Hi Guys,
I am working on XE-14 (the new Administration UI)
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Design/ImproveWikiAdministration .
Since the admin templates will be deleted and replaced by an AdminSheet
which will be included by default in XwikiPreferences (wiki level) and
WebPreferences (space level), I need to create the WebPreferences document
for each space, attach an Xwiki.XwikiPreferences object to it and include
the AdminSheet.
To do that, I need to write some java code in the core . So , here's my
- At xwiki intitialization create all the WebPreferences for the
currently existing spaces in the wiki (this should be done for all the
wikis, if in a multi-wiki).
- Then, use a notification system to create the WebPreferences for
any new space in the wiki in one of two ways:
a) When calling the "view" action on AnySpace.WebPreferences, check if
it exists, if not create it, attach the obj. and include the sheet
b) When calling the "save" action on AnySpace.AnyDoc, check if
AnySpace.WebPreferences exists, if not, create it etc.
I am for the second one, since the 'view' is much more often performed than
So, my questions: what should I use for the notifications? I found this
function in the Stats notification system:
// Adding the rule which will allow this module to be called on each page
new XWikiActionRule(this, true, true));
But Thomas said the method above registers all types of notifs, not only on
page view.
There is also:
notify(XWikiNotificationRule rule, XWikiDocument doc, String action,
XWikiContext context)
and I can perform an if(action == "save") to use the notif system for the
"save" action.
Thomas Mortagne also told me that this notif system is a little bit outdated
and would be replaced by the observation component, but I have no idea which
I should use.
Also, according to the specifs in the draft above, so far I created the
Xwiki.AdminSheet, that will display the main categories (General,
Presentation, Rights, Users, Groups, Import/Export etc). For each section of
this menu I created a sheet (General - > Xwiki.GeneralSheet etc.) in which I
can personalize the display. I also created Xwiki.AdminSectionSheet which
contains the common code to display the fields necessary from the
Xwiki.XwikiPreferences object and this sheet will be included in the
sections where is needed (Genera, Presentation etc.) The reason I created
separated sheets for each section of the menu (which are fixed as number) is
to keep the code clean and allow the possibility to display something else
than fields from the xwiki prefs. object (for example for rights, users,
groups, import/export).
I would really really appreciate some feedback for this 2 proposals.
I think it would be a good idea to standardize on package naming. I've
seen Jerome's commit for the new invitation manager plugin and this
prompted me to send this email.
I propose the following:
* org.xwiki.<module name>.* : user public APIs
* org.xwiki.<module name>.internal.* : non user public classes
- This means no "impl" package (which IMO doesn't mean much since it
doesn't say if it's public or not).
- This also means no "api" package (which IMO is not necessary since
it should be the default and makes it more complex to use).
- I also don't think we need a "spi" package since we have components.
I'm also proposing to generally follow the rules defined here:
(see also http://jakarta.apache.org/cactus/participating/apis.html)
Here's my +1
I tried the following script but, I do not get anything displayed on my page
wen I save it: [xwiki version:]
#set($groupsAPI=$rightsAPI.getGroupsAPI()) - (I hope this is right!)
#set($list=$groupsAPI.getAllLocalGroupsNames()) - (I do not know if this is
working or not...I tried all methods available..Global, Local, normal..)
##set($list=$rightsAPI.getAllGroupsNamesForMember($context.getUser())) -
(This works)
#set($temp =$xwiki.getUser())
#foreach($grp in $list)
* [$grp ]
Nothing displayed on the page...whats the mistake?
Since Maven 2.0.9 is now released and it works with our build we
should standardize on it rather than using a"non-official" 2.1
snapshot version.
I'm thus proposing to move the maven version we use for Continuum on
Maven 2.0.9 and to change the Building page to remove our snapshot
version and change the text to say that to build XWiki you need Maven
2.0.9 or greater.
Hi everyone,
A few months ago we had discussed the possibility of offering a free
community-managed farm for non-business critical projects.
See http://tinyurl.com/69blgy
In short the ideas are:
1) No support guarantee. All support done on the xwiki.org user
mailing list by the community.
2) No stability guarantee. We would always install the latest Platform/
XE/XEM version on it and it would serve as a stability test for the
xwiki development team. Obviously the community will always try to
make it as stable as possible but that's not guaranteed. It's also
possible that the farm will be down a few days now and then. We'll try
to reduce this but no warranties.
