
  • 9400 discussions

[xwiki-devs] [Proposal] Reduce risk of duplicated document id (XWIKI-4396)
by Denis Gervalle
13 years, 4 months

[xwiki-devs] Integrating the workspaces feature into XE/XEM
by Eduard Moraru
13 years, 4 months

[xwiki-devs] Activity Stream not display activity
by interopen
13 years, 4 months

Re: [xwiki-devs] [VOTE] Stop packaging oscache implementation of the cache API by default with XE (summary)
by Thomas Mortagne
13 years, 4 months

[xwiki-devs] [VOTE] Change work/persistent directory name set in XE/XEM build from "work" to "data"
by Thomas Mortagne
13 years, 4 months

[xwiki-devs] [VOTE] Stop packaging oscache implementation of the cache API by default with XE
by Thomas Mortagne
13 years, 4 months

[xwiki-devs] [Proposal] Postpone XE 3.2M3 release and RC1
by Vincent Massol
13 years, 4 months

[xwiki-devs] [Proposal] Default directory for Extension Manager
by Vincent Massol
13 years, 4 months

[xwiki-devs] [VOTE] Sheet resolution algorithm
by Marius Dumitru Florea
13 years, 4 months

[xwiki-devs] New sheet system and backward compatibility
by Marius Dumitru Florea
13 years, 4 months
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