I'd like to introduce a new API in QueryFilter:
* Filter a list of query results. The result list can be returned
without modification.
* @param results the original result list.
* @param <T> expected type of elements in the result list.
* @return a filtered result list.
<T> List<T> filterResults(List<T> results);
In addition to QueryFilter#filterStatement(), this method would be
called from the QueryExecutor and it would allow the filter to mofidy
the result list of a query.
We talked about this one before with Thomas and Vincent but the use
case we were thinking about wasn't achievable (permission checking)
because of performance issues.
Now I need this method to fix an issue with the "unique" (distinct)
filter. When using "unique", a HSQLDB limitation [1] forces us to put
the columns present in the "order by" clause in the "select" clause.
This currently causes a lot of queries to fail when using the "unique"
filter. The fix consists to add the columns from the "order by" clause
in the "select" clause and then to remove the added columns from the
query results.
I think this new API fits well in the QueryResult interface, here's my +1.
[1] This is considered invalid when backed by HSQLDB (and Oracle
AFAIK): "select distinct doc.fullName from XWikiDocument order by
The reason is that the order can't be undoubtedly determined, for
example with the following data:
Main.Page1, de
Main.Page1, fr
Main.Page2, en
Main.Page2, it
Jean-Vincent Drean,
Hi Jonathan, everybody,
As you may know the "Responsive Skin" project has been accepted for
the GSoC 2012. I will be mentoring the project, together with
Ecaterina and everyone that wants to get involved. Jonathan Solichin
is the student who will realize the project.
Jonathan, I'd like you start telling us about your plans and an
expected timeline proposal for the realization of the project.
Then the next step is to create a page on the design page in the
development wiki [1] and start the work here.
I'll lay here some of my thoughts on the project, and what I
personally consider conditions for success (for the moment) :
* I'd like we start with a phase of "paper" design (I mean with gimp
or photoshop or whatever tool to produce images).
* I think we should limit the feature set of the skin ; not trying to
do everything right away (there are potentially a lot of features to
work on, from livetables to data editors, to applications, etc.)
* For a start, focus should be given on content and navigation. With a
mobile-first approach, expanding up to large-screens desktop.
* I think it's OK to have semantic break points (like "phone",
"tablet", etc.) as long as the skin is actually responsive and adapt
to whatever real estate is available. We should be able to "drag the
corner" of a browser window and have the skin display well at all
Of course all those points are open for discussion, those are just my
views on the topic. Feedback from the community welcomed.
Jonathan, looking forward hearing from you,
[1] http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Design/WebHome
Hello community, Hello Google Summer of Code students,
First of all, congratulations on your applications and your activity during
the selection period, and welcome in the XWiki development team.
Before guiding the accepted students to their next steps, we'd like to
thank again all those who showed interest in XWiki for this Summer of Code.
We had a lot of good applications this year, with professional approaches
and interesting ideas, and it was very difficult to choose only 3.
Unfortunately, some very good students, with great potential, were not
accepted. So, to those interested in getting involved anyway, without
Google's implication, I renew the invitation to put your ideas in practice
under the guidance of the community. Even though the money will be missing,
you can still take advantage of the other GSoC benefits: learning new
things, gaining experience, earning recognition, etc [1]. If you would like
to do that, please let us know by replying to this mail.
For the accepted students, here are some getting started hints:
= Community bonding period =
According to the program timeline [2], the next month (until - May 21st) is
to be used for community bonding.
The first thing to do, sometime this week, is to present yourself and your
project on the dev list, so that everyone knows who you are and
what to expect from you (a precondition is to be subscribed to the list,
which you *need to do ASAP* if you haven't already).
Also, you should continue getting acquainted with the code, the practices
and the developers. Please make sure you all read and understand the
following - very useful - documents:
- [3] http://purl.org/xwiki/community/
- [4] http://purl.org/xwiki/dev/
- [5] http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/
= Mentorship =
We prefer open mentorship. While your assigned mentor is the one officially
in charge with your guidance, almost all interaction should be done 'in the
open' as much as possible, on the IRC channel or on the mailing list. You
should choose the communication medium according to the importance of the
matters to be discussed: naturally, the less important issues are to be
discussed on IRC, while the design decisions, important progress
announcements and testing/feedback requests go on the list. This way, the
community is informed on the evolution of your project, and other
developers can come up any time with useful ideas and suggestions.
Moreover, if your mentor is hit by a bus (the bus factor [6]), another
developer can take his place with little effort.
