On Apr 17, 2010, at 3:47 AM, sdumitriu (SVN) wrote:
> Author: sdumitriu
> Date: 2010-04-17 03:47:52 +0200 (Sat, 17 Apr 2010)
> New Revision: 28419
> Modified:
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/web/DeleteVersionsAction.java
> Log:
> XWIKI-5121: Weird behavior when deleting the head of the history of a renamed document
> Fixed.
> Modified: platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/web/DeleteVersionsAction.java
[View More]gt; ===================================================================
> --- platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/web/DeleteVersionsAction.java 2010-04-17 01:23:30 UTC (rev 28418)
> +++ platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/web/DeleteVersionsAction.java 2010-04-17 01:47:52 UTC (rev 28419)
> @@ -73,6 +73,10 @@
> // If we delete the most recent (current) version, then rollback to latest undeleted version.
> if (!tdoc.getRCSVersion().equals(archive.getLatestVersion())) {
> XWikiDocument newdoc = archive.loadDocument(archive.getLatestVersion(), context);
> + // Reset the document reference, since the one taken from the archive might be wrong (old name from
> + // before a rename)
> + newdoc.setDocumentReference(tdoc.getDocumentReference());
> + newdoc.setMetaDataDirty(false);
> context.getWiki().getStore().saveXWikiDoc(newdoc, context);
> context.setDoc(newdoc);
> }
hmmm... when a doc is renamed, if we restore a version before the rename, shouldn't we get back the old, not renamed, document?
[View Less]
Currently we have 109 instantiations of the File class spread over 40 java classes.
Each one of these has as much access to the filesystem as the user.
My proposal is to create a new module in the core which manages access to the filesystem.
I would like the module to provide roles for read-only and read/write files or directories.
ReadOnlyFile and ReadWriteFile would extend java.io.File and override getParentFile() which
allows the owner of a single file to walk the directory tree.
Imagine …
[View More]the following situation:
A class called Alice needs to be able to read all files in ./skins/ and she needs to be able
to write to ./work/alice.txt
If we use the component system she might say:
ReadOnlyFile skinsDirectory;
ReadWriteFile workFile;
Now suppose an attacker is able to completely compromise Alice and make her execute whatever
bytecode he wants. Lets also suppose we have implemented a SecurityManager which prevents Alice
from loading the File class or accessing Utils.getComponent.
The attacker will be able to read the files in ./skins/ and will be able to read and write to
/work/alice.txt but he won't be able to read other files or create new files because Alice
has no references to the component manager and thus cannot access additional files.
We can leverage the component system to easily provide security using principle of least permission.
[View Less]
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Simon Stewart <simon.m.stewart(a)gmail.com>
> Date: April 19, 2010 11:32:45 AM GMT+02:00
> To: webdriver <webdriver(a)googlegroups.com>, selenium-developers <selenium-developers(a)googlegroups.com>
> Subject: [webdriver] New release made
> Reply-To: webdriver(a)googlegroups.com
> Hi,
> I've just uploaded the JARs for a new alpha of Selenium 2: selenium
> 2a3. This contains bug fixes and …
[View More]enhancements including:
> * Better Firefox 3.6 support.
> * HtmlUnit 2.7 added.
> * The ability to return arrays from the JavascriptExecutor.
> * New remote protocol implemented by all remote drivers, including Firefox.
> * Better native event support for Firefox on Linux.
> * Oodles of bug fixes.
> Note: because of the changes in the wire protocol, you must update the
> remote server and the client jars at the same too. Also, the Firefox
> driver is now using that same protocol. If you're having trouble
> starting it up, then make sure that everything is up to date!
> Jari, Jim, Jason and Michael: could you please update the language
> bindings and maven contents that you're so capably owning?
> Patrick, I write some release notes and put them up on the blog.
> Regards,
> Simon
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Hi XWiki devs & users,
So far we've been talking a lot about redesigning XWiki.org and all
feedback was greatly appreciated. Now it's time we started implementing
the redesign Caty was so kind to come up with based on our suggestions.
