Hello GSoC students,
The suggested 'pencils down' date is 5 days away, and the firm deadline
is in less than 2 weeks
Therefore,* at the beginning of next week*, all students should have a
*working application* that they should make available to the community
for testing. The week of August 10-17 will be used for finalizing the
project. Please discuss with your mentors the remaining work that needs
to be done before Monday.
Good luck,
Sergiu Dumitriu
Today is supposed to be the 2.0M3 release date but since we've had
lots of delays on 2.0M2 there's no point in releasing M3 today. I've
reviewed some of the important tasks we wanted to do in the 2.0
release and that are not done yet:
- section editing in 2.0 syntax - JV
- XAR in 2.0 syntax (at least for some pages) - All
- new skin - Guillaume + Laurent + someone to implement it (?)
- macro categories (this one was decided late and wasn't planned
initially so I don't think it's a blocker but I'm still listing it
here) - Asiri
- clustering/distributed events - Thomas
- captcha - Jerome
- watch list bug fixes (+ activity stream refactoring) - JV
- new blog UI - Caty
- new User profile UI - Caty
Are there any more?
The conclusion is that we're very late. We need to decide what we want
to skip. From the list I think we should skip the following since the
work hasn't been started on them:
- new user profile
- activity stream refactoring
We need to know from each person listed above when he can have
finished his part ASAP in order to define new dates (and hoping to
preserve the final 2.0 release date).
Right now I'd suggest we postpone M3 by one week, i.e. to the 10th of
August and move RC1 to 24th of Aug. This would mean a final for the
31st or a RC2 for the 31st and a final for the 7th of Sep.
Hi XWikiers,
the first batch of results from the survey is available at:
meant to give you an idea of what the results look like after 50+
answers to the survey.
I'll publish detailed results later on, once the survey has been officially
closed (in a week or so).
Thanks to all of you for your time!
On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 11:51 AM, Guillaume Lerouge <guillaume(a)xwiki.com>wrote:
> Hi Ricardo,
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 11:38 PM, [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT
> Team <webmaster(a)environmentalchange.net> wrote:
>> First of all, congratulations to the whole community for the XWiki's 5th
>> birthday!
>> Guillaume Lerouge wrote:
>> > Hi fellow XWikiers,
>> > While celebrating XWiki's 5th birthday last week, we spent a couple days
>> > brainstorming with the full team about where XWiki stands today and what
>> its
>> > future holds. We came up with a long list of features and ideas and we'd
>> > love to get community feedback before deciding in which direction we're
>> > going to move forward once our 2.0 release is out.
>> >
>> > To this aim, we've built a survey that we'd like our users and
>> developers to
>> > take. It's a bit long though definitely worth the pain. We're eagerly
>> > waiting for your feedback to start working on new and existing features.
>> >
>> > You can access and fill the survey at the following address:
>> > http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/SurveyXWikiFeatures
>> >
>> > Thanks a lot for your time,
>> >
>> > Guillaume on behalf of the XWiki Team
>> >
>> >
>> Please, is there any way of following the results of the survey on-line?
> Not in real time. We ran another poll internally that used another format
> and I need to gather the various results and make all of them follow the
> same format before publishing the data.
> The data will be made available in a publicly viewable Google Spreadsheet
> as soon as I'm done.
> Guillaume
> After hitting the submit button I've been forwarded to http://xwiki.org.
>> Is this te expected behavior?
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Ricardo Rodríguez
>> Your EPEC Network ICT Team
>> _______________________________________________
>> users mailing list
>> users(a)xwiki.org
>> http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> --
> Guillaume Lerouge
> Product Manager - XWiki
> Skype: wikibc
> Twitter: glerouge
> http://guillaumelerouge.com/
Guillaume Lerouge
Product Manager - XWiki
Skype: wikibc
Twitter: glerouge
Hi devs,
I've implemented support for Google Gadgets for pages and for panels.
It is possible to browse the Google Gadget Directory and select a
gadget, set it's parameters and either:
- insert a call to a gadget macro in a wiki page
- create a panel with this gadget
It's basically working, except for a few Gadget translations issues in
the gadget settings page (for some gadgets).
