I'd like to propose the following:
* Release RC1 by end of next week with as many important bugs fixed
as possible
* Wait for 1 week after RC1 is released and declare RC1 to be 1.0
final is no critical/blocking bugs are found
* Dedicate the XWIKI 1.0 branch to contain ONLY bug fixes going forward
* Put new features/improvements ONLY on trunk
* Release 1.0.1 2 to 3 weeks after 1.0 is released with bug fixes
* Define a roadmap for 1.1 in term of what we want in it. It should
be achievable within 3 months.
* Change the version on trunk to be 1.1-beta-1 and release after 2-3
weeks. Increase to 1.1-beta-2 and repeat, etc. till we either reach
something close so the initial roadmap for 1.1 in term of features or
we reach the 3 months delay. In any case, release 1.1 at that time.
* I propose to NOT create a branch for 1.1 till the final 1.1 is
released and when it is I propose we don't release 1.0.x releases any
more and instead release 1.1.x bug fixes releases (we don't have
enough manpower to support more than 2 releases in parallel, it's
already going to stretch us a lot).
I had some time in the train yesterday so I thought about what a new
Importer architecture would look like.
First the reason for changing the current one (which is located in
the Package plugin):
* "bad" design (everything is mixed up in one big class, not modular)
and too complex to maintain
* cannot import HTML, plain text, etc
* cannot convert from one wiki syntax to another
* A Importer interface to represent the different importers
o import(Converter converter, DocumentImportFactory factory)
o setFilter(ImportFilter filter) : to decide what document
to import
* A Converter interface to convert original content before it's
imported into a page
o OutputStream convert(InputStream originalContent)
* A DocumentImportFactory interface for delegating how pages are
created. This is important as there are different strategies for
finding out the following data from the original content:
o Language
o Target Space
o Target Page name
o Objects to attach
o Attachments
o Versions
o Author
o API:
+ XWikiDocument createDocument(String
originalFileName, InputStream contentAfterConversion)
+ setMode(REPLACE || APPEND): whether to create a
new version or replace any existing doc
Examples of implementations:
* For Importer: FileImporter, DirectoryImporter, ZIPImporter,
ZipURLImporter, JARImporter
* For Converter: PlainTextConverter, HTMLConverter,
TWikiConverter, ConfluenceConverter, XWikiXMLConverter (for
converting documents in XWiki XML format)
* For DocumentImportFactory: XARDocumentImportFactory,
ExpandedXARDocumentImportFactory, DefaultDocumentImportFactory (uses
the file name as page name and parent directory as space, etc)
Examples of using it
* A XAR file
o new ZipImporter(new File(".../.xar"), new
XWikiXMLConverter(), new XARDocumentImportFactory(new File(".../.xar")))
* A single HTML file
o new FileImporter(new File(".../.html"), new HTMLConverter
(), new DefaultDocumentImporterFactory())
* A zip file containing TWiki pages
o new ZipImporter(new File(".../.zip"), new TWikiConverter
(), new DefaultDocumentImporterFactory())
* An expanded directory of HTML files
o new DirectoryImporter(new File(".../somedir"), new
HTMLConverter(), new DefaultDocumentImporterFactory())
I've put all this on http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Idea/
NewImporterArchitecture but I think it's better to discuss it here as
email is better for discussions...
Note: I'm not planning to implement this yet as our first priority is
still the 1.0 release but once it's released, I'm volunteering for
implementing it, using a component strategy (cf new V2 architecture).
I noticed that the i18n.java class in the core is not used anywhere
(at least I couldn't find any reference to it). Thus I'd like to
remove it. Ok with everyone?
Note: In addition it's badly named as a class in java should start
with an uppercase letter...
The XWiki development team team is pleased to announce the
availability of the 1.0 Beta 6 release.
Go grab it on http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
This release is the last before the 1.0 RC1, which gets us one step
closer to the 1.0 final release planned for mid/end April.
The focus for this release was still bug fixing but this release
brings other nice
* XWiki skins have been renamed using bird names: the old xwiki10b1
is now albatross, the old default skin is now dodo and the old
xwiki10 skin is now finch
* New rename feature to rename pages and all backlinks leading the
page to rename.
* New check box interface for tags. The Tag feature now supports 3
interfaces: a list of tags separated by commas or pipes symbols, a
checkbox list of tags to select/unselect and point-and-click list of
tags to select/unselect.
* New Text Analyzer plugin.
* Upgraded to Velocity 1.5 final
* Improved PDF output
* GraphViz plugin is now off by default and needs to be enabled in
* Added possibility to restrict the possible languages available on a
given wiki
* New Blog panel available that lists all blog categories
* New footnote macro. In addition the Albatross skin has been
modified to display automatically footnotes added with this macro.
See the full release notes on http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/
-The XWiki development team
Hi everyone,
I've uploaded the 1.0 Beta 6 binaries on
We need a few people to test it out and verify it works fine for
them. Then, once we get 3-4 positive answers, I'll do the official
release on ObjectWeb and announce the releases.