Like the proposal stage this too will be a collaborative effort and we
hope you'll join in building an even better site for XWiki.org. The
following is a list of things that need to be implemented in order to
get us started. It would be great if you'd …
[View More]volunteer for the
implementation of the tasks at hand. Please add your name next to the
issue you'd like to assign yourself too. Also feel free to add as many
other issues you think should appear on the list and to volunteer for
those issues as well.
Here is the first list of tasks:
* Set up the server for the new website (Alex? :) )
* Add the horizontal navigation to the new website
* Implement the projects carousel for the homepage
* Implement the panels for "Latest Releases", "Latest Extensions".
"Latest News"(should display the latest 5 releases, extensions, news)
* Implement the left navigation for documentation/projects
* Implement the panel for the "Latest Documentation Updates" (should
display the last 5 documents and their authors)
Community page widgets and panels:
* Implement the"Development Status" panel, if it's going to have dynamic
* Implement the "Top Committers" panel (show the committer's picture and
number of commits)
* Implement the "Latest Commits" section (should display an image of the
committer, what (s)he commited, the name of the committer and the date
the commit was made)
* Implement the "Latest Issues" section (should have the latest Jira
issues, the person who took an action with regard to the issue - e.g.
create, close - and the time the action was taken)
* Implement the "Latest Discussion" section (display the list, the topic
discussed, the name of the person that added the latest reply and the
time he added the answer)
* Implement the "Latest Documentation" section (show the number of lines
added/deleted, the name of the document, the author of the modification
and the time (s)he made the changes)
* Implement "Latest Extensions" section (display the extension name, the
name of the person that added the extension, the time it was added and a
short description)
You may read what has already been discussed about the redesign on this
See the latest redesign proposal here
[View Less]
Hello devs,
I would like to contribute to the DatePicker application.
Currently, the DatePicker stylesheet does not take in account the
color theme. This is why I created a Jira issue (XCONTRIB-109) and I
attached a patch to it. You will see some screenshots with the new
styles applied on the DatePicker table.
Can someone please give me the right to commit those styles?
I have a reasonably clean revision of the code for inviting friends to join the wiki.
Should it be a separate application with it's own jira project? It's not very large
but may grow. I can't imagine what other application it should be filed under.
I'd like to put it in the sandbox so it can be subject to review and discussion but I don't
know how that should be done. I guess that depends on whether it is going to be it's own
Any thoughts?
(resending, meant to send to the dev list.)
Sorry to drag up old commits but I have a couple of questions.
vmassol (SVN) wrote:
> Author: vmassol
> Date: 2010-01-07 23:02:51 +0100 (Thu, 07 Jan 2010)
> New Revision: 26074
> Modified:
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/doc/XWikiDocument.java
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/test/java/com/xpn/xwiki/doc/XWikiDocumentTest.java
> Log:
> XWIKI-4677: Introduce new Model module
[View More]> * Fixed infinite cycle (revert some previous change). We need to find a solution.
> * Refactored existing code to prevent manual parsing
> Modified: platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/doc/XWikiDocument.java
> ===================================================================
> --- platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/doc/XWikiDocument.java 2010-01-07 16:55:03 UTC (rev 26073)
> +++ platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/doc/XWikiDocument.java 2010-01-07 22:02:51 UTC (rev 26074)
> @@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
> import org.xwiki.context.ExecutionContextManager;
> import org.xwiki.model.reference.DocumentReferenceResolver;
> import org.xwiki.model.reference.EntityReferenceSerializer;
> +import org.xwiki.model.reference.WikiReference;
> import org.xwiki.rendering.block.Block;
> import org.xwiki.rendering.block.HeaderBlock;
> import org.xwiki.rendering.block.LinkBlock;
> @@ -359,8 +360,10 @@
> /**
> * Used to create proper {@link Syntax} objects.
> */
> - SyntaxFactory syntaxFactory = Utils.getComponent(SyntaxFactory.class);
> + private SyntaxFactory syntaxFactory = Utils.getComponent(SyntaxFactory.class);
Why are we holding a hard reference on the Execution which was present when the document was first loaded
or created?
Is this not a memory leak? Cache holds Document holds Execution holds ExecutionContext holds XWikiContext
holds DocumentArchive?
