I'd like to use the date picker application [1] as a dependency in one
of my project.
It has already been 'released' and AFAIK it is successfully used in
production, I'd like to commit it to
contrib/projects/xwiki-application-datepicker and perform a maven
release (1.0) from the current code.
Here's my +1.
[1] http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Applications/DatePickerApplication
Hi devs,
I've been researching what it would take to be able to support the Extension Manager use case regarding components isolation and dependency versioning. I won't go over the details of all I've researched (you can ask questions for that). I'm just proposing a series of steps and a vision of the future for our component model.
If you're interested in the topic I would recommend that you read the Weld tutorial on CDI:
Here are the …
[View More]steps I'm willing to work on and implement.
Step 1: timeframe from now: 1 month
* Use JSR330 annotations
Step 2: timeframe from now: 1 month
* Do a POC of integrating xwiki-component with OSGi (as a xwiki-component-osgi module).
- No versioning management yet.
- Need to use a maven osgi plugin to generate Manifest files from the POMs
* Revise further steps based on result from Step 2.
Step 3: timeframe from now: 2 months
* If step 2 is successful add what's needed to the XWiki Component API to perform generic lookup: CM.lookup(Class, Properties) where Properties is a set of properties registered with the component. It would contain the role hint and the version for example. Also add annotations for specifying dependency version ranges.
Note: After step 3 we have the prereqs for the Extension Manager done. The other steps below are improvements and steps to put us in the standards direction.
Step 4: timeframe from now: 6 months-2 years
* When CDI (JSR299) has taken over the world (ie several DI frameworks migrate to it, it becomes a JavaSE de facto standard at least), migrate to it. We need 2 features not in the spec right now:
- support for dynamic bean registration
- ability to implement CDI over OSGi
* Work with the Weld dev team to add support for those 2 items above. They're interested to implement it if we help them and if these 2 items get done relatively quickly we could migrate to CDI earlier than the timeframe above
* In the meantime we can monitor it carefully to see its progress and we could start migrating to it slowly. Some ideas:
- use the CDI annotations instead of the xwiki-specific ones for the binding part
- introduce new concepts that comes from CDI: decorators, interceptors, producers
- refactor our observation module to use the CDI event model
Step 5: timeframe for now: 2-4 years
* When JSR294 is approved and final (will require at least JDK 7, so XWiki needs to be on JDK7 at least for this, so that's a few years in the future...) migrate to CDI over JSR294 over (Jigsaw, OSGi). The good part is that since we would be using CDI we won't need to change much in our code to do that.
- Weld/JSR299: docs.jboss.org/weld/reference/1.0.0/en-US/html_single/
- Jigsaw: openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/
- JSR330: atinject.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/javadoc/javax/inject/package-summary.html
- JSR294: See description on openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/
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I would like to propose changing checkstyle.xml to allow checkstyle to be enabled and disabled
using inline comments. I propose this with some reservation because this can be a slippery slope
but I would rather see the problems isolated in the file than the file excluded.
Also I think this can be used to enforce checkstyle on changes made to code in big files in
the old core.
Hi Devs,
While working on a client project I came across an issue where an exception
is thrown with a message that reads something like:
"Caused by: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Failed to commit or rollback
transaction. Root cause []"
Upon further digging I found the following code in XWikiHibernateBaseStore:
* Ends a transaction
* @param context
* @param commit should we commit or not
public void endTransaction(XWikiContext context, boolean commit)
[View More]endTransaction(context, commit, false);
* Ends a transaction
* @param context
* @param commit should we commit or not
* @param withTransaction
* @throws HibernateException
public void endTransaction(XWikiContext context, boolean commit, boolean
withTransaction) throws HibernateException
Session session = null;
try {
session = getSession(context);
Transaction transaction = getTransaction(context);
setSession(null, context);
setTransaction(null, context);
if (transaction != null) {
// We need to clean up our connection map first because the
connection will
// be aggressively closed by hibernate 3.1 and more
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Releasing hibernate transaction " + transaction);
if (commit) {
} else {
} catch (HibernateException e) {
// Ensure the original cause will get printed.
throw new HibernateException("Failed to commit or rollback transaction.
Root cause ["
+ getExceptionMessage(e) + "]", e);
} finally {
The problem i see in this code is that if preCloseSession(session) or
transaction.commit() throws an exception, there is no attempt made to
rollback the transaction. Normally a transaction rollback attempt should be
made within the catch block.
If I understand the basics of transaction handling, this code is wrong. I
want to discuss this with you (other developers) because I'm not an expert
in this subject :)
- Asiri
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Hi devs,
It's been reported to me that this feature isn't working. Here are issues I know about it:
- the pencil icon doesn't appear on Chrome
- foxwiki is in version 1.0b and not even a final 1.0 version
- when you try to install the FF extension it says it's not compatible with FF 3.6.3 (it doesn't work with other FF 3.6 versions either)
- it's a built in feature and it's not working so it's misleading
- doesn't work in IE either
See also xwiki.markmail.org/thread/ychoon432tugvlbm
The …
[View More]main problem is that FoxWiki is not supported by our dev team. Apart from this it's a very nice to have feature.
