I'd like to propose adding a new Api.getContext() method. Plugins are
currently using this.context to get access to it. I'd like to add
this method and make the context instance variable private.
This is pretty minor and I don't see any negative point of doing it
as it's already there, just not explicit.
Let me know.
Yahoo! Mail r�invente le mail ! D�couvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail et son interface r�volutionnaire.
I'd like to deprecate Api.checkProgrammingRights() in favor of
Api.hasProgrammingRights(). It's not normal that we have 2 APIs for
doing the same thing and none of them being deprecated.
Is that ok for everyone?
Yahoo! Mail r�invente le mail ! D�couvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail et son interface r�volutionnaire.
Just sending an early warning that on trunk and 1.0 branch xwiki is
failing to run. I'm investigating.
The error I get is:
17:53:13,215 ERROR P1-18 http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Main/
SimpleLog4JLogSystem:logVelocityMessage:143 - Method getMode threw
exception for reference $context in template at [1,5]
org.apache.velocity.exception.MethodInvocationException: Invocation
of method 'getMode' in class com.xpn.xwiki.api.Context threw
exception class java.lang.StackOverflowError : null
Thanks and sorry...
Yahoo! Mail r�invente le mail ! D�couvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail et son interface r�volutionnaire.
On Feb 2, 2007, at 5:09 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:
> Author: vmassol
> Date: 2007-02-02 17:09:42 +0100 (Fri, 02 Feb 2007)
> New Revision: 2031
> Modified:
> xwiki/trunk/core/pom.xml
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/api/Api.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/api/Attachment.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/api/Class.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/api/Collection.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/api/Context.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/api/Document.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/api/Object.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/api/Property.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/api/User.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/api/XWiki.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/plugin/calendar/
> CalendarPluginApi.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/plugin/captcha/
> CaptchaPluginApi.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/plugin/feed/
> FeedPluginApi.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/plugin/fileupload/
> FileUploadPluginApi.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/plugin/graphviz/
> GraphVizPluginApi.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/plugin/image/
> ImagePluginAPI.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/plugin/ldap/
> LDAPPluginApi.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/plugin/packaging/
> PackageAPI.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/plugin/svg/
> SVGPluginApi.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/plugin/usertools/
> XWikiUserManagementToolsAPI.java
> xwiki/trunk/core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/plugin/zipexplorer/
> ZipExplorerPluginAPI.java
> Log:
> Fixed POM error: the version for the build verification module must
> be fixed as otherwise the build looks for the wrong version (1.1-
hmmm... This is the wrong log message. The correct one should have been:
XWIKI-808: Add Api.getContext() method
Note: I haven't moved context variable from protected to private just
yet as we need to take a call on that.
Yahoo! Mail r�invente le mail ! D�couvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail et son interface r�volutionnaire.
Sergiu said in an email he wanted to modify the branching policy for
1.0. So I'm proposing 2 choices and let you vote about them:
Option 1 (current policy):
* Work on trunk till we cut the RC. At that point in time create a
* Simple. Minimal merging from branch to trunk to do.
* No risk of forgetting something (like something is on trunk but not
in branch where it should be, and no risk of forgetting to merge back
on trunk something from the branch)
* If someone introduces a big instability, we'll need to revert it
* Committers cannot commit something not working on trunk (in any
case nobody should ever do that)
* If a new feature is committed that impacts other features, it's
possible that it won't be stable enough. This is especially true as
we don't have lots of automated tests to discover regression. Note:
If we had strong automated tests we would never need to create a
branch (this is how I do it on the Cargo project and I've never had
any issue).
Option 2:
* Create a 1.0 branch right now. All work leading to 1.0 must go to
that branch. Trunk is for work for 1.1.
* People working on 1.1 can do so on trunk
* Less stabilization risk issues
* Requires more discipline. People must be careful to commit on the
right branch/trunk.
* We absolutely need to merge to trunk whenever someone commits to
the 1.0 branch as otherwise merging is a big pain later on.
Please cast your votes.
I'm +1 for Option 2 but provided all committers agree as it's a
little bit more work and more importantly requires discipline.
Yahoo! Mail r�invente le mail ! D�couvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail et son interface r�volutionnaire.
Hi everyone,
I can see the following API in LucenePluginAPI:
public int rebuildIndex(XWiki wiki, Context context)
I can see 2 problems with that:
1) I don't see the need for exposing the context, especially as it's
known internally by the plugin.
2) Passing both the context and the wiki object seems redundant as
it's possible to call context.getXWiki()
I'm thus proposing to deprecate this method and instead replace it with:
public int rebuildIndex()
Ok for everyone?
Yahoo! Mail r�invente le mail ! D�couvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail et son interface r�volutionnaire.
The lucene plugin is currently in 2 locations:
- in xwiki-plugins/lucene
- in xwiki/core
Which one is the latest one? The core one?
Let me know and I'll clean up...
Yahoo! Mail r�invente le mail ! D�couvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail et son interface r�volutionnaire.
In order to prevent users from assigning developers, assigning fix
for dates or due dates, I've created a custom issue creation screen
scheme in JIRA which only lists "non-developers" fields. This means
that when you create an issue you'll only see some fields. Of course,
it's then possible to edit issues to set the other fields.
Note: This is the solution applied on jira.codehaus.org and I've
copied it.
I hope this is fine for everyone.
Yahoo! Mail r�invente le mail ! D�couvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail et son interface r�volutionnaire.
I am a New user.
I have some previous experience with 0.9.840.
Just installed Xwiki 1.0 beta3 (requiring upgraded to java5)
The sql database is xwiki, user xwiki, pasword xwiki as before
Everything seems to work OK and I can edit content.
I have imported Panels, nothing else.
I have "Log-in", "Register", "Administration", "En" in the top right BUT ...
I cannot login as Admin - password "admin"
I cannot register a new user
When I try to register I just get a login screen.
Under Administration I can get to the "Users and groups" where it says ...
You can currently edit users using the wiki on the users page. (I can't)
You can currently edit groups using the wiki on the groups page. (I can't)
But if I go to those pages I can see nothing and do not see how to add users.
What am I missing?
There doesn't seem to be a tag in xwiki corrisponding to the beta 3
release... should there be (I like to have the source so I can poke
around when things go wrong & the trunk will obviously, soon if not
already, be out of sync).
On 30/01/07, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> On Jan 30, 2007, at 5:17 AM, Marc Lijour wrote:
> > On Monday 29 January 2007 11:06, Vincent Massol wrote:
> >> Hi everyone,
> >>
> >> We're happy to announce the 1.0 Beta 3 release. It's a bug fix
> >> release.
> >>
> >> Release note on: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/
> >> ReleaseNotesXWiki10Beta3
> >>
> >> Thanks and enjoy
> >> -The XWiki Team
> >
> > Thank you.
> >
> > Curious, there is no WEB-INF directory under webapps/xwiki/ in the
> > tarball.
> You got me worried for a few minutes... Fortunately I've checked and
> it's there... :-)
> -Vincent
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