> + private Execution execution = Utils.getComponent(Execution.class);
> +
> /**
> * @since 2.2M1
> */
> @@ -375,7 +378,9 @@
> @Deprecated
> public XWikiDocument()
> {
> - this(Utils.getComponent(DocumentReferenceResolver.class).resolve(""));
> + // TODO: Replace this with the following when we find a way to not generate a cycle:
> + // this(Utils.getComponent(DocumentReferenceResolver.class).resolve(""));
> + this(new DocumentReference("xwiki", "Main", "WebHome"));
> }
> /**
> @@ -397,25 +402,18 @@
> *
> * @param wiki The wiki this document belongs to.
> * @param space The space this document belongs to.
> - * @param name The name of the document.
> + * @param name The name of the document (can contain either the page name or the space and page name)
> * @deprecated since 2.2M1 use {@link #XWikiDocument(org.xwiki.model.reference.DocumentReference)} instead
> */
> @Deprecated
> public XWikiDocument(String wiki, String space, String name)
> {
> - String normalizedPage;
> - String normalizedSpace;
> - int i1 = name.indexOf(".");
> - if (i1 == -1) {
> - normalizedPage = name;
> - normalizedSpace = space;
> - } else {
> - normalizedSpace = name.substring(0, i1);
> - normalizedPage = name.substring(i1 + 1);
> - }
> -
> - init(Utils.getComponent(DocumentReferenceResolver.class, "current/reference").resolve(
> - new DocumentReference(wiki, normalizedSpace, normalizedPage)));
> + // We allow to specify the space in the name (eg name = "space.page"). In this case the passed space is
> + // ignored.
> + DocumentReference reference = resolveReference(name, new DocumentReference(wiki, space, null));
> + // Replace the resolved wiki by the passed wiki
> + reference.setWikiReference(new WikiReference(wiki));
> + init(reference);
> }
> public XWikiStoreInterface getStore(XWikiContext context)
> @@ -5846,4 +5844,21 @@
> return syntaxId;
> }
> +
> + private DocumentReference resolveReference(String referenceAsString, DocumentReference defaultReference)
> + {
> + XWikiContext xcontext = getXWikiContext();
> + XWikiDocument originalCurentDocument = xcontext.getDoc();
> + try {
> + xcontext.setDoc(new XWikiDocument(defaultReference));
> + return this.currentDocumentReferenceResolver.resolve(referenceAsString);
> + } finally {
> + xcontext.setDoc(originalCurentDocument);
> + }
> + }
> +
How is this different from XWikiDocument#getContext() introduced in 23506?
Is the only difference that the context is the one from when the document was created/loaded rather than the
current context? If so this probably ought to be commented since it is a major trap for anyone who expects
getXWikiContext().getUser() to yield the current user (for example).
> + private XWikiContext getXWikiContext()
> + {
> + return (XWikiContext) this.execution.getContext().getProperty("xwikicontext");
> + }
> }
> Modified: platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/test/java/com/xpn/xwiki/doc/XWikiDocumentTest.java
> ===================================================================
> --- platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/test/java/com/xpn/xwiki/doc/XWikiDocumentTest.java 2010-01-07 16:55:03 UTC (rev 26073)
> +++ platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/test/java/com/xpn/xwiki/doc/XWikiDocumentTest.java 2010-01-07 22:02:51 UTC (rev 26074)
> @@ -155,6 +155,29 @@
> this.mockXWikiStoreInterface.stubs().method("search").will(returnValue(new ArrayList<XWikiDocument>()));
> }
> + public void testConstructor()
> + {
> + XWikiDocument doc = new XWikiDocument("notused", "space.page");
> + assertEquals("space", doc.getSpaceName());
> + assertEquals("page", doc.getPageName());
> + assertEquals("xwiki", doc.getWikiName());
> +
> + doc = new XWikiDocument("space", "page");
> + assertEquals("space", doc.getSpaceName());
> + assertEquals("page", doc.getPageName());
> + assertEquals("xwiki", doc.getWikiName());
> +
> + doc = new XWikiDocument("wiki", "space", "page");
> + assertEquals("space", doc.getSpaceName());
> + assertEquals("page", doc.getPageName());
> + assertEquals("wiki", doc.getWikiName());
> +
> + doc = new XWikiDocument("wiki", "notused", "notused:space.page");
> + assertEquals("space", doc.getSpaceName());
> + assertEquals("page", doc.getPageName());
> + assertEquals("wiki", doc.getWikiName());
> + }
> +
> public void testGetDisplayTitleWhenNoTitleAndNoContent()
> {
> this.document.setContent("Some content");
> _______________________________________________
> notifications mailing list
> notifications(a)xwiki.org
> http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications
[View Less]
Currently, api.Document.getPreviousVersion() calls doc.XWikiDocument.getPreviousVersion() which
calls doc.XWikiDocument.getDocumentArchive() which will return null if the document archive is not
currently loaded.
