
  • 9400 discussions

[xwiki-devs] [Contrib] Create a repository for the Flash Message Application
by Sidali Djebloun
10 years, 8 months

[xwiki-devs] New IntelliJ license
by vincentï¼ massol.net
10 years, 8 months

[xwiki-devs] [Proposal] Roadmap for XWiki 6.1
by vincentï¼ massol.net
10 years, 8 months

[xwiki-devs] [Proposal] Integrate LESS css in XWiki
by Guillaume "Louis-Marie" Delhumeau
10 years, 8 months

[xwiki-devs] Migrate XWIKI content to MediaWIKI
by walid yaich
10 years, 8 months

[xwiki-devs] Jira not showing Git logs anymore?
by Paul Libbrecht
10 years, 8 months

[xwiki-devs] Refresh a macro
by firmusoft.xwiki
10 years, 8 months

[xwiki-devs] [Brainstorming] Applications / Skin dependence
by Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)
10 years, 8 months

[xwiki-devs] [ANN] XWiki 6.0 released
by Thomas Mortagne
10 years, 8 months

[xwiki-devs] [Proposal] Improve our Panels technology
by Guillaume "Louis-Marie" Delhumeau
10 years, 8 months
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