If the answer is yes, then I propose that we modify the
XWiki.getUserClass() method to create a XWiki.XWikiUsers class that
has the "usertype" property by default.
I think the notion of simple/advanced user could be one that is
generic enough to be a core feature.
I'm curious to know what you think.
Hi all,
Having xwiki document with no extension in the files names is a real
mess for subversion and IDEs like Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA and it
will also be very useful in any editor that takes extension to
determine the content or simply for most OS Explorers/Finders.
As the XWiki maven xar plugin now support files with any name when
creating the xar package (see
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XTOOLS-19) I propose to add .xml
extension to exported document files names.
Import document with any names is already supported by xwiki core
importer plugin since at least svn1387 (October 2006) and I think
since it's creation so it seems it will not break older version
Thomas Mortagne
Here's my list of what remains to be done to release XE 1.2RC1:
* fix the MINOR EDIT exception that happens from time to time on
xwiki.org: http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-1879
* continue looking at xwiki.org logs and fix exceptions that appear
* commit the stats patch submitted by Marius http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-1845
* fix the XHTML validation issues discovered by the build
* test the stats feature on xwiki.org (enable stats with Raffaello and
monitor xwiki.org's performances)
* test the watchlist feature on xwiki.org (configure the smtp server
with Raffaello and try the feature)
If you know of other important issues for XE 1.2RC1 that cannot wait
for later please let us know.
Hi Sergiu,
We need to discuss this since this is starting something new that
we've never discussed.
How do you plan to distribute the s5 application? I don't see how to
do that with a web module or do you mean that this web module will
generate a zip that the user will manually unzip in his xwiki webapp?
Should we distribute 2 files (XAR+ZIP) or one file (a single zip
containing both)?
Also this raises the question of plugins which I've started to discuss
some time ago: should they go in applications or stay in plugins/?
On Nov 26, 2007, at 6:59 PM, sdumitriu (SVN) wrote:
> Author: sdumitriu
> Date: 2007-11-26 18:59:12 +0100 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007)
> New Revision: 6086
> Added:
> xwiki-platform/xwiki-applications/trunk/s5/wiki/
> xwiki-platform/xwiki-applications/trunk/s5/wiki/pom.xml
> xwiki-platform/xwiki-applications/trunk/s5/wiki/src/
> xwiki-platform/xwiki-applications/trunk/s5/wiki/src/main/
> Removed:
> xwiki-platform/xwiki-applications/trunk/s5/src/
> xwiki-platform/xwiki-applications/trunk/s5/wiki/src/main/
> Modified:
> xwiki-platform/xwiki-applications/trunk/s5/pom.xml
> Log:
> Create a submodule for the wiki pages, as this application should
> also contain velocity templates and skin files that will go in a web
> module.
Since we're nearing the final XE 1.2 release I'd like that we vote on
each of the following:
1) Once Panels app 1.2 is released, separate the versioning of the
Panels app from the versioning of XE/Platform, i.e. next version will
be 1.3 without milestones. Same as for the other apps/plugins.
2) Create a branch now for XE/Platform/Panels 1.2RC1 so that work can
start on trunk for Platform 1.3M1 and XE 1.3M1.
3) Don't do a XE/PF/Panels 1.1.3 release and instead move XEM and
other products to XE/PF/Panels 1.2 final (since it's going to be
released in less than a month). This will also allow to have only 2
branches to manage: the trunk and the branch from 2). This also means
that we should probably release a XEM 1.0 quickly (that'll use PF
1.1.2) and start working on XEM 1.1 on trunk which will use PF 1.2.
Here's my +1 to all 3 items above.
Several users are saying that 10MB is too low a default value. I think
I agree with them. Now I can't think of a downside for increasing it
to a higher value. Is there any potential issue increasing it by
default to a higher value?
What could be the a better value? That's a hard question but I'd say
30MB should be fine.
I have the following problem with WebSearch: for some reason users without
admin rights (guest , AllWiki Group) cannot see the results of WebSearch.
The error message appears on the search page:
Topic XWiki.WebSearchCode does not exist Topic XWiki.Results does not exist.
If I’m being logged as admin, the WebSearch works fine. (it’s enough if I
login as admin after I sent the search request – the error messages
disappear and I get a table with the search results)
I tried to import XWiki.WebSearchCode and XWiki.Results once more from the
.xar archive. The import was successful, but it didn’t help.
I couldn’t find any conditions in the xwiki-code of
wiki/bin/view/Main/WebSearch, that would allow only admin-users to see the
search results
I'm running XWIKI (xwiki-web-standard-1.1.1) under OC4J on Linux server.
Thanks for any help.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/WebSearch-works-only-for-admins-tf4862014.html#a13913…
Sent from the XWiki- Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi all,
I made all the set up xwiki on my server, and for same ip it worked fine.
But when i change and make my server ip address static it does not start and gives connection pool error.Can you tell me is this the problem of server or the database?
Also please tell me how can i solve it.
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