Hi all,
at the moment I am working on xml-rpc in xwiki, I am adding
documentation and fix the coding style.
But I run in some trouble:
I have an interface "ConfluenceRpcInterface", which is documentet
quite well. Now in "ConfluenceRpcHandler", which implements the
"ConfluenceRpcInterface" I need to add javadoc
to each method. The question now: Shall I copy and paste the javadoc
from the interface, is it okay to add something like
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.xpn.xwiki.xmlrpc.ConfluenceRpcInterface#login(java.lang.String,
or should I not document the interface and add the documentation to
the implemantion of the interface?
ArrayList is not allowed. What should I use instead?
Hi committers,
As explained in a previous email on the V2 Architecture, Jason and I
would like to start experimenting with Plexus and components. For
this I have created a 2.0 branch in SVN.
I'd like us to vote to give Jason access to that 2.0 branch.
Here's my +1
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Dear Sir!
I am not sure that I am sending this email to right place, but I guess it
is a start.
I have few questions around xwiki which I hope you can answer me or that
you will redirect to the right person to answer.
The thing is that I want to use plugins which are included in xwiki. On
this page "http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/UserGuide/Plugins" you want
us to "copy its JAR (Plugins are bundled as JARs) into your XWiki
installation: drop it in XWiki WAR's WEB-INF/lib directory. " But when I
go to
to download, there aren't any jar files to download.
Does it mean that I have to download the java files, compile them and
create jar files before I can use them on WEB-INF folder?
I hope you can help me with this question.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Anne Louisa Croos
Database Developer
IT-Department / open archaeology
Museum of Culture History
University of Oslo
Tlf: +47 22 85 96 52
As some of you may know, I am currently working on a version of XWiki for
mobile devices.
I have been investigating the possibility of running some parts of XWiki
on a J2ME - CDC PP configuration.
During this process I have noticed that XWiki uses two different api for
matching regular expressions:
* Jakarta ORO
* java.util.regex ( JDK > 1.4 )
Because j2me does not have the java.util.regex classes, I have made
some small changes so that the core of XWiki only uses Jakarta ORO,
so I can continue my tests.
Yet, I think these changes (see attached patch) may be of a more general
interest because:
* it might be cleaner to stick to a single regex lib
* this patch factors some of the regex handling on an
encapsulating class that would allow us to change the regex
underlying implementation more easily.
What do you think?
We're happy to announce the availability of XWiki 1.0 Beta 4 (http://
Major changes:
* Lots of bugs fixed
* Added support for internationalizing XWiki applications
* Added XMLRPC addSpace() API (confluence1.addSpace)
* Improve FeedPlugin to store RSS article in xwiki pages
* (Experimental) XWiki Google Web Toolkit Server API added, for
developing GWT applications in XWiki
* All the files stored on disk should be charset independent
* Add button to setup underline for text in wiki editor
See http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/ReleaseNotesXWiki10Beta4
for more details.
-The XWiki Development Team
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Now that we have our new coding style defined (see http://
www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/) I think it would be best to
apply to all our java sources at once so that 1) people do not make
code style change at the same time as they submit changes and 2) so
that one's uncommitted work isn't hard to merge.
I propose to apply the coding style to all our code base on Monday 12
after the Beta 4 release.
Is that ok with everyone?
Yahoo! Mail r�invente le mail ! D�couvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail et son interface r�volutionnaire.
Hi ,
I'm continuing my search of a perfect SVN directory structure. Here's
my latest proposal which I'd like to share with you:
|_ xwiki-core/ (*) --> JAR, WAR
|_ xwiki-plugins/ --> JAR
|_ xwiki-applications/ (**) --> XAR
|_ xwiki-clients/
|_ xwiki-tools/
|_ xwiki-distributions/ (**) --> ZIP, TGZ, EXE
|_ xwiki-tests/ (**)
(*) renamed from xwiki/ in xwiki-core/. xwiki-core/ will in the
future contain the different components of the core, split into
different build modules.
(**) new directories
- xwiki-applications/: see previous email proposition on that.
- xwiki-distributions/: XWiki distributions. Will currently contain
only the standalone distribution (as tgz and exe) but will contain
other distribs in the future. Like the standalone distribution on
Tomcat with MySQL, like a J2ME distribution, etc.
- xwiki-tests/: functional tests. Depends on almost all other
artifacts (xwiki-core, plugins, applications, distributions). Do not
depend on xwiki-clients/
You may notice that I haven't put xwiki-extensions/ in there, which
was in my previous email for putting Curriki. After thinking this
through, I really think Curriki should not be in the XWiki SVN. I
believe we should create a new ObjectWeb project called Curriki or
XWiki Curriki and it should have its own SVN. This is because the
xwiki/ dir should really be about XWiki as the platform. In addition
SVN commit rights might be different, lifecycles and releases are
different, etc. If we decide that Curriki should stay then we'll need
to reorganize the full structure as:
|_ xwiki/
|_ xwiki-core/ (*) --> JAR, WAR
|_ xwiki-plugins/ --> JAR
|_ xwiki-applications/ (**) --> XAR
|_ xwiki-clients/
|_ xwiki-tools/
|_ xwiki-distributions/ (**) --> ZIP, TGZ, EXE
|_ xwiki-tests/ (**)
|_ curriki/
In the meantime (ie. while we debate this particular point) we can
move curriki in xwiki-extensions. But really if Curriki was part of
XWiki it should be split in xwiki-plugins/ (for curriki-specific
plugins), xwiki-applications/wikis/curriki (for the curriki XAR) and
xwiki-distributions/curriki (for the Curriki distributions). However
I don't think Curriki is part of the XWiki platform.
Last I'm not sure but I think we should probably merge xwiki-clients
and xwiki-tools but that can wait.
Yahoo! Mail r�invente le mail ! D�couvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail et son interface r�volutionnaire.
I found that javadoc api link in xwiki website was out of date
(http://build.xpertnet.biz/doc/api/) and without any version
indication. I used subversion to check out the latest xwiki but failed
in generating javadoc api, the errors were list below(BTW: I use
netbeans as my IDE with Maven plugin):
[INFO]Scanning for projects...
[WARN]Unable to get resource from repository xwiki (http://maven.xwiki.org)
[INFO]Failed to resolve artifact.
GroupId: com.xpn.xwiki
ArtifactId: xwiki
Version: 1-SNAPSHOT
Reason: Unable to download the artifact from any repository
[INFO] com.xpn.xwiki:xwiki:pom:1-SNAPSHOT
org.apache.maven.reactor.MavenExecutionException: Cannot find parent:
com.xpn.xwiki:xwiki for project: null:xwiki-root:pom:1.1-SNAPSHOT
at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.getProjects(DefaultMaven.java:441)
at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(DefaultMaven.java:349)
at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(DefaultMaven.java:182)
at org.apache.maven.embedder.MavenEmbedder.execute(MavenEmbedder.java:760)
at org.codehaus.mevenide.netbeans.execute.MavenJavaExecutor.run(MavenJavaExecutor.java:257)
at org.netbeans.core.execution.RunClassThread.run(RunClassThread.java:131)
Caused by: org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingException: Cannot
find parent: com.xpn.xwiki:xwiki for project:
Anyone can help? Thanks in advance.
Best regards,