Here are the release notes for 1.0 Beta 6:
In short:
* Lots of bugs fixed
* XWiki skins have been renamed using bird names: the old xwiki10b1
is now albatross, the old default skin is now dodo and the old
xwiki10 skin is now finch
* New rename feature to rename pages and all backlinks leading the
page to rename. There are some known limitations:
o backlinks have to be turned on (they are turned on by
default but if you have turned them off, rename will not rename
backlinks and you'll have to turn them on again to benefit from this
o backlinks in objects attached to pages are not currently
o backlinks are saved when a page is saved thus it may happen
with a clean XWiki database that backlinks are not saved. In this
special case, you can call the following in a page to refresh all
links (you'll need to be admin to do this):
* New check box interface for tags. The Tag feature now supports 3
interfaces: a list of tags separated by commas or pipes symbols, a
checkbox list of tags to select/unselect and point-and-click list of
tags to select/unselect.
* New Text Analyzer plugin.
* Upgraded to Velocity 1.5 final
* Improved PDF output
* Rename method renamed from Document.renameDocument() to
* GraphViz plugin is now off by default and needs to be enabled in
* Added possibility to restrict the possible languages available on a
given wiki
* New Blog panel available that lists all blog categories
* New footnote macro. In addition the Albatross skin has been
modified to display automatically footnotes added with this macro.
I've tested it on my side so here's my +1 for releasing it
Thanks everyone for your help
For our department Wiki, I really needed automatic links for acronyms
because we have a whole bunch for them. So, after couple of days playing
with code and regular expressions I managed to create Radeox filter,
which converts acronyms to links.
My questions are:
Is that the right approach to do that or I should write plug-in? Can you
write a plug-in that processes every page, or you have to call it
What is the right place to attach it to rendering? I attached it to the
end, just before link filter, but then I had to struggle with HTML. It
will be probably easier to write something that processes pure Wiki or
abstract syntax tree, but it seems to me that there is no such place in
If I do the processing immediately after page is loaded, macros are not
evaluated yet, therefore text generated by macros can't be processed (I
don't know is this a big deal, though).
It seems to me that macros are generating HTML instead of Wiki, which is
not very clean. On the other hand it will be hard to write event simple
macros with formatted text (e.g. "warning") without generating HTML
directly, or introducing some kind of style tags for Wiki markup.
Radeox status: What is your experienece with Radeox team? Is there
anybody still working on the project? I found some some funny stuff in
the source code, which I would like to fix. They "swallowed" exceptions
in some places, so if you mis-configure filter, you will not why it
doesn't work.
I'm investigating what it would take to store (or duplicate) some of
the data in XWiki's database in Subversion.
- A plain text version of wiki pages stored in SVN buys you:
- off-line edit, merge, etc
- access to the pages using other tools, editors and so on
- replication options
- versionning, branching etc, and version display via e.g. ViewCVS
- insulation from database crashes, with easier incremental backup
- a kind of poor-man's content management system
- SVN is very robust, reliable, and has a mature Java interface
- if Tomcat crashes a static version of the site can still be served
- I have a large static site that is managed in SVN (8 Gb in 40,000
files) which I want to migrate to a more dynamic system.
This looks like a significant size job, but we have a fair amount of
resources in my team, and possibly we might fund some of the work in
the XWiki community if anyone is interested. I wonder if this type of
idea has been discussed before, and if anyone has comments on the best
way to go about the problem?
It seems to me that trying to replace the database entirely with a
file-based store is too much work and would lead to performance
problems, but perhaps it would be possible to have a process which
pushed changes from the database into an SVN working copy and vice
Where would be good places to start looking at the code from this
point of view?
I also need to include a JavaCC-based wiki-to-html parser that we
have as an option, but I'm betting that's an easier task?
Thanks, best,
Prof. Hamish Cunningham
Department of Computer Science
University of Sheffield
Regent Court
211 Portobello St.
Sheffield S1 4DP
United Kingdom
On Mar 25, 2007, at 10:22 AM, Marta Girdea wrote:
> Author: marta_girdea
> Date: 2007-03-25 10:22:52 +0200 (Sun, 25 Mar 2007)
> New Revision: 2503
> Modified:
> xwiki/trunk/web/standard/src/main/webapp/skins/albatross/
> contentview.vm
> xwiki/trunk/web/standard/src/main/webapp/skins/dodo/view.vm
> xwiki/trunk/web/standard/src/main/webapp/skins/finch/contentview.vm
> Log:
> XWIKI-1006: Add new #footnote macro
> Automatic call of #putFootnotes at the end of the page
What is this new feature of footnotes at the bottom of pages in our
I think that ideally this new feature should have warranted a JIRA
issue so that it could have appeared in the release notes and users
know to expect this new feature (which some may have been awaiting
for). Note that this is different than creating a new footnote macro.
Am I missing something? :)