doc.XWikiDocument.getPreviousVersion() is inherently dangerous and should be deprecated then removed.
doc.XWikiDocument.getDocumentArchive() sometimes returns null and should be deprecated then made private.
everywhere doc.XWikiDocument.getDocumentArchive() is used it should be …
[View More]replaced with
doc.XWikiDocument.getDocumentArchive(XWikiContext) which calls loadDocumentArchive first.
What I propose we do now (for 2.3)
Change api.Document.getPreviousVersion() to call getDocumentArchive(getXWikiContext()) and move the logic
from doc.XWikiDocument.getPreviousVersion() into api.Document.getPreviousVersion()
change doc.XWikiDocument.copyDocument(DocumentReference newDocumentReference, XWikiContext context) to call
getDocumentArchive(XWikiContext) instead of getDocumentArchive()
Add warnings in javadoc for:
clone(XWikiDocument document)
cloneInternal(DocumentReference newDocumentReference, boolean keepsIdentity)
to say that they may not copy the archive since they use getDocumentArchive()
mark doc.XWikiDocument.getPreviousVersion() and doc.XWikiDocument.getDocumentArchive() as depricated and
explain why in a comment.
[View Less]
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise and XWiki Enterprise Manager 2.2.5.
This is a bug fix release for the 2.2 branches.
* [XSCOLIBRI-206] - Use isInPortletMode and isInServletMode
velocity variables instead of querying context mode
* [XWIKI-5095] - Introduce isInPortletMode and isInServletMode
velocity variables and use them instead of querying context mode
* [XWIKI-5096] - Prevent ActionFilter from being called
[View More]recursively and map it only to the action servlet
* [XWIKI-5097] - Make sure SavedRequestRestorerFilter is not
applied recursively
* [XWIKI-5114] - Allow controlling the depth of headers to look
for when generating titles from document's content
Important Bugs fixed
* [XSCOLIBRI-207] - Printing problems with displaying content and comments
* [XPMAIL-24] - If there is an exception while sending mail which
has no message (NPE) another exception is thrown hiding the real one.
* [XWIKI-5076] - Fail to parse content with macro containing only a newline
* [XWIKI-5085] - OfficeImporter does not set title of imported documents
* [XWIKI-5086] - OfficeImporter is generating absolute links when
performing splitting operations
* [XWIKI-5087] - Paging History is broken
* [XWIKI-5093] - Cancel edit JavaScript handler doesn't check if
the URL fragment is present before appending the query string
* [XWIKI-5094] - Administration rights editor cannot be used in portlet mode
* [XWIKI-5107] - URLs are not escaped in link labels if link meta
data is missing
* [XWIKI-5109] - The application/x-www-form-urlencoded reader for
objects and properties is broken
* [XWIKI-5116] - NPE during resolution of XClassReference
* [XWIKI-5119] - In a subwiki, a global user cannot save global documents
* [XE-634] - RecentChanges fails to display with some mysql versions
For more information see the Releases notes at:
and http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/ReleaseNotesXEM225
-The XWiki dev team
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We've had a user request (Ludovic as a user ;)) to have a config option to decide the header level to consider for a title.
Right now we consider only levels 1 and 2 when computing a title from the doc content.
Thus I'm going to add a config option named xwiki.title.headerdepth and with a default value of 2 (to have the same behavior as now) and use it in XWikiDocument.getRenderedContentTitle().
Note that this is only for the 2.0 syntax (since it's too hard to do for syntax 1.0 and we'…
[View More]re not supposed to bring changes to the 1.0 syntax).
Please shout quickly if you're against this.
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