= Communication =
Sitting alone in your room, working secretly on your project is definitely
a bad approach. However, please keep in mind that too much communication
can also be harmful, as it distracts the others from their own work. You
need to be able to communicate just right:
- provide meaningful information about your progress,
- ask the community's opinion on non-trivial design or implementation
- avoid wasting a lot of time on a problem, when a more experienced
developer (or a student that fought the same problem) could quickly provide
you an answer; however, do try to find the answer yourself at first.
Wrong: "Where do I start? What do I do now? And how do I do that? Is this
good? It doesn't work, help me!"
Right: "Since a couple of hours ago I get a strange exception when building
my project, and googling for a solution doesn't seem to help. Looking at
the error, I think that there's a wrong setting for the assembly plugin,
but nothing I tried works. Can someone please take a look?"
Subscribe to the devs list (if you didn't do this already), and start
monitoring the discussions. It is also recommended to subscribe to the
users list, but not mandatory. The notifications list is a little too high
volume and technical for the moment, but it is a great knowledge
= Development process =
The project's lifecycle is NOT design -> implementation -> testing ->
documentation. [7]
We invite you to adopt a test driven development [8][9][10] approach and to
experience agile development [11]. After the first coding week, you must
have some code that works. It won't do much, of course, but it will be the
seed of your project. Every functionality will be validated by tests. The
code must be properly tested and commented at the time of the writing
(don't think you'll do that afterwards, because in most cases you won't).
Since our code is now hosted on GitHub [12], you should register an account
there and fork some xwiki repositories, so that you can try to build XWiki
from sources, and be able to contribute bugfixes. We'll add you to the
xwiki-contrib organization [13], and we'll create dedicated repositories
for each project. We encourage you to do __at least__ weekly commits
(ideally, if you are well organized, you should be able to commit code that
works daily, so try to aim at daily commits). This way, the code can be
properly reviewed, and any problems can be detected before they grow into
something too difficult to fix. One big code blob committed at the end, no
matter how good it may seem, is a failure at several levels.
A simple way of having something functional in the first week is to prepare
the maven build for your modules, which will give you the first unit test
for the first class.
= Next steps, in a nutshell =
- Get more familiar with the code and development process and try to master
Maven, JUnit, Selenium, component driven development, ...
- Continue fixing a few small issues, chosen so that they are __related to
your project__. You can ask on IRC for help selecting good issues, or you
can pick from the (non-comprehensive) list of easy issues [14]
-- This will help you get more familiar with the code your project needs to
interact with.
- Refine and organize the ideas concerning your project (you can use the
Drafts space [15]), and write several use case scenarios.
- Start writing the first piece of code for your project.
At the end of the community bonding period, you should have a clear vision
of the project, well documented on the xwiki.org wiki, you should have the
build infrastructure ready, and you should be pretty familiar with the
existing code you will need to interact with. And, of course, you should be
familiar with the community and the way we communicate.
Good luck, and may we all have a great Summer of Code!
-The XWiki Development Team
[1] http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/homesteading/
[2] http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/events/google/gsoc2012
[3] http://purl.org/xwiki/community/
[4] http://purl.org/xwiki/dev/
[5] http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/
[6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus_factor
[7] http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/cathedral-bazaar/
[8] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test-driven_development
[9] http://www.amazon.com/dp/0321146530/
[10] http://www.amazon.com/dp/0201485672/
[11] http://www.amazon.com/dp/0596527675/
[12] https://github.com/xwiki/
[13] https://github.com/xwiki-contrib/
[15] http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Drafts/
Hi everybody,
I've stumbled upon this interesting blog post from the GitHub team
where they explain how they use pull requests to build GitHub
I think this is not exactly the meaning we give to pull requests that,
AFAIU, are open only when the feature is complete and is asked to be
What I've found interesting in the article was the first point: "Open
a Pull Request as early as possible". Which is something surprising to
Basically they are using pull requests as we use mailing list
discussions. Which is very interesting and, maybe, more effective
(because you have the actual code inlined).
The only downside is the traceability and indexability of the discussions.
Are comments easily exportable from GitHub (i.e. retrieving all the
comments that have been made on a project during all its lifetime) ?
A sort of "data liberation" Ã la Google.
My 2 cents,
Hi devs,
When Query Manager as been introduced by Artem I suggested to add a
setWiki to make easier to execute request on another wiki. For me it
was supposed to be usable by anyone and I discovered recently that it
was allowed only when the user has programming right.
Since I really don't see the point I propose to remove this check.
* all the users without programming right can do is to list documents
names so it's not very dangerous
* api;XWiki#searchDocumentsNames(String wikiName, String
parameterizedWhereClause, int maxResults, int startOffset, List< ? >
parameterValues) does not have any check so what the query manager
prevent is doable anyway
Here is my +1.
