Hi devs,
In order to implement http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-9512 (display
the flag icon and the language pretty name instead of the language
code) I need to bundle a flag icon set in XE. The best option seems to
be http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/flags/ . They say:
"These flag icons are available for free use for any purpose with no
requirement for attribution."
So if no one objects I'm going to add the PNG set to
xwiki-platform-web, in webapp/resources/icons/flags . It weights about
The alternative is to display only the language pretty name, but it's
less nicer.
Or maybe you know a better flag icon set.
Hello fellow xwiki developers,
trying to understand why an iframe element disappears after we re-edit source after we insert the iframe in source html, I seem to understand that the service called "HTMLCleaner" is the guilty one (the service is called as a POST to URL
Is there any way to configure the policy of the html-cleaner?
I did not see this among the configs.
thanks in advance.
Hi devs,
We didn't manage to release 5.3M1 on time (1 week delay..) and this
leaves only 1 week for M2 which is not enough for me to finish my work
on Solr (see http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Roadmaps/WebHome ) so
I propose to take 1 week from RC1:
5.3M2: 11th of November (was 4th)
5.3RC1: 18th of November
5.3Final: 25th of November
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of
XWiki 5.3 Milestone 1.
This is more a developer oriented release with new Extension Manager
APIs, an XWiki Enterprise Maven Archetype, XAR plugin improvements and
fold observation events but it also has a number of bug fixes (36) and
improvements (22) that the users will appreciate.
You can download it here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
-The XWiki dev team
i didnt find a documentation for creating an XObject to a Wiki-Page when a
new Page is created.
I think it must something like that, but who do i place it?
EntityReference entRef = doc.resolveClassReference("Space.WhateverClass");
int objectIndex = doc.createXObject(entRef, getXWikiContext());
BaseObject o = doc.getXObjects(entRef).get(objectIndex);
I know i can create a new object and page by velocity
but i want to add a default and predefined object when a user add a new
Is there a way to do this from plugin-side?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Create-Object-by-Default-with-a-new-Page-…
Sent from the XWiki- Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hello, i programmed some Objects which can be related to any page. Then i
draw a graph (see an example at http://jsfiddle.net/7aMBr/3/). I programmed
it as a service which creates a html5-canvas and the javascript for the
drawing (Here a screen
http://s1.directupload.net/file/d/3421/3a4twrov_jpg.htm). Is is done with
$services.graph.calculate(640, 320, "Hierarchic")
I defined some type-classes which can predefine the node or edge style, for
example the icon or the arrow layout (here a preview
Here now my questions:
1. I use a defined id which uses Space.PageName.NodeLabel (ObjectUUID). This
references the Graph-Elements to others or the types. Everything works fine,
but now i realised that the change of the label in the object forces an
error in the ClassBuilder because all depended elements did't realize the
change. Is there a objectchange listener i can use for every change?
2. I programmed also a remove- and create-method in the ScriptService. As
you can see in one picture i defined a custom menubar. So i want to create a
link which can start a service. Is that possible?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Object-Handling-tp7587724.html
Sent from the XWiki- Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi devs,
As you may know, I have taken over the work done by Thomas Delafosse
regarding security in XWiki, and in particular, a very good idea initially
proposed by Alex Busenius in the early days of the security mailing list in
June 2010, replacing PR by Signed Scripts ! A lot of discussions had
already been done around the subject, mainly on the security mailing list
and Thomas D. has written a very interesting PoC that demonstrate the
feasibility and also some drawbacks and issues with our initial concept.
I have therefore reviewed all those information, and I have try to draw a
conclusion that I am now sharing with you in an open design proposal:
I know you are all really busy with your stuffs and that this is not a
short document, but introduction of this change in XWiki will not be a
small event, and it may become really difficult to properly evolve if we
made it wrong. So I strongly insist that all of you read this proposal and
comment on any point that looks odd. For those who would not be at ease
with cryptographic matters, a small cryptographic introduction is also
included, so (I hope) you may understand the document.
There are still some open points in the proposal, marked TODO, on which I
would be please to receive your suggestions. I will continue to evolve the
proposal based on your comments, until we reach an acceptable solution, but
I also start the implementation.
Thanks in advance for your time,
Denis Gervalle
I have two jira issues that I need to fix for 5.3:
* http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-9558 - Rename {{workspaces /}} gadget
to {{wikis /}}
* http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-9491 - Rename
"WorkspaceInformationPanel" to "WikiInformationPanel"
The implementation is very trivial. In both cases I just rename a document,
and in one case I only change the field "name" of the WikiMacro.
But how do we handle upgrade?
A: If someone has used the {{workspaces /}} macro in her content, she will
not see the expected result anymore.
B: If WorkspaceInformationPanel is used in a layout, should we
automatically update this layout to use WikiInformationPanel?
Do we consider we should let the user fix this issues herself, or should we
provide an automatic solution to that? If so, how could we do?
Thanks for your help,