I've been wondering how to test exceptions in JUnit 4.x when you want
to assert the exception message. Just found an answer:
It looks to me slightly better than using the try/fail/catch strategy.
We have a pb if we display several times the same panel on a page (for
ex for the search panel) since if the panel defines an ID this ID will
not be unique in the page and thus will produce invalid XHTML.
This happens for ex when you're on the panel page itself and that
panel is displayed in the right or left columns.
I'm proposing that we change the use of ID in favor of CLASSNAME for
For example for the search panel right now we have:
<form action="$xwiki.getURL('Main.WebSearch')">
<div id="globalsearch">
<input id="globalsearchinput" type="text" name="text" ...
It'll become:
<form action="$xwiki.getURL('Main.WebSearch')">
<div class="globalsearch">
<input id="globalsearchinput" type="text" name="text"
I think it would also be best to define a naming strategy. What about
"panel-<short name of the panel page in lowercase and without any
panel suffix>"
So for Panels.Search it would be "panel-search" and for
Panels.QuickLinks it would be "panel-quicklinks"
Note: Changing id="globalsearch" to class="globalsearch" (or
class="panel-search") means changing lots of places in the skins
(albatross, finch, toucan, colibri). But I don't see any better way
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise and XWiki Enterprise Manager 2.0.
Go grab it at http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
More than 400 issues were fixed from XWiki Enterprise 1.9.3 to XWiki
Enterprise 2.0.
Many thanks to the very active community for all the reports and the
contributions !
Main changes from 1.9.3:
* new Colibri skin and easy color modifications
* many new 2.0 macro and improvements on existing macros
* new wiki based 2.0 macros
* new event distribution and clustering support
* many WYSIWYG improvements
* many rendering improvements
* many general UI improvements
* new Swedish and Korean translation and updated translations for lots
of other languages
For more informations see the releases notes at:
and http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/ReleaseNotesXEM20
-The XWiki dev team
Hi Devs,
right now an user can go to the Office Importer page and try uploading a
file even when the backend OOo server isn't running. This leads to usability
issues. Thus I'd like to send a vote on the following 2 items:
- On the Office Importer page, add the following message:
"You cannot import an Office document since the conversion
server has not been started. Please ask an administrator to get it
started for you."
If the current user is an admin, the message should read: "You
cannot import an Office document since the OpenOffice server has not
been started yet. You can start the OpenOffice server and manage it
from this page (link to the OOo server administration page)."
In the action bar: add a check to see whether the OOo server is
running and don't display the link if the OOo server is not.
Here's my +1 to both.
Guillaume Lerouge
Product Manager - XWiki
Skype: wikibc
Twitter: glerouge
Hi All,
This is very trivial, I have put the message:
"You can change these configuration options via
In OpenOffice server administration UI which is actually not required (since
this UI is meant to be used by admins who knows about xwiki.properties).
I'm not sure this is worth a vote but just in case, here is my +1.
- Asiri
Hi all,
Currently XWikiRightService has two methods for evaluating programming
XWikiRightService#hasProgrammingRights(XWikiContext context);
XWikiRightService#hasProgrammingRights(XWikiDocument doc, XWikiContext
Since newer components are using DAB (Document Access Bridge) than directly
accessing XWikiRightService, only one form of programming rights evaluation
is available:
public boolean hasProgrammingRights()
XWikiContext xcontext = getContext();
So the procedure carried out in evaluating programming rights is:
- If the context document is null, check whether the current user has
programming rights or if he is the superadmin
- If the context document is not null, check if the author of the context
document has programming rights on the context document itself.
Recently we came across a requirement where we need to grant programming
rights to some scripts programmatically. See
With the current policy for programming rights evaluation, this is not
possible (not without side effects). So we need to decide a new method for
granting programming rights.
One approach proposed by Thomas Mortagne is to change the programming rights
evaluation as below:
- Check if a particular flag is set in context (like
"hasProgrammingRights"), if so current execution is considered to have
programming rights
- Else do the earlier evaluation process.
This way we can grant programming rights in a programmatical fashion and
since XWikiContext is mostly read-only for normal users, they won't be
allowed to hijack programming rights by tampering with XWikiContext.
Please let us know your opinions regarding this issue.
- Asiri
Hi devs,
I'd like to propose a stabilisation operation starting now and for 1
month (ie from now to the 1st of November)
The idea would be that **no new feature** is allowed to be committed
in SVN.
We have several domains to stabilize quickly after the 2.0 release:
- Colibri skin
- WYSIWYG editor
- Rendering
- XAR 2.0
- conversion to 2.0 syntax.
- internationalization texts
- Various (office importer page shouldn't be displayed when the office
server is not running, wiki macro textarea should be larger, etc)
These should go in both the trunk (2.1) and for 2.0.x
I also propose to release a 2.0.1 in 2 weeks time (i.e. for the 12th
of October) and to continue 2.0.x release every 2 weeks till we reach
that month's end.
Hi XWikiers,
as promised I posted a blog article listing the results of the XWiki
Features Survey. You can read it here:
We'll use the results during the discussion about the XE 2.1 roadmap.
I've also included the original result files for the data crunchers among
you to play with ;-)
Thanks a lot to all of you who took part to the survey!
Guillaume Lerouge
Product Manager - XWiki
Skype: wikibc
Twitter: glerouge
Hi Devs,
I've been thinking about the new {{doclist}} macro syntax which is going to
be the successor of old livetable macro.
Following is the syntax I have in mind:
{{doclist <macro_parameters>}}
|=(% <column_spec> %) column_name |=(% <column_spec> %) column_name |=(%
<column_spec> %) column_name ...
class="" ## bounds the table to a class.
source="" ## can be a document name or a url. (will be ignored if class
parameter is set)
rowCount="" ## number of rows per page.
tagCloud="" ## whether to display the tag cloud or not. (On/Off)
callback="" ## name of a js function to be used for handling server (JSON)
response manually.
mapping="" ## name of the json attribute to which this column should be
bound to. [1] (see below)
selected="" ## if this column should be selected by default.
order="" ## Default sort order for this column (applies only if this is the
default selected column).
isHtml="" ## if the result JSON string should be treated as html and
directly injected into cell content.
filterable="" ## whether this column should present a filter or not.
sortable="" ## whether this columnd should be sortable or not.
filterType="" ## what type of a filter to be used (only for filterable
linkType="" ## type of link to be used if a cell value should link to the
original document. [2] (see below)
[1] - mapping:
This is a mandatory parameter. I'm not sure if this is the correct name for
the parameter. For the default implementation (XWiki.DocListMacroResults) we
have to decide the names of the JSON properties that will be returned, we
could use:
"doc.<fieldName>" ## for document metadata.
"obj.<propertyName>" ## for object properties when the table is bound to a
"actions" ## special column for listing all the actions available for the
current user.
* We could have an special "function_name(field1, field2, ....)" mapping
parameter which will deligate the mapping function to a local js function.
This can be useful if someone wants to calculate a column value based on the
returned results.
* Question: Do we need to have attachment / image columns?
[2] - linkType:
We can have "none", "view", "edit" & "inline" type of links. Any other type
of link?
You can compare this doclist macro specification with the old livetable
macro spec here: http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Macros/LiveTableMacro.
- Asiri