Hi devs,
I would like to fix the current inconsistencies in the way the change
password feature is implemented.
Actually, to be able to change a password, you need to be able to save the
document storing the XWikiUsers XObject. So edit right on the user profile
is just what you require, but, if you want to use the "change password"
feature implemented in passwd.vm, you need:
- either being on your own profile or having global (!) admin right, just
to see the "Change password" button
- either being on your own profile or having (local) admin right on this
profile, just to be able to use passwd.vm
This seems to me really inconsistant, since these protections implemented in
the UI part are either annoying or a false impression of security.
So, I propose to simplify this by only checking the real requirements, which
means only checking edit right on the user document ?
Denis Gervalle
eGuilde sarl - CTO
If you are following the xwiki comments, you might have seen that I've
been working on an SVN application for XWiki.
I've published this application here:
The objective of this application is to bring to XWiki Applications more
professional development practices.
One of them is the ability to do version management of XWiki
applications. Of course XWiki contains versioning but this versioning
does not apply accross wikis and makes it difficult to contribute code
back to the community.
With the SVN application you can now directly contribute code and code
updates to the XWiki SVN contrib repository or to any other SVN
repository. You can even commit in multiple SVN repositories in the same
The SVN Application supports:
1/ Compare the Wiki (limited to a list of spaces) with the SVN
repository listing
- added pages in the wiki
- modified pages in the wiki
- new pages in SVN
- modified pages in SVN
- conflicting pages modified in both SVN and the Wiki
2/ Commit in the SVN Repository
3/ Update from the SVN Repostory
4/ Show differences between SVN and the Wiki (in XML)
The SVN Application does not provide merging and conflict resolution.
The SVN Application normalizes XWiki XML allowing the cleanup the XML to
not have the user, the dates, comments. This is necessary to provide
concurrent development on multiple XWiki server without telling you that
the pages have changed all the time.
The source code is of course in SVN at
Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
Hi devs,
I have been working on an search related administration UI and i would
like to commit a first version on svn and put it as XE 2.4-SNAPSHOT
dependency to start review and improvements. Better do it as soon as
possible instead of arguing just before the release of 2.4M1 since
it's functionally complete and just need potential UI work (even if
it's not worst than others admin section UIs ;)).
This new application contains:
* search administration UI: administration section that permit to
choose the default engine ("lucene" and "web" for now) to use in the
search panel and some Lucene status and control tools
* all search related pages (panel, web/lucene search pages,
XWiki.Result) moved from XE. I did not touched anything except the
panel to support engine option, it's just a move for now
* the default search engine is lucene
TODO before commit:
* put some new textual content in ApplicationResources.properties for
the admin page
TODO after first commit:
* refactor ApplicationResources.properties to reflect the fact that
some textual content moved from XE app to Search app
* i will work on making "element to index" queue status refresh
automatically using ajax
Here is my +1
Thomas Mortagne
Hello all,
has existed since 2009/12/26 and has become a place for explaining how to make XWiki more secure as
well as containing some information about testing for the recently disclosed SQL issue.
I would like to merge it into:
I will leave the draft page up for a while because I had linked to an anchor in it in the security
advisory mail. Eventually I plan to blank the page, leaving only a redirect and remove it from the drafts
I was just wondering what browsers do we support? Is this written down somewhere?
I assume we do not support browsers with script turned off since menus and the admin app require script.
Are there multiple levels of support? For example: more browsers supported for guests viewing than
administrators or some browsers must have all functionality but can have ugly UI?
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Nathan Bubna <nbubna(a)apache.org>
> Date: April 28, 2010 12:53:50 AM GMT+02:00
> To: Velocity Developers List <dev(a)velocity.apache.org>, Velocity Users List <user(a)velocity.apache.org>, announce(a)apache.org
> Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Velocity Engine 1.7-beta1 release available
> The Velocity developers are please to announce the availability of
> Velocity Engine 1.7-beta1.
> Downloads can be found here:
> http://velocity.apache.org/download.cgi
> A great deal of work has been done since the 1.6 branch. Here's a taste:
> - Your macros can now be called with bodies when you want:
> #macro(foo)Here is $bodyContent#end
> #@foo()body content!#end
> - Quotes can be escaped in strings by doubling them:
> #set( $foo = "$person said, ""$comment"" " )
> #set( $bar = 'Joe said, ''Hi!'' ' )
> - The flawed #literal directive has been replaced with:
> #[[ This is included but not parsed, so #if and $foo need no escaping.]]#
> Also included are namespacing improvements, better #break and #stop,
> bracketed index syntax, and more! For full details, please see the
> change log:
> http://velocity.apache.org/engine/devel/changes-report.html
> This should work as a drop-in replacement for Velocity 1.6.3 in the
> vast majority of cases. However, there have been a number of
> deprecations (should result in warnings in your log output) and a few
> minor behavioral changes, all of which are explained in the change
> log. :)
In the 2.3 timeframe, a serious security bug was fixed. Hibernate treats backslashes differently from some
database management systems and as a result native SQL can be injected through the searchDocuments function.
This means members of a wiki can finish an SQL query, also this means that badly written searchDocuments or
search queries go from small security issues to larger ones.
NOTE: Passwords are hashed (encrypted) so they cannot easily be read from the database.
Who's at risk?
Database systems which treat backslash as an escape character and allow stacked queries are susceptible to
arbitrary SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and DROP statements.
These include:
Database systems which treat backslash as an escape character but disallow stacked queries are susceptible
only to arbitrary SELECT statements.
These include:
Database systems which do not treat backslash as an escape character are not vulnerable these include:
HSQLDB (default XWiki zip/exe installation)
You can get a small groovy snippet to test your database and see if it supports stacked queries here:
What can be done:
#1: XWiki-2.3 and XWiki-2.2.6 Are patched to convert \ to \\ in search queries so upgrading to them will
negate the threat. You can download them here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/Main/Download
#2: If you compile your own branch of XWiki and are unable to upgrade, you can integrate the patch which
was used to fix the problem The patch is here:
Since the database controller has changed, you will likely have to port this patch to your version, what's
important is that api.XWiki.searchDocuments and api.XWiki.search have their input filtered.
#3: You can and should make sure to log unexpected SQL at the database level. XWiki doesn't usually use
the backslash character and queries containing backslashes should be logged specially. Also it is a good
idea to log (or block if possible) any SQL comment syntax. Hibernate does not support comments and comment
syntax is central to almost all SQL injection.