Hi devs,
Since we`ve skipped the last one, I propose we do a BFD (BFD#63) today:
As noticed recently, on the 1 year status, we’re behind by 48 bugs, see:
This number is steadily growing and we need to get it into control!
(it is even starting to affect a bit the 1600 days status)
Here's the BFD#63 dashboard to follow the progress during the day:
Thanks and happy bug fixing!
I just finished rewriting my WebSocket extension using Netty and it now supports SSL. \:D/
To test my work before re-releasing I decided to enable checkstyle and see what issues
it pointed out which were important for me to fix. It listed 78 checkstyle errors, many
of them are very important and helpful to me, others are second guessing my ability
to write clear code or even pedantically pointing out issues of little or no importance.
While I was sifting through them, I thought I'd write a little review of our checkstyle
rules as seen from my eyes.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/WebSocketHandler.java:20:9: Package declaration does not match directory 'org/xwiki/contrib/websocket'.
This is possibly good because it will catch errors, in my case it stopped me because I
used one directory called org.xwiki.contrib.websocket as opposed to nested
org/xwiki/contrib/websocket directories. Perhaps either form should be allowed
but it's still useful because it will trap accidental moving of classes from a
different directory. Why can't javac infer package from directory?! :)
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/WebSocketHandler.java:24: Missing a Javadoc comment.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/WebSocketHandler.java:27:5: Missing a Javadoc comment.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/WebSocketHandler.java:27:5: Redundant 'public' modifier.
This is a non-internal interface so it's valid that there should be *some* javadoc.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/EchoWebSocketHandler.java:41: Line matches the illegal pattern 'System\.(out|err)\.'.
Thank you, I forgot all about that one :)
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/DefaultWebSocketConfig.java:26: Missing a Javadoc comment.
Missing javadoc on a class... whose behavior is very obvious.
I'm not here to teach programming.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/WebSocketConfig.java:24: Missing a Javadoc comment.
Documentation on an interface, same as above.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/WebSocketConfig.java:28: Expected an @return tag.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/WebSocketConfig.java:34: Expected an @return tag.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/WebSocketConfig.java:37: Expected an @return tag.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/WebSocketConfig.java:40: Expected an @return tag.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/WebSocketConfig.java:52: Expected an @return tag.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/WebSocketConfig.java:55: Expected an @return tag.
I actually wrote javadoc on all of these, without even being prodded to do so.
Do you think my freeform documentation is less useful to a reader than it would be if it contained
a @return tag?
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/XWikiWebSocketScriptService.java:35:1: Redundant import from the same package - org.xwiki.contrib.websocket.internal.WebSocketService.
Thankyou! This is very helpful, fixed.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/XWikiWebSocketScriptService.java:45: Missing a Javadoc comment.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/XWikiWebSocketScriptService.java:50:5: Missing a Javadoc comment.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/XWikiWebSocketScriptService.java:100:5: Missing a Javadoc comment.
Do you really think that a 3 line function called getUser() needs a javadoc comment?
I can guarantee you that the competition are not going to slow down and smell the flowers.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/XWikiWebSocketScriptService.java:121:79: The String "/" appears 4 times in the file.
And it might appear 400 times, defining a static final string called URL_SEPERATOR is
exercise for my fingers and your eyeballs, nothing more. If I really wanted to obfuscate
my code, I could use an external library to make you go hunting for the value of
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/XWikiWebSocketScriptService.java:136:16: 'catch' is not followed by whitespace.
Thanks, fixed.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/WebSocketService.java:25: Missing a Javadoc comment.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/WebSocketService.java:28:5: Missing a Javadoc comment.
It's inside of an /internal/ directory, if you can't infer it's meaning
then either you can't read or I can't code.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/WebSocketService.java:28:5: Redundant 'public' modifier.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocket.java:33: Missing a Javadoc comment.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocket.java:58:5: Missing a Javadoc comment.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocket.java:59:5: Missing a Javadoc comment.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocket.java:60:5: Missing a Javadoc comment.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocket.java:62:5: Missing a Javadoc comment.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocket.java:67:5: Missing a Javadoc comment.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocket.java:69:5: Missing a Javadoc comment.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocket.java:70:5: Missing a Javadoc comment.