Thus we have 2 choices:
- someone volunteers to work on it and make FoxWiki work with FF and IE relatively quickly since the feature is currently broken
- we move foxwiki to contrib/ and remove that feature (ie. we could make it active only if the extension is installed for ex)
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Hi Eugen,
On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 2:17 PM, Colesnicov Eugen <ecolesnicov(a)gmail.com>wrote:
> Hi developers!
> According discussion about this FoxWiki & "Edit attachments" feature at
> XWiki-Dev subforum. I want to write my opinion for developers.
> Current situation:
> - In IE this feature working good without any additional jobs (I tested
> 2.2.4).
> - In FF - need to use FoxWiki extension (download manualy xpi-file, and
> edit
> max-…
[View More]version property).
> - In Chrome - "Edit attachments" - doesn't work.
> I have proposal about using this feature in FF. FoxWiki working, but I
> don't
> like that users MANUALY everytime should add file extention and application
> path in FoxWiki. From other side, exists some other extentions for FF (for
> example http://openwebfolder.mozdev.org/). As I understand, this extention
> adds to FF functionality of windows WebFolder WebDAV client - same as IE.
> But now, I cannot use (or try) this extention with XWiki, because XWiki
> programming code obviously use ONLY FoxWiki at FF. As I understand, If we
> will try to use openwebfolder extention - no any special code needs for
> XWiki - programming code can be same as a IE part.
> Other collaborative suits software also use openwebfolder extention for FF
> (see for example
> http://help.collab.net/index.jsp?topic=/teamforge530/action/connecttowebdav…
> ).
Openwebfolder has the following description:
"*openwebfolder* itself does *not* contain any platform-independant WebDAV
related code. It just adds hooks so that Microsoft's "Webfolder" WebDAV
client can be invoked in a similar way like in IE."
So this is a windows only solution. May be we should have some logic like:
if (IE) {
// Use native webdav support in IE.
} else if (FF && Win32) {
// Use openwebfolder.
} else if (FF) {
// Use FoXWiki.
But first someone has to evaluate if openwebfolder + FF on Win32 is better
than FoXWiki + FF on the same. Anyway, I'm not sure if above logic can be
implemented or if it is the best approach, someone has to digg a little
Just my opinion :)
- Asiri
> For this reason, alternative proposal: no use any special extention for
> WebDav - use standart openwebfolder extention (this extention is better
> because not need to manualy add file extentions and application paths).
> According this - need to change XWiki programming code for WebDav using in
> Firefox.
> I am not a specialist with XWiki programming, for this reason - sorry, if I
> write something stupid ... What do you think about my variant?
> --
> Best Regards
> Eugen Colesnicov
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://n2.nabble.com/FoxWiki-Edit-attachments-feature-tp4906288p4906288.html
> Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> _______________________________________________
> users mailing list
> users(a)xwiki.org
> http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/users
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Good morning,
I wanted to create a kind of bibliographic data base.
To do that I create a "Document" class which have some properties (title,
autor, year...) and each of its page "objects" would have an attachment (for
instance, a pdf of an scientific article) which correspond to the document.
Then, I use the Live Table to display all my class objects but I have some
problems I can't resolve... I put the code of my Live Table at the bottom of
the mail.
So, obsiously, I have a template attached …
[View More]to my class which contains an
object of it. My problem is when I display in my Live Table all my
"Document" class pages (with the option :
"className":"Biblio.DocumentClass"), the template is also display. I would
like it doesn't. Is there a way to do that ?
Secondly, I have a column in my Live Table to display attachment (with
"_attachments") but i don't find how to link to the download link. Indeed,
i'm not sur it's possible !! I try to put the option "link" : "view" and
"link" : "field" but the first link to the document page and the second
doesn't work.
Finally, it's about the class creation. I create a date property but I don't
want to have a default today date. I notice the field "Empty is today". But
whenever I put 0 or 1 or nothing, there always is the default today date in
the form creation...
Thank you.
My Live Table code ("TitleDoc", "Autor", "Year are properties of my
Biblio.DocumentClass) :
> #set($columns = ["TitleDoc", "Autor", "Year", "_attachments", "doc.date",
> "doc.author", "_actions"])
> #set($columnsProperties = {
> "TitleDoc" : { "type" : "text", "link" : "view"},
> "Autor" : { "type" : "text", "link" : "view"},
> "Year" : { "type" : "number", "link" : "view"},
> "_attachments" : { "type" : "none", "sortable" : "false", "link" :
> "view"},
> "doc.date" : { "type" : "text", "link" : "view"},
> "doc.auth" : { "type" : "text", "link" : "field"},
> "_actions" : { "actions": ["delete","rename"]}
> })
> #set($options = {
> "className":"Biblio.DocumentClass",
> "rowCount": 10
> })
> #livetable("BDbiblio" $columns $columnsProperties $options)
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