To integrate in XE this requires:
- a slight modification to the PanelClass and the displaypanel macro (to
support a gadgeturl and gadgetprefs field)
- a few pages including a Gadget Groovy page (which requires programming
I think we should transform the Gadget Groovy to a plugin to avoid the
need for programming rights.
We can also from there create a special page type to make a display of
gadgets or panels like iGoogle or NetVibes.
It would store gadgets or panel lists in a special class with some
position parameters. And with some JS we can reposition the panels or
gadgets and save the config in the wiki page.
This would be an easy way to make some portal like experience in the wiki.
Who wants to takeover this from the dev team ? Do you think we can have
this in 1.8 ?
Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise 2.0 Milestone 2.
Go grab it at http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
The main goal of 2.0 is to make XWiki fully XWiki 2.0 syntax.
Main changes from 2.0 Milestone 1:
* Lots of improvements and new features in the new WYSIWYG editor
* Lots of improvements and bugfixes in the rendering engine and
the syntax converter
* Improvements for the blog application
* It's now possible to choose the content renderer to use when
viewing a page
* New Footnote macro
* New xwiki-properties module
* New Latvian translation
* New Swedish translation
* New Korean translation
For more information see the Release notes at:
-The XWiki dev team
There are many ways implemented in XWiki for the case when you want to
attach an icon to a html element. You can see a small study for the "Delete"
icon at
You can either use CSS to assign a background-image to a <span>, <div>,
<input>, <li>, <a>, etc element or you can integrate the icon in the code
with <img> element. Using the icons as background images we remove the
extra/unnecessarily img code in the HTML and layout problems.
The main problem is that consistency of UX and development. We currently
have three icons for the "Edit" action ((BlogStyle/edit.png;
js/xwiki/usersandgroups/img/clear.png;) silk/pencil.gif;
images/black-edit.png )). For the delete example we write the same Css code
for the background-image in attachments.css, livetable.css, dataeditors.css,
comments.css, etc. Everytime we add an icon, we need to see what is the
icon's name and this way is very easy make a mistake in the "standard".
I want to propose an *Icons Component* in *
platform\web\standard\src\main\webapp\resources\icons\icons.css* . You can
read more about it at
http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Standards/CssIcons . This is
just a skeleton and doesn't meet all the needs for icons usage (left-aligned
icons, right-aligned icons, gifs, pngs, etc).
- One problem that can be is the separation in Css files that are
dependent one from the other, instead of having them in just one big file
(like toucan.css that can be cached by clients). The thing is that the UI
components are not dependant of the skin, so putting them in both toucan and
albatross (so both benefit from the change) would be wrong.
- Having them in separated files, we load them only when needed. The
problem is that the files needs to be very well documented and the
developers know about their existence.
- Another solution (if the cached version is preferred) would be to
have a general CSS that imports all the components. This way we
serve in one
go the CSS files, but still preserve the modularization.
- The main advantage is the consistency of the icons usage and the
independence of file names.
- In the webapp\resources\icons\silk we have many icons that we don't
use, but we serve the full silk package. Having a general CSS file, we could
know what types of icons we use. This could be a valuable information if we
ever would like to change the icons in XWiki. Having them linked in a
special place solves the changeability problems.
I tried to debug XWiki using IntelliJ IDEA and a remote Jetty server.
Everything works fine except that the source code is off.
I checked out the trunk (actually http://svn.xwiki.org/svnroot/xwiki/platform/trunks/)
, built it with Maven 2. After that I created an installation from
enterprise/trunk and installed it, started Jetty in debug mode and
started the IDE debugger.
Again everything works except that much of the code was pointing to
classes. I guess this is because each module uses dependencies to
Maven modules that other projects. In order to fix that I downloaded
the sources but now the source code lines in the debugger are off.
This is because many modules still refer 1.9.2 rather than 2.0-
Snapshot or 2.0-m2.
Does anyone knows how to make the debugger work?
Thanks - Andy
(I have pb with my mail client and XWiki mailing list server which is
rejecting my email - resending)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>
Date: Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] LDAP subscription
To: XWiki Users <users(a)xwiki.org>
Hi Geoffroy,
On Aug 1, 2009, at 4:32 PM, Geoffroy Carrier wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm volunteering as a technician and hoster for the
> design-platform.org collaborative project.
