Hi All,
We have recently started the translation of XWKI into catalan language (Catalan - ca).
Please, could be added XWatch / XWS Applications for translate them into catalan language (ca) into l10n.xwiki.org website?
And I wonder if can also be updated the right panel "SUPPORTED LANGUAGES" at l10n.xwiki.org website for adding catalan language (Catalan ca).
Kind regards,
ca: M'agradaria millorar el món, però Déu no em dóna el codi font!
de: Ich würde gern die Welt verbessern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht!
en: I would like to improve the world, but God didn't give me the source code!
es: Me gustaría mejorar el mundo, pero Dios no me da el código fuente!
gpg fingerprint = 0800 D37B C187 CC6E 9D0C 0AF4 265D 0096 AC78 6412
For Thomas....
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Uwe Schindler" <uschindler(a)apache.org>
> Date: February 26, 2010 9:18:36 AM GMT+01:00
> To: <announce(a)apache.org>
> Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Release of Lucene Java 3.0.1 and 2.9.2
> Hello Lucene users,
> On behalf of the Lucene development community I would like to announce the release of Lucene Java versions 3.0.1 and 2.9.2:
> Both releases fix bugs in the previous versions:
> - 2.9.2 is a bugfix release for the Lucene Java 2.x series, based on Java 1.4
> - 3.0.1 has the same bug fix level but is for the Lucene Java 3.x series, based on Java 5.
> New users of Lucene are advised to use version 3.0.1 for new developments, because it has a clean, type-safe API.
> Important improvements in these releases include:
> - An increased maximum number of unique terms in each index segment.
> - Fixed experimental CustomScoreQuery to respect per-segment search. This introduced an API change!
> - Important fixes to IndexWriter: a commit() thread-safety issue, lost document deletes in near real-time indexing.
> - Bugfixes for Contrib's Analyzers package.
> - Restoration of some public methods that were lost during deprecation removal.
> - The new Attribute-based TokenStream API now works correctly with different class loaders.
> Both releases are fully compatible with the corresponding previous versions. We strongly recommend upgrading to 2.9.2 if you are using 2.9.1 or 2.9.0; and to 3.0.1 if you are using 3.0.0.
> See core changes at
> http://lucene.apache.org/java/3_0_1/changes/Changes.html
> http://lucene.apache.org/java/2_9_2/changes/Changes.html
> and contrib changes at
> http://lucene.apache.org/java/3_0_1/changes/Contrib-Changes.html
> http://lucene.apache.org/java/2_9_2/changes/Contrib-Changes.html
> Binary and source distributions are available at
> http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/lucene/java/
> Lucene artifacts are also available in the Maven2 repository at
> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/lucene/
> -----
> Uwe Schindler
> uschindler(a)apache.org
> Apache Lucene Java Committer
> Bremen, Germany
> http://lucene.apache.org/java/docs/
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Hello devs,
When we are using XWiki for public web sites, most of the time we want
to hide some elements in the UI for guest users (and sometimes for
authenticated users as well).
Currently, it's not elegant to do so : either we have to create a custom
skin, override a couple of templates (with all the merging nightmare it
bringd when upgrading the wiki) - either we create a SSX to "hide"
visually elements.
None of those solutions are really satisfactory. The first one is
painful, the second one is only a workaround and can be a pain too
(there is no way currently to use a SSX "under certain conditions")
Before we can handle all this nicely using Interface eXtensions, I
propose to make couple of light changes to some templates to make our
life easier :
1) Add 4 variables in layoutvars.vm :
* $displayContentMenu // display or not the content menu (view, edit
links, etc.) true by default
* $displayMainMenu // display or not the main menu (wiki and space
links, user profile) true by default
* $displayDocExtra // display or not the tabs with doc extra links
(comments, attachments, etc.) true by default
* $displayShortcuts // display or not the document shortcuts (those are
in the line written under the document title)
(this is XWIKI-4394 "Allow some UI elements not to be displayed by
setting a variable")
2) Add a "extravars.vm" template that remains empty by default. This
will allow to override values from xwikivars/layoutvars without the need
to override them (and introducing the merging pain upon upgrade).
(this is XWIKI-4927 "We need a way to be able to override variables from
xwikivars.vm / layoutvars.vm without overriding these templates")
Please let me know what you think, I would like to move forward with
this during 2.3
Hi devs,
I'm proposing we add the following method:
DocumentReference getEntityReference();
to org.xwiki.rendering.macro.wikibridge.WikiMacro.
This way we'll have a simple way to retrieve the wiki Document having
the corresponding
XWiki.WikiMacroClass xObject attached.
Hi ,
Recently i checked out the 2.3 XE and try to start using the Xwiki Office
Importer with Locally starting (Auto Start = false)
When i try to start open office server it gives the error "Inadequate
But the same configuration works with 2.2 XE successfully.
What could be the problem.
* Randomly once 2.3XE was able to start the server but it failed after that
to do so.
OS: Ubuntu 9.10
Shelan Perera
Since we introduce document footer informations view statistics are
store several time for the same user view of a page.
See http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-4590
The issue is that theses tabs are loaded asynchronously in ajax and
make a call using view action.
Here are some solutions:
1/ introduce a new action "viewinternal", "service" or anything else
that would be a "view" action without UI and not taken into account by
statistics (that register for "view" action events)
2/ pretty much the same thing that 1/ but based on a URL parameter
3/ use an additional AJAX request similar to a google analytics call
to record statistics
As i said in jira I'm against 3/
2/ seems too big for a URL parameter to me and it makes statistics
depends on URL parameters where 1/ fix the issue without touching
anything in the statistics module
+1 for 1/
+0 for 2/
-1 for 3/
Thomas Mortagne
I would like to suggest an enhancement for the target space.
If we use a drop down list generated using a small code snippet of velocity
i hope that would be easier for an average user.
By default it is getting the current document name : ${doc.web}
for the list we can generate a list of spaces available in the wiki :
#set($spaces =
in $spaces)
Shelan Perera