It's not working the way you did suggest.Collaborators
Github tells me i have no permission to transfer the repo to 'xwiki-contrib':
"You don't have admin rights to xwiki-contrib"
Maybe we can do it live? I'll be online in the irc channel. If not, please
just create the repo and i will push there deleting my own project.
* The repos name is now: macro-redmine, link:
* You are added in my repo as collaborator with full access
* I started the transfer to your user again, after failing in transferring
the repo to 'xwiki-contrib': This repository is being transferred to
Thank you for creating the user, nexus did actually notify me and i've
already changed the password.
One last thing, could you also create a repo for the redmine-macro on
https://github.com/xwiki-contrib ?
Hello all,
On behalf of XWiki SAS Research Team, I'm proud to announce that an
early experimental version of the XWiki Realtime WYSIWYG has just
been released!
You can find the code here:
and install it using the Extension Manager.
Beware: it's still experimental and we're not yet sure that it won't
eat your cat.
We're very interested in discovering what issues people are having
with the system and any bugs, feature requests or other issues which
people are experiencing would be most appreciated on
Maybe i just did know how to ask, but similar to pcojan
(http://lists.xwiki.org/pipermail/devs/2014-August/057161.html) i
would like to publish my project. Please could you create a repository
on xwiki-contrib for this extension, my github user is already
mentioned in a previous email.
Thank you!
Hi devs,
As mentioned yesterday, we`re doing a second “Improvement Closing Day”.
The goal is to close as many improvement JIRAs as possible and thus a good
starting approach is to take small and easy ones first. Same goals as for
BFD but for improvements.
This is the filter for the day: http://jira.xwiki.org/issues/?filter=13196
When you close an improvement you should label it with
“improvementfixingday” to
be counted.
Enjoy this XWiki Day!
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki
6.2 Milestone 1.
Among others, this release adds various responsive UI improvements for the
new Flamingo skin, a new structure for applications created with
Application Within Minutes and the possibility to have alternative Icon
Themes. Developers also get a new Mail Sender API and other API
improvements. Finally, a considerable amount of bug fixes (31) and
improvements (31) are provided so make sure to try it out.
You can download it here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
-The XWiki dev team
*How can we used Computed Field?*
In XWiki Data Model page [1] I found:
*Computed pseudofield* new in 4.2M3 Allows to create a pseudo field for
which the display can be configured using a script. It allows to combine
other fields together.And in 4.2 release note [2]:
Another new type of class fields adds support for *virtual values* computed
live from other class values, data from the database, data obtained from an
external service, or practically any other source of data. These fields are
non-editable and aren't stored in the database, since they only provide
some wiki content that will be rendered each time such a property is
Traditionally, this kind of computation would have been written directly in
the sheet used to display instances of that class, but putting it in a
class field allows easier reuse of the code, since the property will be
*displayed* in livetables, when indexing the document in Lucene, when
displaying documents in an index page, and so on.
I try to used it with a Contact class I defined as following
String firstName
String lastName
ComputedField fullName
I found in mail history only one explanation about this field [3]
So, for fullName field, I set script with
$row.firstName $row.lastName
And that display:
$row.firstName $row.lastName
OK, [3] speak about Live Table, but what's about displaying this field in
other place?
[1] http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/DataModel
[3] http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Computed-fields-td7586948.html