Thomas Mortagne
Hi devs,
In HTTP specifications a redirect is always absolute URL which is
probably why we use absolute URL with sendRedirect.
However sendRedirect does not produce direct HTTP response but allows
relative URL and delegate to the application server the job of
producing proper absolute URL.
IMO XWiki should always use relative URL everywhere it can so I
propose to change our practice to use relative URL instead of absolute
URL with HttpSevletResponse#sendRedirect when possible.
The only reasons I see to use external URLs are:
* interwiki URL in a domain based multiwiki
* html/pdf export for links pointing on not exported pages or non view actions
Here is my +1. We very often fix bugs in the way to produce external
URL and it's still not OK (see
http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-7632) so lets reduce the scope for
this need as much as possible.
Thomas Mortagne
Hi Thomas,
On May 2, 2012, at 6:48 PM, GitHub wrote:
> Branch: refs/heads/master
> Home: https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-commons
> Commit: 6ecb131081233764ed773eb84f9be34e23edb888
> https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-commons/commit/6ecb131081233764ed773eb84f9be…
> Author: tmortagne <thomas.mortagne(a)gmail.com>
> Date: 2012-05-02 (Wed, 02 May 2012)
> Changed paths:
> M xwiki-commons-core/pom.xml
> M xwiki-commons-core/xwiki-commons-job/src/main/java/org/xwiki/job/AbstractJob.java
> M xwiki-commons-core/xwiki-commons-job/src/main/java/org/xwiki/job/Job.java
> M xwiki-commons-core/xwiki-commons-job/src/main/java/org/xwiki/job/JobManager.java
> M xwiki-commons-core/xwiki-commons-job/src/main/java/org/xwiki/job/event/status/JobStatus.java
> M xwiki-commons-core/xwiki-commons-job/src/main/java/org/xwiki/job/internal/DefaultJobManager.java
> M xwiki-commons-core/xwiki-commons-job/src/main/java/org/xwiki/job/internal/DefaultJobStatus.java
> Log Message:
> -----------
> XCOMMONS-162: Add start and end data to job status
> XCOMMONS-163: Add join method to Job
> diff --git a/xwiki-commons-core/pom.xml b/xwiki-commons-core/pom.xml
> index 799f042..2251f94 100644
> --- a/xwiki-commons-core/pom.xml
> +++ b/xwiki-commons-core/pom.xml
> @@ -115,6 +115,8 @@
> <exclude>**/internal/**</exclude>
> <exclude>**/test/**</exclude>
> <!-- Remove the following excludes after we release the current version as final -->
> + <exclude>org/xwiki/job/Job</exclude> <!-- New methods -->
> + <exclude>org/xwiki/job/event/status/JobStatus</exclude> <!-- New methods -->
This goes against the deprecation/legacy strategy we have voted since we said we will not add *any* breakage. It's not allowed anymore to have any exceptions in CLIRR.
(See http://markmail.org/message/tino4ngttflc5i3s).
So you need to go through a deprecation strategy and move this to legacy.
Alternatively you should make a new proposal to amend our backward-compatibility strategy for "young" apis. I'll start the thread for you but in the meantime all Release Manager need to be very careful to not perform new releases when there are CLIRR excludes since it means we have broken backward compatibility.
Hi devs,
Sergiu has extracted the AutoTag plugin from oldcore in its own module. That's cool.
However he's also marked it @deprecated while doing so. And he's stopped bundling it in XE.
This raises several question:
1) Do we consider that what the plugin does it not useful? Because if we consider it's useful we might not want to deprecate it without offering an alternative. It's not because a technology is deprecated that we should deprecate stuff using that technology. Deprecated means: don't use this, instead use that. BTW it should be our rule that when we add the @deprecated tag we also mention what to use instead.
2) If we consider it's not useful anymore. We have 2 choices:
2a) Move it in legacy modules
2b) Move it to retired/contrib
My opinion:
* It could be useful but I'm not sure the XWiki Dev team wants to support it. IMO it should not be deprecated since it can still be useful and there's no replacement for it.
* Since I don't think the XWiki Dev Team should support it, I'd move it to xwiki-contrib/retired and publish it on e.x.o. for users who want to still use it.
* Since this is breaking our new rule regarding deprecations/legacy it requires a VOTE to move it to contrib/retired. It also needs to be clearly mentioned in the Release Notes as a breakage and explain how user can add it back to their wikis.
Let me know what you think and I'll send a VOTE if you agree with what I said above.