “XWiki Platform” could also represent the xwiki-platform github repository, it’s better to use “XWiki Core” when wanting to name the full content of the xwiki github organization. For example: “The XWiki Core Development Team works on XWiki Core”…
* “Flavor”: a set of Extensions (usually with a purpose) that can be installed all together in a XWiki Runtime or when creating a subwiki inside the XWiki Runtime.
* The “Default Flavor”: the unique flavor provided by the “XWiki Core Development Team”. Contrib projects and more generally anyone else can contribute other flavors on extensions.xwiki.org. These flavors will appear in the XWiki Platform when you first run it or when you create a new subwiki. The Default Flavor is going to replace “XWiki Enterprise” (and enterprise.xwiki.org will be removed and folded into platform.xwiki.org - the same will happen for xwiki-enterprise which will be folded into xwiki-platform in github)
* “XWiki Committers” or “XWiki Team". Vague terms that represent the full set of committers of both the xwiki and xwiki-contrib github organizations.
* “XWiki N.P”. Shortcut for the “XWiki Runtime” version N.P (e.g. “XWiki 7.4.1”).
* The “XWiki Project”. Generic term that includes the work done by XWiki Contrib Committers, XWiki Core Committers and by extensions the work done by the full community of contributors to both xwiki and xwiki-contrib github organizations.
Do you agree with this? Any other terms that we should define?
Once agreed I’ll kickstart the work by updating xwiki.org pages by creating a Terminology page and update some existing pages. However it’ll be up to everyone to follow the terminology.