Hi devs.
Thomas has merged my pull request for the new wiki API. I'm happy!
Now, xwiki-platform-wiki-manager and xwiki-platform-workspaces are
obsoletes. We should delete them or move them to xwiki-contrib.
Here is my +1 for the move!
Hi devs,
Today is Bug Fixing Day 45.
We're currently at -127 bugs (we were at -112 bugs last week!) for the
1600 days period:
Bugs seem to be winning ATM. Let's reduce this gap...
Since we're getting close to the end of the 5.x cycle and since this is RC
time please be very careful about your commits and don't commit anything
dangerous. Be on the safe side. It's better to do less bugs rather than
commit regressions. We've been having issues of stability recently and they
might have been added during BFD so we need to be careful.
Since we're late for 5.3 (I'm going to send a new date proposal), I think
it's acceptable that some committers continue their work for 5.3 RC1 and
final today instead of participating to this BFD. Your decision ofc ;)
Here's the BFD#45 dashboard to follow the progress during the day:
I got stuck with customized validation for XWikiUsers class using XWiki
5.2. I have custom sheet with validation with following code excerpt:
public class PersonValidation implements XWikiValidationInterface {
public boolean validateDocument(XWikiDocument doc, XWikiContext
context) {
// Validation result
def res = true;
// User settings from the session context
def session=context.getRequest().getSession();
def user = context.getUser();
def userObj=context.getWiki().getDocument(user,
if(true) {
'', '', 'E-mail is '+userObj.getStringValue('email'), context);
res = false;
return res;
public boolean validateObject(BaseObject object, XWikiContext context)
return true;
In difference with first_name, last_name, phone, etc. This method
doesn't return property value.
I noted, that using passed XWiki context, BaseObject is retured in
difference with Object for inline scripts, where get... methods works
If nothing else, is there is way to get Object from BaseObject?
Any suggestions ar welcome!
Hi devs,
5.3 was initially planned to be released on the 25th. However as you can see on http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Roadmaps/WebHome some important issues that were planned for 5.3 are still not done.
Normally we'd do timeboxing (ie release and implement the rest in the next version) but since we’re getting close to the end of the cycle and since some important issues remain I’d like to propose to delay the release by 1 week in order to finish the maximum number of issues for 5.3 (those related to SOLR, Wiki creation and Confluence/Scalable import/export). That will also give more time to Sorin/Manuel for testing 5.3 before the release.
This would mean:
5.3 RC1: 27th of November
5.3 Final: 4th of December
I spent some time making my XWiki instance show a more useful list of results from the search results, but there is a problem here as the freemarker code is unable to catch a rendering exception (by design of freemarker) on certain searches. If there is an exception, the user is greeted with a long wait, then no results show up at all. This isn't really good enough for my means.
My happier solution, would be for the exception to happen and for nothing to be rendered in the preview for this search result. I wondered if there was a better way to achieve my goal than using the rendering mechanisms in the code below. If I can avoid or catch the exception and keep the same functionality that I have now, then I would be in a better position.
Code below or on StackOverflow (http://stackoverflow.com/q/17038968/1247302). I'm using XWIKI ENTERPRISE 5.0-MILESTONE-1.
I edited the page http://[servername:port]/xwiki/bin/edit/XWiki/Results and then added the code
<div class="itemOthers">
#set($outputSyntax = $xwiki.getAvailableRendererSyntax('plain', '1.0'))
#if ($outputSyntax)
#set ($preview = $xwiki.getDocument($itemfullname).getRenderedContent($outputSyntax))
#set ($regex = $regextool.quote($request.text))
#set ($regex_summarize = "(?i)(?:((\w+)\W+){0,20})\b\w*$regex\w*\b(((\W+)\w+){0,20})")
#set ($regex_highlight = "(?i)($regex)")
#set ($pattern_summarize = $regextool.compile($regex_summarize))
#set ($matcher_summarize = $pattern_summarize.matcher($preview))
#foreach ( $match_loop in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] )
#if ($matcher_summarize.find())
#if ($match_loop > 0)
<strong> | </strong>
$escapetool.html($matcher_summarize.group(0)).replaceAll($regex_highlight,'<span style="background-color:yellow;">$1</span>')
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The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of
XWiki 5.3 Milestone 2.
This release comes with a new syntax quide, an improved faceted search
and the ability to import content from Confluence wiki. Also, the wiki
creation wizard has now support for creating wiki templates and for
choosing the user scope (local, global or both). This release also
includes a lot of bug fixes (33) and a few improvements (19) so you
should definitely check it out.
You can download it here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
-The XWiki dev team
Hello all!
My name is Andreea Popescu, I'm an intern at XWiki SAS since the begging of
November. I want to help with improving existing apps and implementing new
ones, testing them and writing documentation etc.
Thank you!
*Short version* for voting:
*A*. Creation of a new wiki on xwiki.org farm that will hold development
process details about a specific feature. This wiki will deprecate
dev.xwiki.org:Design and incubator.myxwiki.org
*B*. Vote on naming alternatives for this new wiki:
*C*. UI on how a Proposal will be displayed in this new wiki (example
*Long version: *
Right now development process activities are located in multiple places:
- Analysis + Architecture: http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Design/
- Analysis + User Interface:
- Other: http://xwiki.markmail.org/, http://jira.xwiki.org, chats, git
comments, etc.
This process can be hard to optimize and information is hard to track if
you are looking for specific information.
And the worst part of it is that is hard to automatize and lots of the
items need manual gathering or search.
*Part A. *
This mail is about combining http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Design/andhttp://incubator.myxwiki.org/ work in a single place.
This has already been discussed several times before (
http://xwiki.markmail.org/thread/kc32dufsf7nyyt6s and
http://xwiki.markmail.org/thread/izj6aiyodwqia4vl) and the vote was
favorable in this direction.
The proposal was to create a new wiki called design.xwiki.org that will
contain the combined information and that will target developers.
The new wiki will be used to gather only proposal's development process
information: requirements, architecture, solutions alternatives, user
interface variants, planning, etc. for a specific feature/idea/improvement.
After the proposal is implemented it will be properly documented in the
right location for users (ex platform.xwiki.org).
It is acceptable to have CSS + JS code on this wiki in order to demonstrate
the functionality of the proposals, but we should not add
experimental/dangerous code (groovy scripts, jars, etc.). For this case it
is advisable to use a test machine, share your own instance or use the
contrib.xwiki.org repository for hosting.
The version upgrades will be handle by a community admin and the wiki
gardening by me.
The data from incubator.myxwiki.org and dev.xwiki.org:Design will be moved
gradually after the new wiki is created.
*Part B. *
You should state your opinion regarding which name is better for the new
- design.xwiki.org
- incubator.xwiki.org
- we accept other proposals.
*Part C.*
I've made a proposal on how a proposal page would look like:
The proposal page will gather all the information related to it, making it
easier to track it's progress.
The entries will be separated depending on 4 categories: Analysis,
Architecture, User Interface and Implementation, each category having it's
own status, participants, jiras and timeframe.
Categories are not mandatory for all proposals, smaller proposals will have
just the related pages for certain areas.
Each proposal will store it's data in a dedicated space.
The implementation of the proposal will be handled by me.
Let me know what you think.