Using xwiki class editor we can create classes and package them as
application. Classes can also have an entity relationship among themselves.
I have few question on how can we relate classes in xwiki. Let me start by
posting a simple example:
Say our application has two classes Product and Review. Relationship between
them is a product can have multiple reviews.
Now I can relate these classes in following way:
1. Create a product document and add the product object to it. All the
reviews for that product are also added to that product document as review
objects. Thus I have grouped reviews to a product.
2. Create a product document and add the product object to it. For each
review for that product created a review document and add review object to
that review document and make review document child of product document.
Thus I have arranged reviews as children of a product.
3. In the review class add a db list field, which refers to objects of
product class. While creating a review object choose the right product name
from the list. Thus reviews are associated to a product.
Thus you can see that in each of the three ways I have related two classes.
Only difference is different ways of storing them. (again presentation still
can be same and I am here interested in optimal storage strategy only).
So I would like to know which of the above three is the best way of relating
classes. Are there any more ways of achieving the relationship I talked
I would like to know from people who have been developing complex
applications involving relationship between several xwiki classes as what
would be the best way of arranging the use case just described.
http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/sachin_mittal about me:
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Relating-classes-in-xwiki-tp16851540p16851540.html
Sent from the XWiki- Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hello all,
I have been looking for a way to store attachments (the binary 'content'
data only) as regular files on the servers filesystem. I already read
through the archives and found out so far that this is possible via writing
my own implementation of the
com.xpn.xwiki.store.XWikiAttachmentStoreInterface and then set have them
used via settings in xwiki.cfg. (see this thread in the markmail archives:
http://markmail.org/message/zyd2tpfj2x45hyxt )
What I do is just taking out the XWikiAttachmentContent content property's
byte[], stream it into a file and replace the property value with the path
to this file. so I need no changes to the hibernate mappings etc. ... and
when reading it in, doing a file read accordingly ...
So I store everything as usual with Hibernate, just the pure content is
stored as file (with an unique id embedded in the filename)
Q1) ... any better idea? (its working fine so far ;o)
Q2) I am looking for a way to set the store implementations on a per-space
Or: How can the store implementation see to which space the attachment's
parent page belongs and read in any config (string) for this space?
Q3) Any other Interfaces I should provide a filesystem based implemention
for? So far it seems I dont need to make any changes to the Recyclebin and
Versioning store implementations.
Q4) Is there a way to turn off caching for attachments only? I turned off
caching totally with
and this is a performance nightmare. But I need to turn off only the caching
of attachments. Is this possible?
Thank you in advance for any bit of input ;o)
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/AttachmentStore---my-filesystem-based-implementation-…
Sent from the XWiki- Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I am from India. At present i am in final year... I selected the XWIKI for
my project.
I want to know how to create a new skin in my XWIKI...
Please Help....
Prathap Pandian M
On the same note, I also have the following questions: The answers will help
implement whichever option we choose:
1) Is there a limit on the number of members that can belong to a group?
2) How can I create a "global" hashmap (xwiki.getHashMap()) that can be
referenced anywhere (any page/space) to retrieve values based on keys?
3) Can I use the $context to add some more values(needed for our project) to
the hashtable?
4) I came across the following code snippet int he Wiki editor of the
#set($categoryMap = $xwiki.getHashMap())
#foreach($category in $categoryList)
$!categoryMap.put($category, $xwiki.getArrayList())
I do not understand the use of "!" in the put() method. what do we achieve
with this!
Thanks for all help!
On 5/5/08, Kamna Jain <kammy.scorpi(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> This question "might" be related to the thread that has been active in the
> past couple of days about the data model.
> We have a similar situation with the only difference being that we want
> to create lists or collections (like Groups) of certain pre- created
> Objects.
> The Object as a whole may/will belong to more than one such collection -
> which means that if we were to use a Document to link a Collection and its
> contents, then every document will have a COPY of the same object and this
> is definitely not desirable for good performance - Right?
> So, in that case, we have 2 alternatives:
> 1) Use the techiniques used in XWiki to create Groups: each group has
> objects of class XWikiGroup with just one field that refers to the Member
> name. OR
> 2) Use XWiki.getHashmap() and add the Collection and its members to the
> hashmap (as the Key and Value resp.)
> The XWiki API indicates that the option #2 must be used in xwiki when
> Objects can not be created.
