Can I use $services.xml to parse a XML document to get the tag name and
#set( $xml = "<test><input1>eeee</input1></test>");
I would like the input value "eeee". How can this be done?
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Sent from the XWiki- Dev mailing list archive at
I am upgrading from Xwiki 2.7.33656 to Xwiki 4.3-milestone-1.
I also upgraded from Tomcat 5.5.33 to Tomcat 7.0.32.
I installed the Xwiki as a WAR in the new instnace of Tomcat. I modified
the hibernate.cfg.xml file as indicated in the install instructions.
When trying to access the new Xwiki it just sits on a blank page with
reference to http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Main/.
I did try to run the MYSQLDUMP file from the older Xwiki instance in the
newer Xwiki instance.
But each time it fails with "lost connect to mysql".
Is there some difference between the MySQL databse instances of Xwiki 2.7.*
and Xwiki 4.3* that could be causing this problem?
Some of the log files are below...
*Nov 14, 2012 11:24:24 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 29542 ms
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 - - [14/Nov/2012:11:41:36 -0600] "GET /xwiki/ HTTP/1.1" 302
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 - - [14/Nov/2012:11:41:36 -0600] "GET /xwiki/bin/view/Main/
HTTP/1.1" 200 -
Nov 14, 2012 11:23:55 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
INFO: ContextListener:
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Sent from the XWiki- Dev mailing list archive at
I took a look at the new model proposal and there are a few questions and suggested changes.…
Should this be a String rather than a Java UUID type?…
If we use getChildren() rather than getChildReferences(), we will be mangling the model with the database code which violates the MVC principle.
Also we run the risk of encouraging users to walk the tree looking for the entity it wants rather than creating a reference to it and using that.
Walking the tree would obviously incur enormous unnecessary database load.…
Do we want to continue with the concept of the global variable representing the "current" document?
I'm currently not brimming with alternative ideas but the heavy reliance on the XWikiContext has lead to
a lot of inter-modular communication which makes oldcore difficult to maintain, perhaps we can prevent
this in the new model.…
I would rather this have a name which doesn't collide with a java.lang class. When I see Object in a .java
file I would like it to always mean java.lang.Object.…
I like XClass better for this purpose, it is essentially a class and creating a new name which nobody
has ever heard of will just steepen the learning curve and make things hard on newcomers.…
Why not give the user direct access to the property without the intervening wrapper?…
I don't like this.
A Persistable is saved in a store by a user. Who is the user and where are they saving it?
What if I want to have multiple stores?
Must there be a global variable representing the store which is implied by this function?
The comment and minorEdit fields are also a bit dubious, perhaps in the future they will make no sense, perhaps
they should really be attributes of the Document, also the "attributes" parameter reminds me of this:
Finally, giving the document awareness of where and how it is stored violates the MVC boundries.
I think we should not worry about the API which stores the Persistable when we are creating the model, the
store API should be separate so that it can evolve while the model stays stable.…
A session is essentially a transaction? If so why not call it Transaction? Also why does it extend Persistable?
How do you persist a session?…
Why does addSpace() not take a Space parameter? it makes sense to me that you would do:
parent = storeApi.get(wikiRef, "SomeSpace", user);
child = new DefaultSpace();
child.addDocument("ADocument", new DefaultDocument("This is content."));
parent.addSpace("ChildSpace", child);, user);
I'm just brainstorming here but this seems like a reasonable approach..
I noticed the lack of a User data type, is that just something which is planned for the future or is it
intentionally missing?
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki
Enterprise 4.3 Milestone 2.
This release brings:
- a new and experimental Solr Search engine
- new default date, user and group pickers
- a new localization module allowing applications to register translations
- REST API additions
- various other improvements.
You can download it here:
Make sure to review the release notes:
-The XWiki dev team
Hi devs,
I'm writing functional tests for the FAQ app in platform and I wanted to write a test for verifying that the app registers itself in the app panel.
The problem is that the app panel requires UI extensions and the app panel is currently located in the panels app. However I don't want to put that as a dependency on UI extensions in the panels app since no other panel need it.
So the good answer is that the app panel is not correctly located. Actually the panels ui app should only contain the Panels.WenHome page and all other panels should be part of the other functional domains…
So that brings me to this proposal which is:
* Create a new xwiki-platform-application/ which represents the functional domain of wiki applications.
* Have 3 submodules in it as follows:
|_ xwiki-platform-application-manager/
|_ xwiki-platform-application-manager-api/
|_ xwiki-platform-application-manager-ui/
|_ xwiki-platform-application-appwithinminutes/
|_ xwiki-platform-application-ui/
* ATM xwiki-platform-application-ui/ would contain only the Applications Panel but in the future the content of xwiki-platform-application-manager-ui/ should be merged with it and it should for example provide a UI to list all apps in the wiki.
* In the future xwiki-platform-application-manager-api/ would also be renamed in xwiki-platform-application-api/
Here's my +1
Since 4.4 M2 has been released yesterday, I propose to release 4.3 RC1
this friday instead of today.
Please make sure you don't commit new stuff after tomorrow evening and
help stabilize the build.
Hi devs,
Since the current policy is to ask before adding a CLIRR exclude and since
I did not ask when I applied GuillaumeD's pull request [1], I hereby ask
for your vote whether it is ok to exclude the 2 new methods:
- that allows the creation of workspaces using a different template than
the default one
- that lists workspace templates
Since we are tight with time (Fabio needs to finish the 4.3M1 release),
this issue should be settled ASAP.
Also, please note that the Workspace API is still young (and pretty basic),
as far as I am concerned, and it is bound to get updated in the future.
Here's my +1
This is an official call for sessions for a "Community development and
Marketing" devroom, hosted at FOSDEM 2013 on Saturday, February 2nd.
In this devroom, developers with different profiles and backgrounds
are invited to brainstorm about aspects related to software projects
which are beyond the code itself, but nevertheless crucial for keeping
the project alive, such as marketing strategies useful for attracting
users and contributors, processes for managing the dynamics of the
community, and open source solutions for project lifecycle management.
While Marketing and FLOSS have long been considered incompatible
concepts, recent history has shown that marketing strategies properly
tailored for the FLOSS world can be of real help for open source
projects without tainting their ideology. Good marketing can be an
essential instrument for reaching out and expanding the community of
users and contributors. You are invited to showcase best practices and
successful collaborations between marketers and developers, to discuss
marketing in a typical hacker environment, and to participate in
establishing a link between communities and in creating opportunities
for collaboration.
Furthermore, you are invited to exchange ideas about what works for
keeping a community in shape: how to encourage contributions from new
members, how to keep people motivated, how to work across time zones
and cultures, how to handle conflicts, what are the processes for
naming new committers or for accepting patches. Presenters can talk
about their favorite combination of tools for version control, code
review, continuous integration, issue tracking, documentation, as well
as full infrastructure setup scenarios. It will be a great environment
for learning from individual success stories about new ways of working
better inside an open source community.
If you are interested in holding a session, please submit your talk
proposal no later than 23-12-2012 (UTC) by sending an email message to
cdm-devroom(a), and providing the following information:
About the speaker:
- Name
- Affiliation (if any)
- Short bio
About the proposed session:
- Title
- Abstract (no more than 300 words)
- Preferred duration (5, 15 or 30 minutes) and time slot (optional)
You can also subscribe to the mailing list to discuss the devroom
topics with the two organizers, by sending an empty email message to
Looking forward to your contributions,
Italo Vignoli (italo(a)
Sergiu Dumitriu (sergiu(a)