Hi Fawad, Caty, all,
Good to know where you are, Fawad. You're on the right track indeed imho, we're in
I'm sending you below some feedback (part of it is code review that could take place
directly on GitHub, but I feel it easier to discuss about it all together on the list for
now, let's see how it goes, I'm open to any suggestion).
== MapClass and MapTemplate ==
- Query field: I'd suggest we use a large string field because the queries could
become more complex in the future
- I would consider putting the default values directly in the template, so that the user
can know what they are when he creates a map, what do you think?
- What about using an integer rather than a long for the zoom level?
- You probably already have this in mind: this will be handy to create a
MapTemplateProvider as well, for example as indicated on
== MapSheet ==
- Map creation: usually, class instances get created directly in the space of the
application (see for instance the Diagram application), I would suggest we do the same
here if that's ok with you, i.e. directly in the Map space, for maps and for points as
well. As for test data: we will need to store test data indeed without the need to
recreate it manually everytime, I'm adding an item about that in the "Next
steps" section below.
- Currently, the sheet issues a call to com.xpn.xwiki.api.Object:getXWikiObject. This
method requires programming rights. Most of the classes in package com.xpn.xwiki.api give
access to their wrapped core object only to users with programming rights, since it allows
to manipulate the data at a low level. I'm adding some links below that may help you
understand this aspect (you may know them already). Another option (the one I favour) is
to always have the xwiki-platform source code at hand in the IDE, so that one can check
what the API does exactly. In an XWiki sheet, we typically don't want the programming
right to be required, because sheets are meant to be customized by users, not necessarily
by administrators. You will hence have to generate the target JSON without resorting to
the wrapped BaseObject.
- I'm wondering if it's necessary to generate a random id for the map container:
couldn't we simply use the lower-case serialized map reference?
== CommonMacros ==
Yes, the "handleMapQuery" macro is in the right direction.
== Global code organization ==
- Currently the code uses one space per class. That's an option indeed, but it seems
to me that the usual practice is more to group all classes and sheets directly in the
"Code" space. See for instance the blog application:
What do you think Caty, all?
- We're currently using the "Maps" space. I know the plural was discussed
for the app name already, I have no further comment about that. In existing XWiki
applications, we use either the singular or the plural for the application space. For
instance, the following apps use the singular: application-diagram, application-xpoll,
application-meeting, batchimport, application-forum, application-flashmessages (plural in
the application name, singular in the space name in this case). Other use plural
everywhere: application-invoices, application-ideas. Question to Caty and to all: do we
have guidelines for that? This is a minor issue but I have a slight preference for using
the singular in the space name, since to me it refers primarily to the application itself,
not necessarily to the location where the target instances will be created. Typically,
maps could be created anywhere in the wiki. The map app code, though, will be stored in
that space. Sorry for being picky, I just want to make sure we all agree on the final name
before a potential refactoring becomes more complex.
== Next steps ==
You probably have several of the next steps if not all in mind already, I'm listing
some of them below so that we make sure to converge and decide:
- Add a livetable listing all existing maps, in the "WebHome" page of the top
level application space
- Display page titles in the popups
- Find a way to plug the query mechanism to the Main.SolrSearch and Main.SolrSearchMacros
(so that we can then use facets). This can be a bit tricky, let us know if you need help
of course, for this aspect or any other.
- Add a full-text input widget to the map that will issue Solr queries asynchronously to
the map query service (example: the user inputs "archeologia" -> only pages
matching that word will get returned, and only the corresponding points will show up on
the map), which will return the documents matching the initial query completed by the
added full-text constraint.
- Add a contextual paginated list of results.
- Add facet filters.
- Test data: for now, we have just a few points to test with, but in the near future we
will need one or several rich data sets samples to test the application. I'm not sure
whether we should put the data and the code to create it in the same repository as the
application itself or if we should create a dedicated repository. Typically, I foresee
some code that will fetch some data from Wikidata or OpenStreetMap and convert it to
several hundreds or thousands of XWiki pages, which in turn will be consumed by a map.