> We are seriously considering using to the XEM platform, in particular
> for its internalization and multi-wiki support, and its nice WYSIWYG
> editor.
very cool :)
> A major feature we are looking for is LDAP support; however, I didn't
> find any information about LDAP subscription.
> The objective is to create LDAP accounts for all subscriptions on the
> wiki, and completely avoid XWiki-only subscriptions. Is this feature
> already available?
> If yes, do you have any pointers to documentation and/or source code?
> If not, do you have any thoughts on an efficient way to alter XE to enable it?
Yes this is supported, see
Let us know if you have specific questions regarding LDAP.
Currently I'm working at a Firefox extension for XWiki and I ran into some
troubles because I can't obtain all the information I need from the current
RESTful API. I've talked with Sergiu and Marta and they told me that I
shouldn't use workarounds and an extension of RESTful API would be more
It would be useful to add:
- a new element for every tag element from tags resource, representing
the number of documents tagged with that tag;
- a new element for every space element from spaces resource,
representing the number of documents in that space;
- two new resources: users and user. The information made available for
every user could be: username, first name, last name, profile url, avatar,
last modified page;
- a new element for every page containing the type of the last
modification (comment adding, atachment adding, content modification).
Alexandru Cismaru, gsoc student
Has anybody tried enabling "large page support" in Mysql for Xwiki?
Doesn't Xwiki make use of Large pages for document attachments and other
storage, and wouldn't this be useful for high-volume Xwiki based systems?
(Fedora Linux has this feature enabled by default.)
The improvement? "Applications that perform a lot of memory accesses may
obtain performance improvements by using large pages due to reduced
Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) misses."
Is this worth doing? Would it improve performance (or are bottlenecks
elsewhere that make this tweak irrelevant)?
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/innodb-configuration.html says:
> On Linux, if the kernel is enabled for large page support, InnoDB can use
> large pages to allocate memory for its buffer pool and additional memory
> pool. See Section 7.5.9, “Enabling Large Page Support”.
--> http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/large-page-support.html says:
> 7.5.9. Enabling Large Page Support
> Some hardware/operating system architectures support memory pages greater
> than the default (usually 4KB). The actual implementation of this support
> depends on the underlying hardware and operating system. Applications that
> perform a lot of memory accesses may obtain performance improvements by
> using large pages due to reduced Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) misses.
> In MySQL, large pages can be used by InnoDB, to allocate memory for its
> buffer pool and additional memory pool.
> Currently, MySQL supports only the Linux implementation of large page
> support (which is called HugeTLB in Linux).
> Before large pages can be used on Linux, the kernel must be enabled to
> support them and it is necessary to configure the HugeTLB memory pool. For
> reference, the HugeTBL API is documented in the
> Documentation/vm/hugetlbpage.txt file of your Linux sources.
> The kernel for some recent systems such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux appear
> to have the large pages feature enabled by default. To check whether this is
> true for your kernel, use the following command and look for output lines
> containing “huge”:
> shell> cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i huge
HugePages_Total: 0
HugePages_Free: 0
HugePages_Rsvd: 0
HugePages_Surp: 0
Hugepagesize: 4096 kB
> The nonempty command output indicates that large page support is present,
> but the zero values indicate that no pages are configured for use.
> If your kernel needs to be reconfigured to support large pages, consult the
> hugetlbpage.txt file for instructions.
> Assuming that your Linux kernel has large page support enabled, configure
> it for use by MySQL using the following commands. Normally, you put these in
> an rc file or equivalent startup file that is executed during the system
> boot sequence, so that the commands execute each time the system starts. The
> commands should execute early in the boot sequence, before the MySQL server
> starts. Be sure to change the allocation numbers and the group number as
> appropriate for your system.
> [...]
> With this option, InnoDB uses large pages automatically for its buffer pool
> and additional memory pool. If InnoDB cannot do this, it falls back to use
> of traditional memory and writes a warning to the error log: Warning: Using
> conventional memory pool
> To verify that large pages are being used, check /proc/meminfo again:
> shell> cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i huge
HugePages_Total: 20
HugePages_Free: 20
HugePages_Rsvd: 2
HugePages_Surp: 0
Hugepagesize: 4096 kB