Hi devs,
After brainstorming offline with several XWiki committers here’s a proposal for the 6.1 roadmap:
* Continue work on improving performances and especially page loading times - Thomas
* Continue work on the Flamingo skin with ideally the goal of having it finished and ready to be used by end of 6.1 - GuillaumeÂ
* First working version of the Script Signing feature - Denis
* Continue work on collaborative apps (http://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Proposal/CollaborativeApplications), namely:
- Define new features for the File Manager app (Marius)
- Design for the File Manager App (Caty + Marius)
- Continue implementing the Meeting Ma,ager App (Max)
- Implement the File Manager App (Marius + Sofiane)
Important JIRA issues defined (first is most important):
* Support 2 roles for users for app within minutes: application creator and data creator -Â XWIKI-8757
* Scheduler / Watchlist activity shouldn't add a version to the page. Huge xwikircs table and terrible performances when reading it.
* "Current wiki" wiki macros not available in the macros list in wysiwyg in path based multiwiki -Â XWIKI-7739
* Adding content (images, links, table, macros) is not working on WYSIWYG on IE10 -Â XWIKI-10283
* Make it easy to edit the dashboard on the home page  - http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XE-1382
* Welcome block is not easily editable -Â XE-1389
* User Directory should not show "xwiki:XWiki." for user id -Â XWIKI-10284
* Show date and time of the install and user who installed for an installed extension -Â XWIKI-10027
* Allow to force the installation of an extension even if dependencies are not satisfied -Â XWIKI-9827
* Add the possibility in AppWithinMinutes livetables settings to select a default sort on a column -Â http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-9659
* Check if we need to improve the help in the Admin section of XWiki and if so make a proposal - Caty
- 6.1M1: 19 may 2014
- 6.1M2: 9 june 2014
- 6.1RC1: 23 june 2014
- 6.1Final: 7 july 2014
Note that initially we had planned 6.1 final to be released in June so we’re already a bit late in the cycle which is why I put 6.1M1 for 19th of May.
Please add  the stuff you wish to work on if you’re not in the list above and with to commit to working on something for the 6.1 release! :)
In 6.0, we have released a first version of Flamingo. It uses Bootstrap and
the LESS preprocessor during the build to create the final style.css file.
But currently, there is a serious regression compared to Colibri: it does
not support color themes.
So I have started a proposal about the color theme handling in Flamingo,
that you can see there:
My conclusion is that we need to integrate the LESS preprocesor on the
runtime. This way, we can add velocity variables (corresponding to the
color theme) in our LESS sources BEFORE the LESS preprocessor is launched.
Doing the opposite, (process velocity after LESS) causes some problems that
I have reported on the previous link.
To me, it would be a good step ahead for proposing LESS to our users.
Regarding this, some ideas are coming to me:
- it is quite easy to integrate LESS since we can use Rhino to launch the
LESS preprocessor (which is a javascript program). See:
- we need a cache system in order to not always compute the style.css
served to the user (performances issue).
- we need to add this in the "skin" action.
- in the future, we also need to modify the skinx actions, to enable it for
Skin Extensions.
We also need to agree on the use of LESS instead of SASS. I have used LESS
on Flamingo because Bootstrap has originally been written with it (although
an official SASS port exists), so this choice is not based on a strong
analysis. Anyway, it looks quite simple to move from one to the other and
it is probably too soon to predict which of these 2 preprocessors will win
on the long term.
Do you think I am going in the right direction?
Thanks for reading,
I would like to implement a tool to convert "xwiki xml dump" to "mediawiki
xml dump", any help about which java lib to use ? some link if possible ;)
Thanks in advance :)
I have a macro which displays all the objects of a class in a table. We can
add a new object to the class also, using the macro.
I want the newly added object listed in the table. Currently this happens
only when I reload the page.
Can we refresh a macro so that the table gets updated as soon as we add a
new object?
Please help me on this
With the new Flamingo skin and with the design investigations done on
existing Applications, there are more and more questions related to:
* how will the applications be displayed on the new skin, while conserving
the same look on the old skin;
* how much an application should preserve previous functionality and how
many efforts are we putting in adapting the functionality for new layouts;
* when do we create a new application vs. when do we retire one;
* etc.
This question applies in general to applications and you can also read some
discussions about applications like Panels [1] or ColorThemes [2].
In this thread I want to discuss some variants related to application's
I am interested in our position regarding this topic and if we have like a
'standard' solution or if the answer depends on the application in cause.
[1] http://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Proposal/PanelsImprovements
[2] http://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Proposal/ColorThemeforFlamingo
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of
XWiki <version>.
First version of the 6.x cycle having for main theme performances.
This version marks the move to Java 7 as minimum version and comes
with a new experimental Flamingo skin, new chart renderers, WebJars
support and many other improvements.
You can download it here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
-The XWiki dev team
After some discussions with Caty and Vincent, we would like to propose you
new ideas about the panels technology, that replaces our previous
propositions about the Flamingo Applications Bar.
The proposal is there, with more explanations and screenshots:
Here is my +1.