It's internal and this module is small, if a reasonable programmer needs this
granularity to understand this module, it should be rewritten from scratch.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:24:8: Unused import - java.io.StringWriter.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:29:8: Unused import - javax.inject.Provider.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:31:8: Unused import - java.io.IOException.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:34:8: Unused import - org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:44:1: Duplicate import to line 36 - org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils.
This is what I'm here for, these are one of the most valuable pieces of feedback.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:85: Missing a Javadoc comment.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:115:5: Missing a Javadoc comment.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:118:40: The String "SSL enabled with websocket.ssl.certChainFile set " appears 2 times in the file.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:118:92: '+' should be on a new line.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:122:92: '+' should be on a new line.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:132:94: '+' should be on a new line.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:133:92: '+' should be on a new line.
It's arguably better to put it on the line before because some languages (python)
infer semicolons and will fail to parse if it's on the line after.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:138:5: Missing a Javadoc comment.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:176:5: Missing a Javadoc comment.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:235:9: Executable statement count is 37 (max allowed is 30).
Statements per function is almost useless as a measure of code complexity.
I claim negative usefulness because it is misleading.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:246:58: The String "?k=" appears 2 times in the file.
And you don't need to look anything up to understand that line of code, any
change would be for the worse.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:246:64: '+' is not preceded with whitespace.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:246:65: '+' is not followed by whitespace.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:267: method call child at indentation level 23 not at correct indentation, 24
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:278:41: Empty catch block.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/internal/NettyWebSocketService.java:300:38: 'nws' hides a field.
I always use 'this.' prefix when accessing object fields, I would prefer that
as a rule but in the absence of that rule, this one is fairly important.
/src/main/java/org.xwiki.contrib.websocket/WebSocket.java:27: Type Javadoc comment is missing an @version tag.
My name is not git, I just am one.
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki
6.2 Release Candidate 1.
This is a Release Candidate and, as such, it focuses on stabilization,
bugfixes (35) and performance improvements. Make sure to try it out and
report any problems that may affect the upcoming final release.
You can download it here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
-The XWiki dev team
Hello all,
Following the "Start supporting IE10 and IE11" thread I’d like to propose
to vote if we will support IE10 and IE11.
The most important reasons for supporting these versions are:
- Internet Explorer 8 and Internet Explorer 9 are still widely used by
users, but many of them are currently choosing to update to IE10 and IE11.
- according to netmarketshare.com (Browsers -> Desktop Share by Version)
from a total of 100%, IE10 is used by 6.85% users and IE11 by 16.61% users.
It’s true that IE10 is not as popular as the older versions (IE8 - 20.85%
and IE9 - 8.89%), but its usage percentage is still significant.
Here’s my +1.
Hi devs,
I’d like to drop the 6.0.x branch/6.0.2 JIRA version and 6.0.x jenkins build. Even though we’ve released a 6.0.1 I don’t think we’re prepared to release a 6.0.2 version now that we’ve had 6.1 released and 6.2 getting close.
Actually I have a personal wish to make 6.2 a very stable release (with possibly a 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 release coming soon after the 6.2 release). So I don’t think we need a 6.0.2.
If nobody disagrees I’ll perform the cleanup at the beginning of next week.
Hi guys,
A new version of the File Manager Application is available. The most
notable changes are:
* Support for folder upload on Chrome (tested with a folder having 1k
files in its subfolders)
* Special date and user filter on the files live table
* Ability to download folders and multiple files as zip
Note that I didn't have time to update the documentation page
. I'm planing to do this after I release 2.0 final because I'm going
to make more UI changes and I'd rather not update the documentation
images multiple times. Sorry for this.
Hi devs,
Similarly to the other browser types (FF, Chrome) I propose to support only the latest version of Safari (version 7 as of today).
On http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/BrowserSupportStrategy we were mentioning support only for Safari 5.
I’ve taken the liberty to update the page to mention “Latest” instead.
Let me know if someone disagrees.