Example: the query below executed against the endpoint
https://query.wikidata.org/ will
return all the museums referenced in Wikidata with their name, their geographical
coordinates and their country. We could grab the museum JSON representations and turn them
into XWiki pages (I have some code for doing such operations in another context already, I
will commit it soon). I'm wondering if we store the test data and code in the same
repository (this can amount to hundreds of test pages), or in a distinct one. I'll
send a separate question to the list about this aspect.
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?coord ?lon ?lat ?country ?countryLabel WHERE {
?item wdt:P17 ?country.
?item wdt:P31 wd:Q33506. # is a museum
?item p:P625 ?coordinate.
?coordinate ps:P625 ?coord.
?coordinate psv:P625 ?coordinate_node.
?coordinate_node wikibase:geoLongitude ?lon.
?coordinate_node wikibase:geoLatitude ?lat.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
- Regarding paths: I saw you mentioned them on #xwiki, that will be an important feature
indeed but I feel like it's more important to make sure that we have a working
prototype consisting of a map, a search input, a list and facets with points already,
before adding more complex objects to the map, what do you think?
Fawad Ali:
Hi Stéphane, Ecaterina and all,
Hope all of you are doing wonderful!
So I am working on the new iteration for the Interactive Maps Application and have made
some progress which I would like to share with all of you.
As suggested by Stephane, the application is now being developed on a new architecture
which emphasizes the use of Solr queries for gathering data to display on the map. The
space has also been changed to "Maps" as suggested by Ecaterina.
I have not shifted the files to xwiki-contrib because I wanted an initial review if I am
doing the right thing so I don't have to change the whole repo twice.
I have been able to generate a map and the application is now able to handle basic
queries to include points (markers) inside the map.
I would like you to please give it a look and let me know if I am going in the right
direction. :)
Main application pages:
- Maps.Code.Map.MapClass => The main map class
- Maps.Code.Map.MapSheet => Map sheet that renders the map
- Maps.Code.Map.WebHome => Simple form for creating a map object page
- Maps.Code.Point.PointClass => Main class for a simple point (marker)
- Maps.Code.Leaflet => Page where all the javascript and stylesheet extensions exist
- Maps.Code.CommonMacros => Some common macros used throughout the application
- Maps.MapTesting => Space that contains objects and maps for testing
For adding a Point, create a simple page, add content to it and attach a PointClass
object with a value to it.
If you want to have a look at how the map is rendered, see the MapSheet and the relevant
jsx (leaflet-main) code on the Leaflet page.
I have attached some screenshots to show what the application does at this point.
On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 5:12 PM Fawad Ali <m.fawaadali98(a)gmail.com
<mailto:m.fawaadali98@gmail.com>> wrote:
Thanks for this. It summarizes our discussions perfectly. :)
It's actually great that we are on the same page now. I will provide you with
updates soon.
On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 4:34 PM Stéphane Laurière <slauriere(a)xwiki.com
<mailto:slauriere@xwiki.com>> wrote:
Fawad, Caty, all,
A quick update following a video call I had with Fawad:
- The Solr API will be used to query the data to be displayed on the map, and the
Solr facets to apply additional filters
- The data returned by the Solr API will be converted to GeoJSON. Later on we may
consider creating a Solr service that returns (Geo)JSON directly rather than HTML, to be
Next steps:
- Creation of a basic Map class with a Solr query field
- Creation of a MapSheet that will render the map itself
- Creation of a Point class that will consist of one field storing the latitude
and the longitude separated by a comma (later on, if needed, we will consider storing the
latitude and the longitude in two distinct fields)
- Manual creation (or via the BatchImport application) of 1) a set of sample
pages that will consist of: a title, some content, and a Point object attached to each
page, 2) a Map object with a simple Solr query returning all pages with a Point object in
a specific space.
- Conversion of the the results provided by Solr into GeoJSON so that the data
can be consumed and displayed by Leaflet
Fawad, please don't hesitate to mention any complementary aspect that I may
have forgotten or questions you may have.
Stéphane Laurière
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