I uploaded a new draft of the Blog 2.0 upgrade and tested it with 1.9.2. I got the categories working fine as well as resovled some issues with the publisher. Because NOW I use the original naming an import with replace the old documents so be warned.
I am intend to upgrade my own blog with that draft asap to see how that works out life.
Andreas Schaefer
CEO of Madplanet.com Inc.
EMail: andreas.schaefer(a)madplanet.com
Twitter: andy_mpc
AIM: schaefera(a)me.com
I've been using Xwiki 1.8 for about 2-3 months now and I really like
it. Unfortunately, my server crashed. I backup the HSQLDB database
everyday. Now, I'm trying to install Xwiki on a different computer and
point it toward one of the copies of my database, but I'm having lot of
problems. I've tried it with Xwiki 2.0, 1.9 and 1.8. I'm running
Tomcat 5.5.27 and java 1.6.0_14.
The real problem is reading my old database. If I don't change the
hibernate.cfg.xml, xwiki will create a new HSQLDB database just fine
(except that it's empty). But when I do modify the hibernate file to
point to my database, I get lots of errors.
Here's the snippet from my hibernate file:
<!-- HSQLDB configuration.
Uncomment if you want to use HSQLDB and comment out other
database configurations.
Note that the database will be created automatically if it
doesn't already exist. -->
<property name="connection.username">sa</property>
<property name="connection.password"></property>
<property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect</property>
<property name="connection.pool_size">2</property>
<property name="statement_cache.size">2</property>
<mapping resource="xwiki.hbm.xml"/>
<mapping resource="feeds.hbm.xml"/>
And here's the error I get from my browser (Firefox):
HTTP Status 500 -
type Exception report
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented
it from fulfilling this request.
javax.servlet.ServletException: Error number 3 in 0: Could not
initialize main XWiki context
Wrapped Exception: Error number 3001 in 3: Cannot load class
from param xwiki.store.migration.manager.class
Wrapped Exception: Error number 0 in 3: Exception while hibernate execute
Wrapped Exception: Could not parse mapping document from resource
root cause
com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 3 in 0: Could not initialize
main XWiki context
Wrapped Exception: Error number 3001 in 3: Cannot load class
from param xwiki.store.migration.manager.class
Wrapped Exception: Error number 0 in 3: Exception while hibernate execute
Wrapped Exception: Could not parse mapping document from resource
note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache
Tomcat/5.5.27 logs.
Apache Tomcat/5.5.27
I've been trying to fix this for 2 days now and I'm losing hope that I
can recover my Xwiki. Can anyone please help? I've tried searching the
mailing list archives, google, the installation documenation, the
upgrade documentation, but I haven't found a solution. I haven't really
modified the xwiki installation much at all. I've just been using xwiki
"as is".
Still Hoping,
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise 1.9.2.
Go grab it at http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
This is a bug fix and enhancement release mainly around new WYSIWYG
and the Blog application.
Changes since XWiki Enterprise 1.9.1. Improvements:
** Allow the page to link to to be searched for or selected from the
most recently edited pages
** Improved style consistency across dialogs
** Upgrade to GWT 1.6.4
Important Bugs fixed:
* Fixed errors in the Blog application with Internet Explorer 6 and 7
* XWIKI-4079 Links are lost when switching to Source in the WYSIWYG editor
* XWIKI-4101 The editor WYSIWYG disappear when creating a new translation
* XWIKI-4085 Content duplicated if there's a macro (toc, id..) in an html macro
* XWIKI-3413 Not possible to generate pure text content (like JSON)
from a 2.0 page using ?xpage=plai
* XWIKI-4088 The output of the HTML macro with wiki=true is parsed and
generates duplicated content
* XWIKI-4067 Trying to edit a missing object property with the new
WYSIWYG editor can lead to infinite include recursion
* XWIKI-3847 removeObject in XWikiDocument does not search for the
object correctly
For more information see the Release notes at:
The XWiki dev team
(resending since I have problems with my mail client and XWiki's mail
content filter)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>
Date: Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: [xwiki-devs] [Proposal][UX] Standardization of icon usage
on actions
To: XWiki Developers <devs(a)xwiki.org>
On Jul 27, 2009, at 11:45 AM, Ecaterina Valica wrote:
> Hi Devs,
> There are two different standards on the action icon usage in the LiveTable:
> Â - with icon + text
> Â - only with icon
> The main problem is the lack of consistency.
> Please vote on three versions:
> Var 1 : Icon + Text
> <http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Standards/ActionIcons#var1>
> Var 2 : Just Icon<http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Standards/ActionIcons#var2>
> Var 3 : Icon + Legend<http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Standards/ActionIcons#var3>
I'd normally vote for 1 but taking into account smaller screen I'm
also +1 for var 3.
According to "Don't make me think" var 2 should be prohibited since it
forces users to think.
Tooltips are very bad for the same r'eason.
So +1 for either 1 or 3 but -0 for 2 and Guillaume's option with
tooltips (we can have tooltips but in addition to something more
(resending since I got a failure from xwiki's mail content filter )
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>
Date: Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: [xwiki-devs] [VOTE] What to do with RawBlock in plain
text renderer ?
To: XWiki Developers <devs(a)xwiki.org>
On Jul 26, 2009, at 11:52 AM, Thomas Mortagne wrote:
> Hi devs,
> We need to decide what to do with html macro content (or any other
> RawBlock content) in plain text renderer.
