-----Original Message-----
From: Vincent Massol [mailto:vincent@massol.net]
Sent: mercredi 27 décembre 2006 11:42
To: 'xwiki-dev(a)objectweb.org'
Cc: 'Ludovic Dubost'
Subject: RE: [xwiki-dev] XWiki 309 : Bold codification is not the same
than in wiki editor mode
I also have an issue with having different ways of doing the same
thing. I think this is really bad for our users. For bold, I'd go for
the *text* syntax (because that's the syntax I've seen used in most
other wikis I've used) and deprecate the _text_ syntax. However I've
not been here for long and I don't know the history around this so I'd
rather defer to Ludovic or other old-timers to decide on this.
Also, in order not to break any compatibility we need to continue to
support the _text_ syntax. So I'd be to have both the xwiki editor and
the WYSIWYG editor generate *text* syntax but they should continue to
support the _text_ syntax.
We'd also need to fix the XWiki syntax sheet to reflect this.
Alternatively we should have the wiki editor and the WYSIWYG one
transform the _text_ syntax into *text* syntax when the user saves a
I'm interested in getting other's opinions.
BTW, I was pointed to Creole (
http://www.wikicreole.org/) which is an
interesting effort to harmonize wiki syntaxes. It would be nice that XWiki
be compliant with Creole. WRT our discussion on bold, the relevant page is
The recommended bold syntax is **text**
A comparison of all bold syntaxes by other wikis:
http://www.wikimatrix.org/syntax.php?i=23 (which is BTW not correct for
XWiki as 2 syntaxes are supported).
Funnily someone has already added XWiki as a wiki planning to implement
In view of this, I'd be in favor of the following:
* Have XWiki supports Creole progressively (i.e. we move one syntax at a
time to be Creole compliant)
* Have a migration application that is packaged in the core and that runs
when the database used is using has not been migrated to the new version.
The migration application would present a screen to the user telling him the
changes that will be brought to his database, telling him to backup his
database before continuing. In the case of bold, this application would
replace all *text* and __text__ with **text**.
* The Wiki editors (wiki mode and WYSIWYG modes) would both output **text**
* (optional) The rendering would no longer accept the old syntaxes. If we
want to be extra nice we would continue supporting the old syntaxes for some
time. Only problem is that this is costing a lot in term of development
efforts and potential bugs. We would have to take a call on this.
From: phunghainam(a)xwiki.com [mailto:phunghainam@xwiki.com]
Sent: mercredi 27 décembre 2006 11:28
To: xwiki-dev(a)objectweb.org
Subject: [xwiki-dev] XWiki 309 : Bold codification is not the same
in wiki editor mode
Hi All ?
We will use syntax for bold text is *text* or _text_ for both
mode ?
and how to config to show the toolbar in wiki editor (normal mode) .
>> In wysiwyg mode, bold text is coded with *text*. in wiki mode,
> >> using the small toolbar, it is coded with _text_. In some cases,
> >> switching from wysiwyg to wiki mode, some problems appear, but I
> >> can't reproduce them systematically. I suggest to have a same
> codification between both modes to avoid any problem.
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