Hi devs,
= Introduction =
With the recent addition of the CookieTool [1] as a velocity tool and the
recent upgrade to velocity-tools 2.0 [2] we`ve been having some issues with
the build. More precisely, the usage of CookieTool requires servlet-api to
be used as dependency for xwiki-commons-velocity and requires that all
modules that use it to specify servlet-api as a dependency as well. This
has the negative impact of making xwiki-rendering depend on servlet-api and
we don`t want that.
We had this dependency before, since the pom of velocity-tools 1.4 was
empty and we would only be hit by this problem if we tried to use some
class from inside it that needed servlet-api in a non-web environment. For
2.0 the pom [4] is correct so either way (1.4 or 2.0) we can not fully say
that xwiki-rendering does not depend on servlet-api.
= Current state =
Now that we added this cookietool, our current manual handling of velocity
tools is to get all the registered tools, create a context, instantiate all
the tools and set them into this cotext (key -> instance) and then reuse
this context as base for every new Velocity context we create. This way we
cache the tools across velocity contexts.
This works well for singleton tools (stringtool, escapetool, etc), but not
so well for per-request tools (like this cookietool is).
= Proposal details =
Velocity tools 2.0 has done a lot of rewriting regarding configuration and
tool management so now it offers a tool manager that handles your tool
instances (cached and instantiated when first needed, not a priori). Also
it defines 3 scopes (application, request and session) to support various
types of tools, like explained previously.
Initially wanting to fix our problem with the servlet-api runtime
dependency, I had hoped that this new tool manager instantiates tools only
when they are first used, so it will not fail for example when
xwiki-rendering uses xwiki-commons-velocity to do its job, but without
calling the cookietool, even if it does not have servlet-api set up as
dependency. I integrated it in XWiki [5][6] (not on master), but when I got
the chance to test it, it turns out that the tool manager does a deep
verification of each configured tool to see if it is properly configured
and if it can be used (instantiated) so if cookietool is configured and
servlet-api is not present, we still end up with a runtime exception.
Not wanting to throw away the work I already did, I came up with a (not too
nice) hack (line 78 [7] to 133) that basically entirely skips the
verification of the configuration and takes it as it is. Of course, at
runtime it would fail if it is used without the dependency, but this was
Now, in the meantime, Vincent came up with a workaround [8] for the problem
the cookietool was causing to the xwiki-rendering build (tests actually) by
simply not using the tool in the default tool configuration if (the class
needed from) servlet-api was not present in the classpath.
= Actual proposal =
So we should end up with:
1) The current system where all tools are global (i.e. similar to tools
2.0's "application" scope) and a few tools (e.g. cookietool) might behave
unexpectedly, but to fix the xwiki-rendering runtime problem:
1.1) With Vincent's less ugly fix that just does not include cookietool in
the list of default tools
2) My refactoring that adds the benefits of velocity tools 2.0's tool
manager with scopes, tool configuration and instance handling, but to fix
the xwiki-rendering runtime problem:
2.1) With my ulgy fix that does not perform configuration validation
2.2) With Vincent's less ugly fix that just does not include cookietool in
the list of default tools
Some things to consider is whether or not we *want* to:
- support *full*/*standard* velocity tool configuration. Maybe we just want
to pass the tool's key and class like we do now?
- support tool scopes. Maybe we just want to use singleton tools?
- go ahead with velocity tools and support additional ones or just focus
more on using script services instead? In our case, we can simply not use
the standard cookietool and make our own script service for the things we
need. However, this proposal is at xwiki-commons level so maybe it's not
*only* about what we do with it in XWiki but maybe in other environments as
I know this is a bit too much for maybe a not-that-important subject, but
I`d appreciate your opinion on where we should take this.
[1] http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XCOMMONS-627
[2] http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-5347
Hi devs,
I need a Nexus account in order to be able to release new applications (new
version of Ideas Application is probably coming).
Jean SIMARD <jean.simard(a)xwiki.com>
Hi devs,
As some of you might have already seen, as part of the AS investigation for
6.2, I have made a small analysis on the way we display events.
As this document [1] shows, we have 2 issues here:
1) What events do we display in AS (user generated, application generated,
messages, etc...)
2) How do we display the events (Page focused, User focused, Timeslot
Please let me know on your opinions, as I consider it is a good time to
review our initial choices and maybe end up with a clearer and consistent
mechanism of handling user-level events in XWiki overall.
Hi devs.
Since 6.2-M1 will be released today and since most of the developers will
be on holidays next week, I propose to postpone the release of
6.2-milestone-2 for 1 week.
New dates:
- 6.2M2: 25th Aug
- 6.2RC1: 1 sep (no change)
- 6.2Final: 15 sep (no change)
Here is my +1.
FYI I’m playing with defining the rules we wish to apply in Sonar.
I’ve just enabled all quality rules available in Sonar and I’m going to remove one by one those that don’t make sense for us or don’t work. I’ll then send a proposal to this list.
See http://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Proposal/DefineSonarRules
Hello Devs,
I am developing an application with bootstrap and XWiki 6.1, however as you
mentioned before, the bootstrap is not in production yet.
The jquery+bootstrap is having a very unstable behavior, after some
interaction of the user with the application trying to open a modal, the
xwiki returns the errors:
"Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function" or
"TypeError: $ is not a function
(firebug points to: the line 98 on the javascript.vm:" return
So I decided to back to colibri, but I did not fine how to create a popup
like modal bootstrap. Is there a way?
Danilo Amaral de Oliveira
Engenheiro de Computação
celular (32) 9111 - 6867