xwiki-devs August 2007

  • 27 participants
  • 88 discussions

[VOTE] Release XEclipse 1.0M1
by Vincent Massol
17 years, 3 months

[Proposal] Document comments should not create new versions
by Sergiu Dumitriu
17 years, 3 months

Use Swizzle directly or use a facade (was Re: XEclipse 1.0M1 will only work for xwiki-core-1.1M4 (but not for xwiki-core-1.2-SNAPSHOT))
by Vincent Massol
17 years, 3 months

database backup
by anujssharma86@yahoo.co.in
17 years, 3 months

XEclipse 1.0M1 will only work for xwiki-core-1.1M4 (but not for xwiki-core-1.2-SNAPSHOT)
by Catalin Hritcu
17 years, 3 months

[ANN] XWiki Eclipse 1.0 Milestone 1 Released
by Vincent Massol
17 years, 3 months

[VOTE] Commit Eclipse integration source code and give Commit rights to it to Tharindu and Asiri
by Vincent Massol
17 years, 3 months

Creating a SVN externals for Curriki
by Vincent Massol
17 years, 3 months

Strategy for FAQ handling
by Vincent Massol
17 years, 3 months

Problem with -Pjettyrun (Failed to retrieve XWiki's version)
by Catalin Hritcu
17 years, 3 months
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