3) There will be several members of the community who'll have admin
access on the farm.
4) It will be open to anyone. However the target users will be
technical people who can support themselves to some extent. We won't
control that but it'll be mentioned on the registration page. In any
case points 1) and 2) make it obvious that it shouldn't be used for
any business-critical wiki.
We're now announcing the myxwiki.org community farm at http://myxwiki.org
Note that the machine was donated by the XPertNet company (http://xwiki.com
). Thanks XPertNet! :)
Right now the following persons are admin on this farm:
* ThomasMortagne
* Marta
* Sergiu
* GuillaumeLerouge
* amelentev (Artem)
* Jerome Velociter
* jvdrean (Jean-Vincent)
* VincentMassol
Please note that all these people are doing this in their free time
and thus we're looking for more admins. If you're interested in
helping us manage this farm (and we hope there'll be plenty of you
interested) then please register a user and let me know and I'll make
you admin.
Here's what admins should do:
* work on improving the community farm content in general
* work on improving the way information is presented and navigation
* watch the recent changes and undo graffitis where needed
* create wikis for people who request them (there's a HTML form to
fill) - we'll need to decide if we want to make that self service or
not. Right now I suggest that people interested in getting a wiki
there send an email to the xwiki users list explaining what they want
to do with their new wiki and then one admin creates it for them.
* watch out for security holes
* suggest ideas to improve the farm
What everyone can do:
* edit and improve content for the non admins parts of the farm
* spread the word, blog about it, etc
-Vincent on behalf of the XWiki community
I agree to commit only into the Curriki portions of the trunk. I will await
separate permissions/voting to commit into the Xwiki platform portions,
should the need arise in the future. For example, I would hope that some
"refactoring" of curriki features becomes new core functionality in Xwiki.
As I better understand the combined code-base (I just started at curriki) I
will be in a better position to understand what such refactoring may entail.
At that point, I would be happy to make some proposals and engage in
discussion, in case such code reorganization proves mutually beneficial to
xwiki and curriki.
I am experienced with revision control systems (I was there when
subversion<http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.1/ch01s02.html>was being
planned, and shaped a number of the features based on collabnet's
needs back in the early days of the company when we were developing svn and
SourceCast, after our experiences building-in SSL-based 2-factor
authentication for cvs&web for http://ipssources.net ).
I also fess up to my mistakes when I do make them, e.g.:
http://markmail.org/message/2nj5sipyi3qpib4x and also fess up to not having
filed a bug report on aforementioned issue ... I admit that sometimes things
I like to do with code make it live on the edge-condition, but I'm not one
to break the build with it.
Thank you for the vote!
-- Niels Mayer, http://curriki.org
Curriki: The Global Education and Learning Community
Ludovic Dubost <ludovic(a)xwiki.org> wrote:
+1 with the reminder that Curriki commit access is full commit access
but without allowance to commit in the XWiki platform part
Joshua Marks wrote:
> Dear Devs,
> Niels, who has comment on the list before, is taking on development tasks
> for Curriki. As such he will need commit access to SVN. Please cast your
> vote to accept this request.
Evelina Slatineanu wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I am trying to solve XWIKI-2361 and XWIKI-2362. First was easy but I am
> facing the following problem for the second issue:
> When trying to add a new user using the UI in an empty wiki, I am being
> redirected to /register/ and for that I need register right. Since by
> default I have only edit right, it redirects me to /login/ and since is an
> empty wiki.you realize it doesn't work. So, wouldn't it be logical to have
> register right for an empty wiki (since I have edit right)? If not, could
> anyone tell me a solution (I guess I will need to digg deep into the core
> for that and I am not sure I'm the best person to do that :P)
I am +1 for granting registration rights in an empty wiki.
Sergiu Dumitriu
Hi guys,
I am trying to solve XWIKI-2361 and XWIKI-2362. First was easy but I am
facing the following problem for the second issue:
When trying to add a new user using the UI in an empty wiki, I am being
redirected to /register/ and for that I need register right. Since by
default I have only edit right, it redirects me to /login/ and since is an
empty wiki.you realize it doesn't work. So, wouldn't it be logical to have
register right for an empty wiki (since I have edit right)? If not, could
anyone tell me a solution (I guess I will need to digg deep into the core
for that and I am not sure I'm the best person to do that :P)
Thanks in advance,