> My Question is:
> -> Even though I could use option #1 and create objects and add them to
> the document that would represent the Collection, can I still use option #2
> because I think that it will provide better performance. Am I right in my
> assumption? What should I do?
> Thanks a lot for all help!
When I'm logged in as a user with all global privilages, and I'm on a
wiki page, the "edit" menu doesn't have any sub-menu items. However,
when I log in as superadmin, I see sub-menu items such as "wiki",
"WYSIWYG", "Inline form" etc. Is there a way to set up a user other
than superadmin with this??
Hi all,
I had downloaded the whole setup of xwiki. In beginning
its working fine but
Whenever I restart the tomcat 5.0 the version of the
Xwiki Changed from Version 1.0 to version 9.841.
I m not getting why it happening . Please help me out
from this problem
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Hi XWikiers
There are open question about the new skinx plugin, I'd like to
discuss about the first one :
"Should $xwiki.jsx.useFile("filename.js") work for files located on
the disk? This allows the same pull process to be used with files
located in the skin, without requiring SX documents and objects. I'd
say yes. Then, what should the URL look like?
/xwiki/bin/jsx/skins/albatross/somestyle.css is OK?"
We definitely need this to be able to load some libraries
condditionaly, for example usersandgroups.js or lightbox.js.
I don't see the need for some special URLs, would it be a problem that
useFile() adds the result of a xwiki.getSkinFile() to the header ?
Jean-Vincent Drean
How is the TagClass used?
Does a page contain one object of this class for every Tag that is added to
the page/document.
Do, all the tags belong to the same "tags" field of one object.
I tried adding 2 tags (separated by a | ) and then used rthe following code,
it does not seem to work. Please guide:
#set($assetDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($asset))
#set($tags = $tagObject.get("tags"))
#set($tagList = $tags.split("|")) or #set($tagList =
$tags.toString().split("|")) (even getName() does not work)
#foreach ($tag in $tagList)
#if($tag == "XYZ") ( #if($tag.equals("XYZ")) also does not work
but when I had only one tag in the tags field, I just used :
#if( $tagObject.get("tags") == "XYZ")
and this worked....
Please help - one tag per object or multiple tags per object?
On Apr 30, 2008, at 1:05 AM, Fabrizio Lamari (TeleJob - WebMaster)
> Hello
> I was using the XWiki for our company and since yesterday evening it
> doesn’t work anymore.
> I haven’t changed anything on the settings yesterday.
> When I want to go on the XWiki (www.telejob.ch/wiki.html) I get this
> error:
> Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: General error:
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
> at org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.sqlException(Unknown Source)
> at org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcConnection.<init>(Unknown Source)
> at org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver.getConnection(Unknown Source)
> at org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver.connect(Unknown Source)
> at
> org
> .apache
> .commons
> .dbcp
> .DriverConnectionFactory
> .createConnection(DriverConnectionFactory.java:37)
> at
> org
> .apache
> .commons
> .dbcp
> .PoolableConnectionFactory.makeObject(PoolableConnectionFactory.java:
> 290)
> at
> org
> .apache
> .commons
> .dbcp.BasicDataSource.validateConnectionFactory(BasicDataSource.java:
> 877)
> at
> org
> .apache
> .commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.createDataSource(BasicDataSource.java:
> 851)
As you can see your JVM has no more memory. I don't know why this
happened (it can a lot of reasons) but the way to solve it for now is
just to restart the JVM (i.e. the servlet container).
I'd like that we review our objectives for 1.4 vs what we've done:
* Bug fixes
o Go from 240 in JIRA for Core down to 180 on XE 1.4
release date
Right now the bug count is at 227. Even though it's lower than 240
it's still a far cry from the 180 target...
* Better performance
o Run XE with a profiler and find bottlenecks
Not done
o Reduce number of database calls
Not done
o Improved page loading (JV)
Not done
o Make Stats usable on xwiki.org (ThomasM)
* More automated tests
o More selenium tests
We can consider this done although we always need more. We need to
continue adding and even spending some time just adding tests even if
we don't have code at all.
o Add tests on Tomcat 6.x as part of the CI build
Not done
o Add tests on Windows and with IE6 and IE7 as part of the
CI build
Not done
* We're not too good. I think this is principally due to me, since I
focused on the new rendering component and have delegated XE day to
day management/coaching to JV. Thus JV has not been able to work on
the performance improvements as planned. We really need to get that
going in 1.5 now.
* We have 1 more week to fix as many bugs as possible.