Fawad, Caty, all,
A quick update following a video call I had with Fawad:
- The Solr API will be used to query the data to be displayed on the map, and the Solr
facets to apply additional filters
- The data returned by the Solr API will be converted to GeoJSON. Later on we may consider
creating a Solr service that returns (Geo)JSON directly rather than HTML, to be
Next steps:
- Creation of a basic Map class with a Solr query field
- Creation of a MapSheet that will render the map itself
- Creation of a Point class that will consist of one field storing the latitude and the
longitude separated by a comma (later on, if needed, we will consider storing the latitude
and the longitude in two distinct fields)
- Manual creation (or via the BatchImport application) of 1) a set of sample pages that
will consist of: a title, some content, and a Point object attached to each page, 2) a Map
object with a simple Solr query returning all pages with a Point object in a specific
- Conversion of the the results provided by Solr into GeoJSON so that the data can be
consumed and displayed by Leaflet
Fawad, please don't hesitate to mention any complementary aspect that I may have
forgotten or questions you may have.