Hi everyone/Jerem,
I've seen that we've added the following GSOC project:
This looks quite similar to what Jerem is working on.
Jerem, maybe you could tell us a bit more about your project and how it's similar/different than this GSOC.
Jerem, any timeframe for a first version of your project to be visible?
Is this something you're developing for yourself or do you plan to give it to the community or even to the XWiki project?
I'd like to clarify this to know how to best organize this project to not duplicate efforts too much and instead to combine synergies.
Hi devs
Yesterday the hard disk of our local machine running Jenkins crashed.
We decided to use that as a reason to move Jenkins to one of our
This should be easy to do, with exception of the functional tests
(Selenium). Currently we are evaluating if it's worth it to install
our own test environment or if we should use an SAAS solution.
I tried to figure out how you solved this problem, but I couldn't find
the details of how / where you run your functional tests during the
continuous integration. So, do you run your functional tests for the
different browsers (and browser versions) on you own servers or do you
use a third party solution?
Thanks for a hint / inspiration
Hi devs,
I just committed a new Velocity uberspector that automatically
converts String method arguments to Enum when possible. Please review
it and tell me if there's something wrong.
The idea is to be able to call #someMethod(SomeEnum) with
if SomeEnum.VALUE is a valid constant.
See https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-commons/commit/dbf1e06cc4f949c6f0b5a03c57067…
Hi devs,
While debugging the failing REST integration tests I discovered an
inconsistency in the page REST resource. Take for instance the
response returned for this URL:
* The returned content is the raw (not rendered) content. In this
particular case, since the blog post content is saved in the blog post
object, and also because the blog uses the new sheet system, the raw
content of Blog.BlogIntroduction page is empty
* The returned title is the display title (i.e. the rendered title).
In this particular case, since the raw title is empty, but the blog
post sheet, which controls how the title is displayed, renders the
'title' property of the blog post.
The inconsistency is that the content is raw while the title is
rendered. I think the page REST resource should provide data in the
first place, so raw title. It could provide the rendered title or
content additionally, but that is secondary IMO.
I'll fix the REST integration tests by using a page that doesn't have a sheet.
I'd like to change the <repository> in each top level pom to nexus so that on release, all releases will go directly to staging by default.
Agent1 already has an account in the staging repository from my last release so this should just work.
Hello friends,
First thank you for the inputs.
> About the tentative time-line, please confront each step with a date.
I'm not sure whether it was unclear or not, but the numbers represents the
weeks of GSOC and are not arbritrary. Unless you want the exact date, then
I can go ahead and revise it again. I also appended to the beginning: a
design exploration stage as per your request. [1]
> About the mock-ups, personally I would prefer we make it a complete
> > initial phase of the project, to take the time to create a skin
> > afresh, trying as much as possible to forget about what has been done
> > in colibri (the current default skin of XWiki) and instead think
> > outside the box. This would mean forgetting about how menus, links,
> > information etc. is displayed, and come up with an actual new skin.
> > Especially since I understand you have design skills ;)
Thank you. Right, ok so I wasn't sure how much creativity i am allowed with
the skin and that's why my first mock up is pretty close to colibri. I
created a second mock up of a more "brave" skin. desktop [2], mobile [3],
What does the community think? wrong or right direction?
> I would love to see some fresh ideas of how the responsive skin would look
> like.
> Jonathan should provide some a timeline in order to see how expensive this
> phase would be.
Ok so at the moment, I am aiming for a week of design exploration. But to
be honest, I have never worked on a project like this, or created a time
line. If someone could comment on my timeline [1] as to whether it is
totally skewed or just about right, that would be great.
Please also take a look at other ideas/layouts for the mobile skin
> http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Improvements/MobileSkin
This is a great resource. I will definitely look into this more deeply.
Thank you!
On a non Responsive Skin topic, is there a place where I can read/reply to
the mailing list, beside email, that is more dedicated (like how google
groups have an online "viewer")? Like the way links are delineated at the
bottom as footnotes, does everyone do that manually, or is there a
dedicated place that does this for you? It is a little bit confusing to
read emails with multi-level quotes. Or maybe I am just not used to it.
Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards,
Jonathan Solichin
[1] http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Design/ResponsiveSkin
[2] http://jssolichin.com/public/2/desktop.jpg
[3] http://jssolichin.com/public/2/mobile.jpg
Hello everybody,
As you know, starting with Firefox 4 Mozilla changed the release strategy
of its browsers. They are having a new (rapid) release cycle, releasing a
new version each 6 weeks. [1]
Firefox 3.6 having a large market spread, Mozilla decided to keep the
support for it in the past months. On the 24th April 2012, Mozilla
announced it will no longer offer support for Firefox 3.6, making it EOL
(End Of Life)
During the meeting from yesterday (9th May 2012) they officially pulled the
plug on Firefox on 3.6 [2], allowing the possibility of Firefox 3.6 users
to upgrade to the latest version. [3]
Since Firefox 3.6 will not be supported by Mozilla, I propose we also drop
the support for Firefox 3.6.
Here is my +1 (note that my vote is not binding)
Sorin B.
[3] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=753006