Hello Developers,
How are you?
Last weeks we have added some listeners to our XWiki platform. I am losing the control in what listeners are registered and working.
Is there a way in the observation Module to check what listeners are registered and working?
Grupo Energisa
Danilo Oliveira
Analista Suporte Aplicacao TI - DPTO CORP. DE INFRAESTR. TI
e-mail: danilo.oliveira(a)energisa.com.br | tel: (32) 3429-6342 | cel: (32) 8452-9478
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I'd like to propose installing the Realtime WikiText extension on myxwiki.org.
It has already been installed on webviewers.org and in XWiki SAS internal wiki.
I would like to broaden the scope to myxwiki.org and then xwiki.org.
Myxwiki.org is a special scenario because it contains many subwikis, some of
which have fairly radical custom skins. However after some thought I decided
we should install the extension globally anyway because it will allow us to
gather the widest range of feedback about it's behavior.
I propose to write a document explaining how it works, where to report issues
and how to disable it, install the extensions globally on myxwiki.org, then
place a banner on myxwiki.org for 1 week which invites administrators to the
Good morning devs,
Actually, the notification email show changes made on document's source,
but end user want to see formatted changes and not sources.
Is it possible to change this in a way to display formatted content in
email body ?
Thanks :)
Hi community,
I have a listener on DocumentUpdateEvent
List<Event> getEvents()
return Arrays.asList(new DocumentUpdateEvent())
void onEvent(Event event, Object source, Object data)
println "onEvent start !"
def obj = source.getObject("Revision.RevisionClass")
source.setComment('this is listener comment')
println obj.getName()
obj.set("approvedRev", '1.1', data)
println "onEvent end"
I'm sure onEvent is executed but the document is not saved.
The same problem with DocumentUpdatedEvent
when i added saveDocument, i got stackoverflow.
I tried on XWIKI 4.4 and 5.4.5, with no success
Thanks in advance :)
In Flamingo, we have created the concept of Application Bar, that we have
implemented as a Panel:
I propose to put the Application Bar by default on the left column.
Since we do not have a configuration system at the skin level, it would be
present for both Colibri & Flamingo. I think it is not a problem because I
have managed to make it look good for both (except for the size of the
icons) :
There have been some recently discussions about Application Descriptors and
their utility when generating content for XWiki features, like taking the
icon field from the descriptor in order to generate the application panel
for the AppBar, etc.
I've gathered some use cases / needs on this page:
It would be nice to brainstorm a bit if we consider the 'Application
Descriptor' concept to be needed in our future, especially since the
Flamingo Skin is focused heavily on the Applications concept.
I would be curious why this concept has been deprecated (Application
* maybe the fields the descriptor contained are deprecated by the Extension
* maybe a bad usage;
* etc.
And also very important is what fields you consider should be needed in the
Application Descriptor and ways to make it easily extensible.
Having an Application Descriptor would facilitate having an index
containing all applications, called Application Index, in order to help the
user navigate and manage the installed applications outside the Extension
Manager (which is found in Administration).
Caty & Louis-Marie
Hello XWiki Dev,
How are you?
In my company, we have created an XWiki extension that allows use the sigmajs framework (sigmajs.org) and we would like to share the extension with the community. Our idea is create a github project and make it available through extension manager to the users however we don’t have idea how to create the github and after that link that with the extension, how can we do that?
Thank you,
Grupo Energisa
Danilo Oliveira
Analista Suporte Aplicacao TI - DPTO CORP. DE INFRAESTR. TI
e-mail: danilo.oliveira(a)energisa.com.br | tel: (32) 3429-6342 | cel: (32) 8452-9478
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When clicking on preview, I need to add some velocity code before rendring
the page, please where can i find the code of preview button of the editor
Thanks in advance
Hi devs,
We’re Thursday and Thursday is XWiki Day! :)
I’d like to propose that we do our first PR Review Day today. The goal is to review all the JIRA issues that have patches or PRs in them (http://jira.xwiki.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&mode=hide&jqlQu…) and:
- apply them if possible
- comment on them if something is missing/not right
- set the proper “Pull Request Status” field value: Awaiting Committer Feedback, Awaiting Contributor Feedback, None
- ping the contributor if we’ve already asked for some info and we didn’t get it
- if some PR are almost good then spend the extra time to finish them to allow applying the PR
- when you start reviewing a PR please assign it to yourself to set the lock on it
- when you’re done, if the issue wasn’t closed, then unassign yourself
Please record:
- how many issues you’ve reviewed
- how many PRs you’ve applied
Let’s do it! :)
Hi devs,
Running mvn dependency:dependency-analyze produces interesting results.
For example:
[INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building XWiki Commons - Properties 3.2-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:2.3:analyze (default-cli) @ xwiki-commons-properties ---
[WARNING] Used undeclared dependencies found:
[WARNING] org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.6.1:compile
[WARNING] javax.inject:javax.inject:jar:1:compile
[WARNING] Unused declared dependencies found:
[WARNING] org.xwiki.commons:xwiki-commons-component-api:jar:3.2-SNAPSHOT:compile
[WARNING] org.xwiki.commons:xwiki-commons-test:jar:3.2-SNAPSHOT:test
[WARNING] org.hibernate:hibernate-validator:jar:4.2.0.Final:test
[WARNING] org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:jar:1.1:test
[WARNING] org.jmock:jmock:jar:2.5.1:test
The question is (for this module but more generally for all others):
* Should we add slf4j and javax.inject reps in the pom.xml for this module? (for ex today slf4j and javax.inject are found in the component-api dep)
I think we should, wdyt?
Note that the "Unused declared dependencies found:" doesn't always generate correct results as is the case here. This is mostly because it's a static byte code check so any dep used at runtime will be considered unused.
See http://www.sonatype.com/books/mvnex-book/reference/optimizing-sect-dependen…