> For me the rule of plain text renderer should be to print anything we
> are able to print which mean printing any pure text content and skip
> styles for which obviously we don't have syntax. RawBlock content is
> pure text so we should print it.
> Note that first version of plain text renderer was printing html
> content and it was lost when introducing RawBlock.
> Here is my +1 for printing RawBlock content in plain text renderer.
-1 for now (I can be convinced to change it): RawBlock is very special
and should only be interpreted by renderers which understand the raw
syntax. The plain text renderer shouldn't understand any syntax IMO.
I'd like to see a real use case before changing my -1 to a +1.
Right now if a page has for example a form to create a new type of
page and this page is output in plain text, I will not want to see the
HTML printed as content. It doesn't make sense to me.
(resending since I got a failure from xwiki's mail content filter )
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>
Date: Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: [xwiki-devs] adding a new jsr-223 scripting language to
xwiki (clojure)
To: XWiki Developers <devs(a)xwiki.org>
Hi Niels,
On Jul 26, 2009, at 10:13 AM, Niels Mayer wrote:
> In
> http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Snippets/DisplayFormatedCodeAttachment…
>> VincentMassol | 2009/05/05 20:03
>>> Niels, no there's no plan but we can now support any language using macros
>> so feel free to provide a clojure macro if you're interested. Shouldn't be
>> too hard to do, especially if there's a JSR-223 implementation (in which
>> case simply dropping the jar in WEB-INF/lib should be enough - you'd then
>> use it using the script macro).
> Clojure <http://groups.google.com/group/clojure> has aJSR-223 implementation
> according to:
> http://github.com/pmf/clojure-jsr223/tree/master
> http://groovy.codehaus.org/JSR-223+access+to+other+JVM+languages
> http://sayspy.blogspot.com/2009/03/interacting-between-jvm-lang-here-and.ht…
> Are there any examples, documentation, or suggestions of writing a "script
> macro" to call a new jar in WEB-INF/lib ?
Well all you need is drop the JSR223 jar in WEB-INF/lib and then you
can use the new language using the script macro:
Then if you want you can write a wrapping macro such as we've done for
groovy and jruby so that it can be called with {{clojure}} instead of
{{script language="clojure"}}.
> Any other special magic I should know? Does anything from the above suggest
> that Clojure couldn't be used as an Xwiki scripting language, replacing
> cases where Groovy scripting might normally be employed?
> Niels
> http://nielsmayer.com
> PS: Here's examples of easy "scripted java" programming you can do in
> Clojure (note the helpful parallelism constructs):
> http://travis-whitton.blogspot.com/2009/07/network-sweeping-with-clojure.ht…
> http://travis-whitton.blogspot.com/2009/06/clojures-agents-scientists-monke…
> It could be very useful to employ massive parallelism via such Clojure
> scripts, which could achieve a xwiki-based web portal performance akin to
> Yahoo's, Google's, etc. For example, the following describes how Yahoo works
> -- and would be quite easy to implement this kind of processing "for free"
> in Clojure with very little code:
> http://research.yahoo.com/files/pnuts.pdf
I'm definitely +1 to make it part of the XWiki platform (same as for
jruby) if you develop it. Similar to jruby I don't think we should
package it in the default WAR though but as an optional download to
install (will be even easier with the app manager).
> The component responsible for multi-record requests is called the
>> scatter-gather engine, and is a component of the router.
>> The scatter-gather engine receives a multi-record request,
>> splits it into multiple individual requests for single records
>> or single tablet scans, and initiates those requests in parallel.
>> As the requests return success or failure, the scatter-gather
>> engine assembles the results and then passes them to the
>> client. In our implementation, the engine can begin streaming
>> some results back to the client as soon as they appear.
>> We chose a server-side approach instead of having the client
>> initiate multiple parallel requests for several reasons. First,
>> at the TCP/IP layer, it is preferable to have one connection
>> per client to the PNUTS service; since there are many clients
>> (and many concurrent processes per client machine) opening
>> one connection to PNUTS for each record being requested
>> in parallel overloads the network stack. Second, placing this
>> functionality on the server side allows us to optimize, for
>> example by grouping multiple requests to the same storage
>> server in the same web service call.
>> Range queries and table scans are also handled by the
>> scatter gather engine. Typically there is only a single client
>> process retrieving the results for a query. The scatter gather
>> engine will scan only one tablet at a time and return results
>> to the client; this is about as fast as a typical client can
>> process results. In the case of a range scan, this mecha-
>> nism simplifies the process of returning the top-K results
>> (a frequently requested feature), since we only need to scan
>> enough tablets to provide K results. After returning the
>> first set of results, the scatter-gather engine constructs and
>> returns a continuation object, which allows the client to re-
>> trieve the next set of results. The continuation object con-
>> tains a modified range query, which, when executed, restarts
>> the range scan at the point the previous results left off. Con-
>> tinuation objects allow us to have cursor state on the client
>> side rather than the server. In a shared service such as
>> PNUTS, it is essential to minimize the amount of server-
>> side state we have to manage on behalf of clients.
I'd like to propose to release XE 1.9.2 on 27th of July (next Monday).
There are already a good number of fixes:
Other issues not done can be moved to 1.9.3 (which could be released
in 2 weeks time).
Here's my +1